Is it possible for children to valerian: we ask the doctor about the evidence. Pros and cons of treating children with valerian dosage


Very often, mothers are faced with the need to give the child a medicine that will calm him down.

It is dangerous to rely on the advice of acquaintances and friends in this matter: there are cases when sedatives are contraindicated in young children.

Sometimes doctors do not recommend giving them at all, since the problem of the child’s irritability cannot always be solved with pills.

Is it possible for children to valerian: indications and contraindications

Remember that you can not self-medicate. Do not abuse any sedatives. If you notice in your child any of the symptoms listed below, the first thing to do is take him to a doctor. Only a specialist can prescribe a competent and only correct treatment. Indications for use of valerian are as follows:

• hyperactivity - excitability, distracted attention, a sharp switch from one type of activity to another, restlessness, excessive obsession;

• constant bouts of irritability, frequent tantrums;

• lethargy, complaints of a headache in the absence of signs of the disease,

• neurosis, insomnia;

• lack of appetite - the baby refuses to eat or eats with great reluctance;

• tachycardia - frequent heart contractions;

• stomach cramps.

Many people like to indulge and arrange scenes, so sedatives are a good assistant in the arsenal of parents: after a few drops, the child calms down and sleeps calmly throughout the night. However, it is not always possible to give valerian to children, there are many warnings for the use of this drug.

There are many different forms of drug release: infusion bags, tinctures, drops, and tablets. Pediatricians warn parents against using tinctures and recommend choosing more sparing options (due to the presence of alcohol in the liquid). Any valerian-based medication should be discarded if your child:

• under 1 year old;

• has diseases of the stomach, kidneys or intestines;

• allergic person;

• takes other sedatives.

If parents do not pay attention to contraindications, are zealous and arbitrarily prescribe treatment, valerian can cause drowsiness, lethargy, depression, as well as decreased performance in students. With abuse of the drug, an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes can develop. Some doctors say there is a developmental delay in young children taking the medicine. The theory is not scientifically proven, however, parents should be aware of it.

Is it possible for children to valerian: we look by age

Valerian is a herbal preparation, but it should not be abused. Carefully follow the indicated dosages, formed in accordance with the instructions.

For children under 1 year of age, the drug is categorically not recommended - even a small dose can harm a fragile body. Some people react too sharply to the medicine - it does not soothe them, but only increases anxiety, irritation and nervousness appear, therefore neuropathologists and pediatricians advise using valerian exactly from the age of 1 child. With growing up, side effects disappear, and effectiveness increases.

1. Herbal Packages.

• from 1 to 7 years. One bag for several glasses of boiled hot water. To the child - no more than a teaspoon immediately before going to bed.

• from 7 to 12 years. One bag is brewed in a glass, give the baby about a third of the glass (can be both day and night).

2. Tincture.

• from 1 to 5 years. It is given only as directed by the pediatrician, one drop for each year of the child (one or five drops, respectively, age).

• Due to the bitter taste, it is recommended to dilute the tincture in boiled water.

3. Pills.

• from 3 to 5 years. Half a tablet several times a day.

• from 5 to 7 years. You can increase the dose and give a whole tablet. The tablet is given half an hour before meals, while drinking plenty of water.

Follow instructions and dosages carefully to avoid troubles and side effects. If possible, try to calm the child without the use of medicine, follow the regimen of the day and the mood of your baby. Before giving the drug, check the reaction of the child's body - if there is a rash, redness or swelling, as well as problems with stools, the best solution would be to completely abandon valerian.

Is it possible for children to valerian: an alternative to medicine

If you do not know whether it is possible to give valerian specifically to your child, try to prepare soothing baths using valerian - these bathtubs are ideal for babies. It is best to take such a bath just before bedtime. Take a pinch of grass (sold at any pharmacy), fill it with a glass of boiling water, add the decoction to the water. After water procedures, be sure to soften the skin of the child with baby cream or special oil - any herbal baths dry the skin.

If your baby has a bad dream, take pre-dried valerian and place it in a small bag, which can then be hung next to the bed. Our grandmothers used this secret as well - a bag of grass will favorably affect sleep, but this method is best used in the absence of any allergic reactions.

A great alternative to taking the medicine is aromatherapy. In the pharmacy you can buy valerian-based essential oil. Water is poured into the aroma lamp, then a few drops of infusion are added. Be sure to check the room before the procedure. The total treatment time is no more than 20 minutes.

Still in doubt, is it possible to give valerian to children? It is possible that valerian is a good sedative, but before resorting to its use, try to find out the cause of the excited behavior - not all problems can be solved with medications. Drink a course of soothing teas designed specifically for baby food. Adjust the mode of the day of the child, be more attentive to it, and then your baby will grow up happy and healthy.


Watch the video: First Lensman by E. E. "Doc" Smith (June 2024).