Women's tricks, or how to save a happy marriage


The main tasks in the life of a man, as is known, are the construction of a house, the raising of a son and the planting of a tree. A woman gets much more. Everyone knows that you can not take the solution of all problems on themselves. However, many things a woman just needs to do herself, without entrusting them to anyone else. Your happiness and your family depends on it.

Remember a few tips and rules, and it will be much easier for you to keep a happy marriage.

So, first of all, remember that for a good relationship a couple needs kisses that express warmth, kindness, care, and tenderness. Men, too, are the initiators of kisses, but much less. Therefore, a woman should take care of such a moment. After all, women are more emotional, and the general mood of the family hearth depends on the mood and emotions of a woman. Do you want your family to have warm, friendly relations? Behave accordingly. Show exactly these qualities of character. A man picks up the rules of this game.

Secondly, remind your man that he is a conqueror, a hunter. This is necessary because the natural task of men is precisely conquest. And when he sees that the territory has been conquered, he becomes bored and uninteresting. That is why try sometimes to resort to any changes. So, for example, make a rearrangement in the house, organize a man to help you with this. In addition, you can change vacation spots, meet new people, look for new hobbies, what will interest a man and maintain a quality relationship with him. Do not forget about experiments with your own appearance.

Thirdly, remember that you need to be together as often as possible. If you let your man go for a walk with friends on one day off - this is not terrible, on the second too. But when you notice that your beloved every minute of free time hurries to rest separately from you, it's time to sound the alarm. However, you need to know some tricks. After all, if you show anxiety openly, a man may find you envious, jealous and evil. If you ask for hiking with him, you may find it intrusive, thus you will further alienate him from yourself. How to make your loved one himself show a desire to spend free time together? With the help of curiosity and jealousy.

Try to act strangely, without displaying logic and unexpectedly for a man. Imagine that you have some interesting, secret business and you can do it alone. So rejoice when he leaves. However, tell him that you will be bored, and the behavior show the opposite: quickly close the door, hiding a little joy. If he calls, answer that you are waiting and missing, but without hiding joy. And meet him even happier and more fun.

Do not doubt that curiosity and jealousy above all. And next time your man will think many times before leaving you alone.


Alinoska 12/03/2016
Women's happiness is very fragile! If you do not take action in time, you can lose and happiness, and husband, and family, and all this because of another woman, the so-called mistress. I know what it is, but I just did not give up so easily, but fought, and won this women's war, thanks to Fatima Yevlevskaya. She managed to bring my husband back to me with her unique gift and now I don’t know grief, my husband loves me, stronger than before, and thank you very much for Fatima! By the way, if you need her help, Fatima site: //fatimagiya.ru/. Happiness!

August 14, 2016
Try to act strangely, without displaying logic and unexpectedly for a man. Imagine that you have some interesting, secret business and you can do it alone.

Yeah, and in response, you get bewilderment or jealousy. Marriage should be built on trust and good sex, because without a physical component a man does not feel a connection with a woman. In sex, you need to constantly make diversity, use sex toys, unusual places and sexual techniques. You will have much more chances to discourage a man from being drunk in the company of friends, going to the training on the art of oral sex and bringing him to oblivion with good sex than some secret business.
