Elephant feces brewed in Japan


It seems that the Japanese brewers are haunted by the success of Thai colleagues, who in 2012 launched the coffee market, created thanks to elephant excrement. The technology for making exotic coffee is quite simple. Coffee beans are fed to the animal, and then they are carefully removed from the waste products. Despite the unusual raw materials, gourmets were delighted with the drink, recognizing it as "exquisite, filled with the taste of spices, nuts, milk chocolate and red berries."

It’s hard not to pay attention to such flattering reviews, so the management of Sankt Gallen decided to connect elephants to create a foamy drink. The Japanese fed the elephants with coffee beans and waited for the animals' intestines to empty naturally. Sankt Gallen experts say that this treatment saturates the grains with the aromas of sugarcane and banana.

Beer, created on the basis of coffee beans that have been in the intestines and stomach of elephants, is called Un, Kono Kuro. The first tasters of unusual beer were residents of the Land of the Rising Sun, who attended the presentation of the drink. The taste of the dark liquid, which has a specific aroma, was so liked by tasters that all the products of the brewing company were taken apart in just a few minutes.

The American journalists who attended the ceremony got only a few bottles, however, they were enough to convince themselves of the unsurpassed taste qualities of Un, Kono Kuro.


Watch the video: Elephants behind new gourmet coffee brand (July 2024).