Features of American style


In the modern world there are a sufficient number of both supporters and opponents of US foreign policy, many people are puzzled by the way of life of the indigenous people of the continent, not everyone understands American culture, but hardly anyone will argue that fashion trends of this continent leaked to World podiums of almost all continents. What are just some jeans!

How did the American style of clothing come about?

The ancestors of the American style are cowboys, who first began to wear peculiar headgear that covers their heads from the scorching heat of the sun and comfortable shoes that reliably protect their feet from snake bites. At the same time for tailoring they chose materials that allow the skin to breathe and protect against frost in inclement weather. A little later, things borrowed from the military’s wardrobe appeared in the American wardrobe - cargo pants, army jackets and boots (military style). What are the main characteristics of American clothing today?

The main features of the American style:

Use of natural materials when tailoring. Residents of this continent in the first place will give preference to comfortable and comfortable clothing and only then will they look at labels and brands. Therefore, both for everyday wear and for solemn occasions, choose clothes that contain the minimum amount of synthetics.

National attributes. As you know, America is a multiethnic continent, but regardless of its origin and nationality, each of its inhabitants is a patriot of the country. Americans demonstrate their love for their homeland with the help of clothing. For example, in the wardrobe of every second American woman there are several T-shirts, jumpers and T-shirts with the image of Disney cartoon characters, unusual prints, patriotic inscriptions, a flag, and the last “peep” of fashion is clothing with a printed portrait of the president.

Simplicity and convenience. This is not to say that American women do not wear heels and long, narrow dresses at all. Worn, but only for the evening out. In everyday life, they prefer clothes that can be “taken from the chair” in the morning, put on and not remember their clothes until the end of the day. First of all, these are jeans. For everyday work, Americans prefer to wear them with strict blouses or jackets, and for exploring the city they complement the set with bright colorful jumpers, loose T-shirts, and sleeveless jackets.

Shoes and accessories. What Americans are not used to saving so much on good shoes. It should be expensive and made from natural materials. An inexpensive costume jewelry is used as an accessory for a casual look, for an evening exit - jewelry made of gold or silver.

Timely update wardrobe - not the most important thing in the life of the average American. They are in no hurry to inherit the latest trends of world catwalks and dress so as to feel as comfortable as possible. In this scenario, the American style of clothing will have its followers for more than a decade.


Watch the video: Top 50 American Culture & Characteristics of American - Part 1. Understanding (July 2024).