Dough for whites - patience, and everything will turn out! Different recipes for dough for whites: yeast, liquid, cold, steamed


For some, cooking whites is the pinnacle of culinary art.

But in fact, everything is much simpler.

It is enough to knead a good dough for whites.

You can cook it in a variety of ways.

Indulge in mouth-watering squirrels?

Dough for whites - general principles of preparation

Mostly for whites, yeast dough is used, mixed on premium wheat flour. But sometimes it is prepared by quick methods on kefir with the addition of a cultivator. Flour is always sieved before kneading, then combined with the rest of the ingredients.

What is put in the dough:

• liquid (water, milk, whey, kefir);

• salt, sugar;

• fat (oil, margarine).

The consistency of the yeast dough should not be liquid, but not very steep. It should turn out soft, elastic, give in to modeling. Mash the mass for about ten minutes. When ready, it will become homogeneous, begin to lag behind dishes and detach from the hands. Then transferred to a large vessel and left to rise.

Fermentation time depends on the following factors:

1. The density of the test. If it is steep and clogged with flour, the process will be long. Soft dough rises faster.

2. The temperature of the ingredients. Yeast dough is never kneaded on cold liquid or with ice flour. All ingredients should be warm, but not hot. Otherwise, you can brew the yeast and they will die.

3. The temperature in the room. When warm, yeast activates faster. If the house is cool, a container of dough can be put on a pot of warm water.

4. Freshness of yeast. If they are expired or of poor quality, then fermentation will be delayed or will not occur at all.

To prevent fermentation, it is recommended to leave all the ingredients on the table before kneading the dough. The liquid is heated to 45 degrees. If butter or margarine is used, then the products must be melted to a liquid state and cooled. Hot ingredients are not added to the dough.

Simple dough for whites on the water

The recipe for ordinary yeast dough for whites, which is also suitable for sculpting pies with a variety of fillings. Including with sweet filling. Yeast used raw. If they are not, then take 3 teaspoons granular.


• 1.5 tbsp. water;

• 35 grams of yeast;

• 3.5 tbsp. flour;

• 1 table. a spoonful of sugar;

• ¼ tablespoons of salt;

• 40 ml of oil grows.


1. Heat the water. It should be slightly higher than body temperature.

2. Add sugar, after it yeast, stir until dissolved and leave for five minutes.

3. While the yeast dissolves, sift the flour.

4. Salt water with yeast, mix and pour into flour. We proceed to knead the dough with your hands. Add vegetable oil along the way. Instead, you can take margarine, previously melted and cooled.

5. Knead the dough to a uniform consistency, it is possible that a little more or less flour may be needed.

6. Stir the dough into a large pan, cover with a cloth towel. We set for fermentation in a warm place. You can put it near the stove or near the battery.

7. After an hour and a half we check. After a good lift, we knead with your hands and leave until the second lift. You can start sculpting products.

The recipe for whitewash on kefir without yeast

The dough recipe for whites, which will help out if there is no time. He does not need to wander and stand for several hours. At the same time, the baking is airy, porous, with high taste.


• 4 eggs;

• 1 tsp soda (baking powder can be used);

• 1 tablespoon of salt;

• 400 ml of kefir;

• flour.


1. Pour kefir into a large bowl. It should be warm, it is better to just hold it at room temperature. If you decide to heat on the stove, then you need to do this very carefully. Sour-milk product can easily curdle into cottage cheese.

2. Add soda to kefir and stir. A reaction will take place, soda will be quenched in an acidic environment, and kefir will increase in volume.

3. Add raw eggs, followed by salt. Take a whisk and beat the mass until smooth.

4. Add the flour. It remains only to knead the dough. The consistency should be the usual, as for pies.

5. The dough does not need to roam, but still it is better to leave it warm for fifteen minutes to swell the gluten of the flour. Work with reclaimed mass will be much easier.

Yeast dough for whitewashed milk "Cold"

A feature of this recipe for whites is the ability to start it in advance. For example, in the evening, and in the morning to please the family with fresh whitewash or pies. Or cook in the morning, and fry products after work.


• one glass of milk;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• one tablespoon of sugar;

• 7 g of dry yeast;

• oil 2 tablespoons;

• flour about 2.5 cups.


1. Dissolve yeast in milk immediately with salt, lay sugar. Let stand until complete separation of grains.

2. Add the flour, pour the oil during the kneading process.

3. The dough should become soft, slightly sticky. We mash it to smoothness and uniformity. The mass should not stick to the dishes.

4. Transfer to a large bowl, cover with a towel and put in the refrigerator. There it will feel great up to 12 hours. Some housewives prefer to transfer to a greased bag. But in this case, you need to tie it at the very edge and leave enough room for lifting.

