Diet for hepatitis C: really help recovery. The principles and features of the diet for hepatitis C, an approximate menu for a week


Hepatitis C represents an infectious disease that affects the liver. Unfortunately, the disease is quite common, and nutrition should be sparing.

The virus, getting into the blood, provokes liver damage. Not only people at risk are addicted to this - drug addicts who drink alcohol and are prone to frequent changes in sexual partners. There is the possibility of contracting this infection during tattooing or creating a manicure.

This form of hepatitis is the most dangerous and severe, since a very long time may not occur. Running hepatitis leads to cirrhosis of the liver, so it is definitely worth treating. A hepatitis C vaccine has not yet been invented, as a result of which it is worthwhile to be involved in prevention.

The main thing in the treatment of this disease is a proper diet. It is not too strict, but many products will have to be added to the banned list for a long time.

The basic principles of the diet for hepatitis C

Power is called reduce liver stress during the period of exacerbation, which leads to remission. If you do not adhere to some rules, the load will be too great, and recovery will not come soon. An unhealthy diet will also oppose the main treatment, the main task of which is to suppress the hepatitis virus.

Calorie intake must be reduced. This is especially true for proteins in the diet, which require large amounts of energy when digesting food. At the same time, the amount of carbohydrates consumed should be increased so that the body receives energy for normal life. Hepatitis C nutrition should be consistent dietary requirements No. 5.

When remission comes, food should be adjusted. The diet should ensure the intake of all the nutrients that are necessary for the body. In this case, you should limit the consumption of foods that are difficult for the liver. These include all fatty foods and concentrated broths. Remission also requires adherence to nutrition in accordance with diet No. 5.

Hepatitis C Diet: Prohibited Food List

It is necessary to abandon the following groups of foods and food:

• Fried, smoked food (pork, ham, sausages, sausages and sausages, lard and lard, margarine);

• Marinades and pickles;

• Canned food (fish and meat);

• Spices (hot herbs, garlic, mustard, horseradish, vinegar, mayonnaise);

• rich broths;

• Vegetables (legumes, radish and radish);

• Fruits (lemons and oranges, kiwi);

• Nuts;

• Meat and fatty fish (pork, geese, turkeys, ducks, sturgeon fish);

• Sweets and buns, chocolate, cakes, pastries, ice cream;

• Mushrooms;

• Fried eggs, boiled eggs;

• Spicy cheeses, fatty yogurt and cream;

• Carbonated drinks, teas, coffee.

Attention! Alcohol with such a disease is strictly contraindicated!

Hepatitis C Diet: List of Allowed Foods

According to experts, the following foods are allowed in the diet:

• Light oils (butter and vegetable);

• Soups, vegetable, dairy;

• Meat (beef, veal, rabbit meat). Cooking only steamed or stewed;

• Boiled chicken and chicken;

• Boiled fish (pike, saffron cod, pike perch, cod);

• Kefir and sour cream, yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese;

• Protein omelet;

• Pasta and boiled cereals, cereals mainly liquid;

• Boiled and steamed vegetables (potatoes, beets, cauliflower and zucchini), raw (carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes - in minimal quantities);

• Dried fruits, jelly, sweet fruits, always ripe, it is allowed to eat 1-2 bananas per day;

• Natural sweets (honey, candy, homemade jam) in small quantities;

• Herbal infusions and green tea;

• Vegetable salads seasoned with butter or sour cream, but infrequently. Sometimes you can treat yourself to a soaked herring.

Selection and cooking tips

• Porridge can be cooked in milk and water;

• Be sure to introduce cottage cheese into the diet;

• Dairy products are predominantly low fat;

• One egg per day is allowed, but not fried. You can cook steamed omelette;

• From fruits you can make jelly, mousse, add to casseroles;

• It is worth cooking light soups: vegetable, fruit, cereals, dairy;

• For the preparation and dressing of salads, you can use sunflower, olive oil, add butter to dishes;

• It is better to refuse sausages. Small amounts of beef sausages or doctor's sausage are allowed.

Duration of diet with hepatitis C

Diet for hepatitis C should be long. Sticking to it is easy, as it is not very different from a normal healthy diet. The diet includes some features that are worth considering. The main task of nutrition is to spare the gastrointestinal tract, not to irritate the liver much.

During exacerbation the disease should adhere to such a diet for at least 5 weeks or until recovery occurs. Diet No. 5A is applied, it is more strict. All dishes are mostly heavily chopped or ground.

• The trial period can be up to 5 days. At this time, you should see how the body reacts to the diet. If everything is normal, you can adhere to such a diet further.

• Dietary supplementation for hepatitis C may be used. some years. After the main treatment, you should adhere to the basic principles of nutrition diet No. 5, while you can take not pureed food, and reduce the number of meals to 4 times a day.

