We cook chicken stomachs according to all the rules! How and how much to cook chicken stomachs in water, for a couple, in a slow cooker


Chicken stomachs are an offal with a very rich taste ... beef!

Yes Yes!

It is this meat that resembles affordable, inexpensive ventricles. And smart housewives actively use them.

Stomachs are beautiful not only in the first or second courses.

In salads, stews, toppings for pies, they are also beautiful.

But only if cooked properly. How and how much do chicken stomachs boil?

How and how much to cook chicken stomachs - general principles

The first thing to do is to empty the stomachs. It is this process that scares many housewives, although there is nothing complicated in it. You just need to open the stomach and remove the yellow film, it is convenient to use a small knife. If this is not done, then boiled stomachs will have an unpleasant taste, and the dish may be bitter.

After cleaning, the stomachs are well rinsed with water. Then they can be cut. But since they are small, you can use the whole thing.

What does not hurt to know:

1. The stomachs themselves are denser and have more connective tissue than other parts of the chicken carcass and offal. Therefore, they always take longer to cook.

2. Frozen stomachs will be tougher after cooking. Therefore, it is better to use fresh offal or chilled.

3. As with cooking meat, when boiling, you need to remove the foam. And it’s better to do this several times. The foam will accumulate the remains of the crude film, as well as excess fat.

As in the preparation of other dishes, the cooking of this offal welcomes the addition of a variety of spices. Stomachs go well with all kinds of vegetables, cereals. They can be served with different sauces, used instead of meat in different dishes, and even added to homemade sausages. But first you need to weld them. But how?

How to cook chicken stomachs in water

The basic way to boil stomachs is simply in water with spices. After that, you can cook any dish from them, and even salads. Moreover, in salads they will resemble beef. So how to cook chicken stomachs and how long will it take?


• 0.5 kg of stomachs;

• 1 liter salts;

• peppercorns;

• bay leaf.


1. Pour washed and cleaned stomachs with clean water and send to the stove. The product should float quietly in liquid, pour at least 1.2 liters on this amount.

2. When boiling, remove the foam and reduce the heat. Periodically we approach and remove the resulting foam a few more times.

3. Cook for about 40 minutes. If the chickens are young, then this time will be enough. We pierce the product with a fork and evaluate the taste. Add salt, pepper, bay leaf and let it boil for another five minutes. Done!

4. If the hens were not very young, then the product will be tough. We continue to cook. It may take as much time.

5. We take out the prepared stomachs from the broth, cool, cut and use as intended.

How to cook chicken stomachs in a slow cooker

A great way to cook ventricles in a slow cooker. The dish is obtained immediately with gravy. Suitable for any side dishes: cereals, vegetables, pasta.


• 500 grams of stomachs;

• 1 carrot;

• 1 head of onion;

• 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;

• 500 ml of water;

• 4 tablespoons of oil;

• spices.


1. Prepare the stomachs, rinse and clear of the films. You can cook it whole or cut it into pieces. We do as we like more.

2. Peel the onion head, cut into small cubes.

3. Peel a medium-sized carrot, three or cut into strips.

4. Pour oil into the slow cooker, put vegetables, immediately add prepared offal and tomato paste.

5. Now it’s the spice line. In addition to salt, you can add any pepper, rosemary, bay leaf. You can add seasoning mixture for chicken, meat.

6. Pour in water, stir well.

7. Close the slow cooker, set the quenching mode for 2 hours.

8. Open, add greens and you're done! The stomachs will be very tender, and the sauce is rich and delicious.

How and how much to cook chicken stomachs with potatoes

Stomachs with potatoes is a low-cost alternative to homemade meat roast. But it is being prepared in a slightly different way. How and how many stomachs are boiled for such a dish?


• 0.4 kg of stomachs;

• 0.7 kg of potatoes;

• 1 onion;

• 1 carrot;

• butter and spices;

• greenery.


1. Pour the cleaned stomachs into a pan and boil for half an hour in a liter of water. We merge the broth, cool the stomachs and cut into pieces. It is enough to divide each into three parts.

2. While preparing the stomachs, you need to peel and cut all the vegetables. And also boil a kettle with water.

3. Pour a little oil into the stewpan or casserole, fry the onions.

4. Add chopped carrots, and then the stomachs. Fry for five minutes until golden brown.

5. Add diced potatoes.

6. And immediately pour all the boiling water from the kettle. Salt, put the pepper, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.

7. We open, we try. If the potatoes are boiled, then we fill the dish with herbs and you're done!

How to cook chicken stomachs with onions

A variant of delicious stomachs cooked in onions with husks. Such a product can be consumed after cooking or used further for different dishes.


• 3 onion heads;

• 1 carrot;

• salt;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• 1 parsley root;

• 500 g of ventricles.


1. Pour the cleaned offal with water and boil for 10 minutes. Separately, set the water to boil.

2. Drain the broth from the stomachs, rinse the saucepan.

3. We clean the root of parsley and carrots. We cut in large pieces per centimeter.

4. Remove the upper husk from the onion, leave the lower one. Cut in half, no need to remove the skin.

5. Heat a spoonful of oil in a frying pan and spread the vegetables in one layer. We put the onion with the cut down. Fry the slices well until brown. We shift to the pan to the stomachs.

6. Pour everything with boiling water, send to the stove and cook for 40 minutes.

7. 10 minutes before the end we put salt and any seasonings.

How much to steam chicken stomachs

Steam cooking is an easy and quick way to get a healthy, but also tasty dish. You can cook stomachs in any appliance that is at hand. And if there is nothing at all, then even a colander or sieve will do, which can be installed on a pot of boiling water and covered from above.


• stomachs;

• butter;

• spices.


1. We clean the ventricles. We rinse.

2. Take a little vegetable oil and combine with any spices, be sure to salt. You can add pepper, dried herbs.

3. Pour the oil into the stomachs, mix, cover and marinate for an hour. You can do this the day before and then the dish will be even tastier.

4. Put the product on a pallet and cook for a couple. But how much to cook stomachs? Usually 50 minutes is enough, but you can leave for an hour. Do not go wrong!

How and how much to cook chicken stomachs with buckwheat

A very tasty combination is ventricles and buckwheat porridge. But in order for the dish not to turn dry, you need to know how to cook a popular offal tasty and right.


• 300 grams of buckwheat;

• 50 grams of tomato sauce;

• 400 grams of ventricles;

• one onion head;

• spices;

• a little oil;

• one carrot.


1. Do the preliminary cooking of the ventricles. To do this, fill the prepared product with water and cook for about half an hour. Cool, cut into several parts.

2. In a cauldron, heat 3-4 tablespoons of oil and fry the onion head. Then we put the carrot, after a minute the stomachs. Fry for another two minutes.

3. We wash buckwheat, throw into the total mass.

4. The contents of the cauldron must be salt and pepper.

5. Add cool boiling water. Pour so much that the water level is two fingers higher than buckwheat. Cover and cook for 12 minutes.

6. Open and add tomato sauce. Stir and leave to boil for another three minutes.

7. Turn off, but do not open. Let the dish be nourished in its own fumes and reach readiness in a cauldron.

Cooking Chicken Stomachs - Tips & Tricks

• Not everyone likes the aroma of boiled stomachs. But it is easy to eliminate! It is enough to add a little lemon zest or a clove star in the water.

• If you need to cook the first dish of the ventricles, then it is better to cook it on the second broth. Boil the product in water for 10 minutes, then rinse it and the container, pour clean boiling water and cook until cooked.

• Stomachs - a dietary product that has a small calorie content. But there’s a lot of fat on top of them. And if you follow the figure, then it is better to remove it.


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