5. Then we take it out, leave it for half an hour in the heat and you can sculpt the whites.

Whiskey batter

The whites are very airy, soft and porous. And all thanks to the consistency of this test. Of course, not only the kneading technique is different, but also the baking. We will knead in the wild. But you can also use whey, milk or its mixture with water.


• 300 ml of water;

• 2 tsp dry yeast;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar;

• flour about three glasses;

• 30 ml of oil.


1. The liquid is heated to a warm state.

2. Put sugar in it, immediately pour in the yeast and a glass of flour. Shake, leave for 10 minutes.

3. Add salt, then butter and flour. The consistency should not be thick, but it should not drip from the spoon.

4. Leave to ferment for another fifteen minutes.

5. We put a frying pan on the stove, pour oil for frying into it. Warm up.

6. We collect the dough with a spoon, put it in a frying pan in the form of fritters. Smear to the sides.

7. Put minced meat on top, distribute evenly.

8. Cover with a fresh portion of the dough so that it covers the entire filling.

9. After frying the first side, gently turn the whites. Cover the pan and bring to readiness.

Kefir yeast dough

It is not necessary to use kefir for this recipe for whites. You can also take sour milk, yogurt without additives (natural), fermented baked milk. Dry yeast is used in the recipe.


• 200 ml of kefir;

• 3 cups flour;

• 100 ml of vegetable oil;

• 7 grams of yeast;

• 1/3 tablespoon of salt;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar.


1. Sift the flour and leave it aside.

2. With a whisk, beat the kefir with the addition of salt and sugar, put the yeast in, stir vigorously and leave for ten minutes to dissolve the granules.

3. Pour in the oil. Then immediately pour the flour. Knead until the dough takes all the flour.

4. Cover the bowl with a napkin and forget about it for 1.5 hours.

5. After this time, you can immediately form whites.

Whey Whiteness Dough Recipe

Whey is many times cheaper than milk and easily replaces it. This product can be used in whitewash dough. Products are airy, light and tasty.


• 0.5 liters of serum;

• 1 egg;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 2 tablespoons of sugar;

• 2 tablespoons rast. oils;

• 3 tablespoons of plums. oils;

• 1.5 tsp yeast

• flour.


1. Immediately melt the butter and let it stand for a while to cool.

2. Add sugar, salt to the whey, stir and add a raw egg. Everything needs to be dissolved until smooth.

3. Add the yeast, leave for a few minutes to dissolve.

4. Pour the melted butter and then add the sifted flour.

5. As you knead, gradually pour the vegetable oil.

6. We put the finished dough into a high saucepan and leave it to ferment in the warmth.

7. When it rises well, you need to hug. We proceed to the formation of products after the second rise.

Yeast dough for whites (steamed method)

The coupled method of kneading yeast dough for whites has its own characteristics. It is used to produce a gentle crumb with uniform porosity. Also, the coupled method is used when adding a large amount of muffin and for baked whites in the oven.


• 10 g of yeast;

• 500 ml of milk;

• 20 g of sugar;

• 7 g of salt;

• 2 eggs;

• 40 ml of oil;

• 0.7 kg of flour.


1. Heat milk to 45 degrees, pour into a large bowl. Add two glasses of flour and yeast with sugar. Stir until the lumps dissolve. Then cover with a napkin and set in heat for two hours. During this time, the dough rises well, begins to bubble, it will smell sour.

2. Beat the eggs with salt until the grains dissolve and pour into the dough.

3. Add the remaining sifted flour, but not all at once. It may take a little less.

4. Stir and gradually pour the vegetable oil. We interfere with the mass. This is done until she no longer lags behind her hands. We form a gingerbread man, transfer to a greased pan.

5. Cover and hold in a warm place until a good lift. Since the dough is already acidic, it will take a little time, sometimes half an hour is enough.

6. Form the whites and fry in a pan.

Dough for whites - useful tips and tricks

• If butter is added to the dough, it is not necessary to melt it. You can simply keep the product warm with the rest of the ingredients until completely softened, and then add to the total mass.

• Yeast before kneading is better to activate. To do this, they are combined with a sweetened prescription liquid and make up for a quarter of an hour. In the same way, their lift is checked. A fluffy cap of foam should appear on the surface.

• If there is a lot of sugar in the test for whitewash, then they will burn in a pan and will not have time to bake inside. If you don’t put sugar at all, the color of the fried products will be gray and not very appetizing.

• If the dough is not acidified, then the products will turn out tough, tasteless, will quickly become stale. If the dough is acidified, then the whites will also not please the taste, and yet they will not be able to fry well and will smell sour. Therefore, you can not leave the yeast dough without control.

• If a little starch is added to the flour during the batch, the fried products will remain soft longer and the hardness will slow down.

• To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands when dousing, drip a little vegetable oil on them and grind it. You can simply wet the brushes in cold water.


Watch the video: Homemade Vaginal Wash (July 2024).