Nikolai Karachentsov got to his feet after 5 years in a wheelchair


The actor Nikolai Karachentsov, who was almost bedridden and wheelchair for a long time, managed to get to his feet, thanks to a special course of acupuncture in combination with physical activity. His wife, Lyudmila Porgina, accompanied her husband to China, where local specialists were involved in the health of the actor.

And he did it! Lyudmila Porgina never lost hope of a successful outcome, and was right. She encouraged her husband, forced her to go forward, and looked for the best doctors.

Now Nikolai Karachentsov is in Moscow, on Taganka, at the Center for Speech Pathology and Neurorehabilitation. He is undergoing a recovery program created by academician Valentin Dikul. The actor is under the close supervision of specialists, undergoes physical therapy procedures, he is treated with physiotherapy, massage is done.

Prior to this, Karachentsov was twice treated in the Baltic sanatorium "Jaunkemeri" (in 2006 and 2007), where he visited baths with hydrogen sulfide, went to a special pool with a hydromassage. There, a speech therapist was actively engaged with him. Then he was treated in Israel. This spring, he traveled to Turkey. And all this time the actor’s wife was with him, supporting him.

Recall that Nikolai Karachentsov in 2005 was the victim of a car accident. He was diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury. The situation was very serious, for a long time they thought that the actor would not be able to get out of it. But love, faith and a great desire to live won! A popular favorite confidently embarked on a recovery path.


Watch the video: Последнее выступление Николай Караченцев Nikolai Karachentsov 最後ます Актёр Певец (June 2024).