10 ways to make your morning coffee more healthy and healthy



Most people consider coffee an integral part of their diet. We are all so used to this drink that we are practically not able to function without it. Caffeine has many health benefits, but we often spoil the morning coffee with unnecessary additives and excess calories.

To really take advantage of all its advantages, it is best to leave coffee as simple as possible. Want to start your day with a boost of energy? Want to lead a healthier lifestyle? Then use these tips.

  1. Make coffee just black


The secret to a healthy cup of coffee is simple: do not kill its healthy properties with milk, sugar and syrups. If you want to reduce calories, go for coffee in its natural form. Without any additives, there are less than 10 calories in each cup. However, switching to plain coffee can be a little tricky if you're used to sweets. The taste will be bitter at first, but your taste buds will soon adapt to it.


  1. Use almond milk


This milk is your healthiest choice when it comes to finding a dairy alternative for coffee. Compared to regular whole milk, almond milk is less high in calories. Coffee lovers may find that it is more liquid, but tastes quite similar to regular milk. And it will definitely make your cup of coffee a lot healthier.

  1. Give up artificial cream


Made from a mass of artificial additives and a lot of sugar, these creams are one of the worst components for coffee. Although you may not feel them, your body will certainly notice them. Artificial tastes and aromas will not add to your health. In fact, these are chemicals that are responsible for the shelf life of products. More specifically, these are mold inhibitors such as dipotassium phosphate and sodium stearoyl lactylate.


  1. Brew Your Own Organic Drink


Your desire to go to the nearest cafe and order a flavored drink is understandable. It is fast, easy and tasty. However, if you want to get any benefit from it, you do not need to go further than your kitchen. Of course, you have to press a few buttons and maybe even grind the beans, but it's worth it. At least you know exactly what will be in your cup. When you are alone at home with just a coffee machine and coffee beans, it’s quite difficult to gain extra calories.


  1. Add cinnamon to coffee


Cinnamon and coffee are one of the best duets of all time. This flavor mix is ​​a haven for your taste buds, plus a great way to make your morning coffee more healthy. According to experts, cinnamon is able to cope with any inflammation in the body. Moreover, it is believed that this spice improves heart health and helps stabilize blood sugar levels. However, do not overdo it with cinnamon, remembering that everything is good in moderation.


  1. Add chocolate to coffee


For coffee, it is best to choose dark chocolate or unsweetened cocoa. In moderation, these supplements are very healthy. Their regular consumption can help prevent cancer and balance cholesterol. If after strong coffee you often feel anxiety and nervousness, adding chocolate will reduce this side effect, causing anxiety.


  1. Experiment with a little oil.


Bulletproof coffee is one of the latest trends that arose several years ago. You can make your own bulletproof drink by adding unsalted butter to a cup of coffee. This crazy mix will boost your energy without adding cream or sugar. All you need is oil and a hand blender to whisk yourself a batch of innovative coffee. By the way, it stimulates weight loss, prevents craving for snacks and improves cognitive function of the brain.


  1. Do not consume caffeine before meals.


Drinking coffee before meals is incredibly unhealthy. It harms the mucous membrane of the stomach and dramatically increases anxiety from a shock dose of caffeine. Moreover, coffee on an empty stomach can make you nauseous and vomit. Be sure to have a snack before you enjoy a delicious cup of coffee.

  1. Make yourself a golden latte


It is good for health thanks to ingredient number one: turmeric. This spice contains a lot of antioxidants and strengthens your immunity. The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help fight joint pain and inflammation. Turmeric also improves memory and even prevents the development of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases.


  1. Try cold coffee


This is another trend in the world of coffee lovers when whole beans are immersed in cold water for a day. So they retain more antioxidants than in a traditionally prepared drink. When you filter the resulting liquid, be sure to dilute this concentrated mixture before use. Fans of cold coffee say that it improves the functioning of the stomach, and the reduced acidity makes the drink taste a little sweeter compared to its hot counterpart.


Watch the video: 10 Easy Healthy Morning Routine Habits #3 is a must try! (July 2024).