Sample hepatitis C diet menu

On a diet with hepatitis C, you can eat very varied and delicious. The main thing is not to be lazy to cook. All dishes are very tasty, healthy and tasty. Any dish can be independently calculated using a calorie calculator. The choice of options is huge, some of them are presented below.


• Meatballs from lean meat, steam;

• Semolina liquid porridge;

• Boiled potatoes with beef meatballs;

• Cottage cheese seasoned with sour cream and honey;

• Oatmeal on water, meat broth or milk;

• Millet porridge with boiled chicken leg;

• Millet porridge with steam patties;

• Protein omelet with a slice of dried bread;

• Buckwheat with butter or milk.


• Dried fruits;

• Apple, banana;

• Grated carrots with honey or a spoon of jam;

• Baked apples;

• Cottage cheese, compote.


• Vegetable soup;

• Vermicelli, butter, steam rabbit cutlets;

• Steamed chicken meatballs, rice;

• Meatloaf;

• Boiled chicken breast with milk sauce, rice;

• Vegetable soup with vermicelli;

• Carrot puree soup with meat;

• Rice soup on potato broth;

• Milk soup with vermicelli;

• Stewed vegetables with beef sausage;

• Zucchini soup puree, boiled fish;

• Lenten borsch, semolina pudding;

• Fruit jelly.

An afternoon snack.

• Rusks cooked in the oven with salt;

• Tea with rose hips;

• Pear;

• Dried fruits with mineral water;

• Green tea with biscuits.


• Beetroot cutlet with sour cream;

• Fish boiled in vegetable broth;

• Mashed potatoes;

• Rice milk porridge;

• Cheesecakes baked unsweetened;

• Spaghetti with fresh cheese;

• Braised beets with apples;

• Steam fish cakes;

• Casserole of carrots and cottage cheese;

• Potato stew and cauliflower.

Before bedtime You can drink a glass of kefir, acidophilus or yogurt.

Important Diet Points for Hepatitis C

You need to eat in small portions, but often, about 5-6 times a day. Drink fluids should be more, at least 2 liters per day. It is desirable that pure water, still mineral water and a rosehip broth be present.

Due to the fact that hepatitis is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, it is better to cook not very smelling food and not overeat!

Food products are prepared as follows:

• chopped;

• Wipe clean;

• Boil in water;

• bake;

• Cook in a double boiler.

Attention! Food should not be very hot or excessively cold. It is best that the dishes are at room temperature.

Great food for clarification - wheat bran. They can be used both in pure form, washed down with rosehip infusion, compote or just water, or added to various dishes - cereals, soups, pastries, fruit jelly.

Calories per day are required for the body within 3100.

The diet should include:

• 100 g of protein;

• 100 g of fat (during exacerbation - not more than 70 g);

• 450 g of carbohydrates;

• No more than 10 g of salt.

Fats for the most part should be vegetable, and sugars should be consumed no more than 50 g. Iron, vitamin A, carotene, vitamins of group B, C should be ingested.

Hepatitis C: want to live - change the way of life

In addition to following a diet for hepatitis C, it is necessary to pay attention to some changes in lifestyle. A person should adhere to certain rules in his life in order to reduce the burden on a diseased liver. To do this, you can follow the recommendations given by the doctor. They will allow you to recover faster, increasing the effectiveness of treatment.

• First of all, during the treatment period, excessive physical exertion should be abandoned. Normal moderate loads are allowed, to which the body is already accustomed. This will keep yourself in good shape and not succumb to depression. Regarding sports, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

• If possible, normalize your sleep, you need to sleep at least 7 hours a day, switch to a daily work schedule if there are shifts and night shifts. A healthy night's sleep is the key to a successful recovery.

• After undergoing treatment, you can go on vacation to a sanatorium or dispensary. It is not recommended to go on vacation to resorts in a different climate from the one in which the person lives.

• It is necessary to monitor the work of the intestines, avoiding constipation. You should not cope with them with the help of laxatives, you can just enter beets and steamed prunes into the diet. Vegetable oil also works well.

• Be sure to observe a specialist during the treatment period, follow all recommendations strictly. The main task is to establish nutrition. At the same time, there should not be any alcohol and caffeinated drinks in the diet, it is advisable to stop smoking.

• In case of liver damage, you can not use any diets that reduce weight, mono-diet. This is not the best time to lose weight, although it is worth striving for it. Excess weight negatively affects the condition of the liver.

• No self-medication! Homeopathic medicines and traditional medicine can be used only after consultation with a doctor.

When a stable remission or complete recovery is achieved, you can stop adhering to the diet for hepatitis C.

But at the same time, it is advisable to monitor your weight and continue a healthy diet for life. You can enter in the diet food that is prohibited during the diet, but in small quantities.


Watch the video: Hep C Diagnostic Summit 2016 - Session IV (July 2024).