Hair masks with cinnamon. Learn how to make masks for all types of cinnamon hair.


Fragrant spice cinnamon is actively used in cooking. It is also known as a good remedy for cellulite. But the nutritional properties of this product can also appear in another area - in hair care. Cinnamon includes many vitamins and antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the body. Therefore, cinnamon powder and essential oil will help accelerate hair growth, strengthen their structure. In addition, cinnamon significantly improves the condition of the scalp, activates blood circulation. You can create a spa right at home using cinnamon hair masks.

Cinnamon Head Massage Oil

Massage of the scalp has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair, improving their growth and structure. To enhance this effect, you can use a special massage oil with cinnamon. Tonic and warming properties here will be most welcome. In a few tablespoons of vegetable oil, you need to add about 5 drops of cinnamon essential oil. Stir until completely dissolved, and massage oil is ready to use. Massage of the scalp should be done with the fingertips, palm or massage brush, in circular movements, combing the hair in the direction of growth and against.

Hair masks with cinnamon - recipes

There are many ways to prepare a hair mask with cinnamon, and all of them are aimed at providing additional hair nutrition, restoring the damaged structure, as well as activating growth. With a complex effect on the hair of coconut oil, honey, essential oil and cinnamon powder, after several applications, the hair is transformed miraculously.

The unique cosmetic properties of honey can not be reminded. Shiny, smooth and healthy hair is the result of the use of honey masks. Coconut oil creates a protective film around each hair, which protects the scalp and hair from the adverse effects of shampoos and other factors. In addition, the oil gives the hair an intense natural shine.

Macadamia oil reduces hair loss and brittleness. It is very well absorbed without leaving a greasy shine. Cinnamon contains a whole complex of antioxidants and nutrients that have a beneficial effect on the hair, giving it pomp and volume. Cinnamon essential oil awakens hair follicles, enhancing hair growth.

This mask is suitable for any type of hair, but the proportions of the ingredients for effective care and recovery need to be selected individually.

Method of preparation: mix 3 tablespoons of honey and cinnamon powder, a teaspoon of macadamia and coconut oils and add cinnamon essential oil - 5 drops. Melt coconut oil and honey separately from other ingredients in a water bath. Then add the rest and mix thoroughly.

The finished aromatic mixture should be applied warm to the dried hair, covered with a film and insulated. Stand for about 40 minutes. Hair after a hair mask with cinnamon becomes obedient, smooth and moisturized, with a pleasant smell of cinnamon that lasts until the next hair wash.

Mask with cinnamon - to accelerate hair growth

To prepare a hair mask with cinnamon for growth, you need to mix five tablespoons of oil (any vegetable), a third of a glass of liquid honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, a third of a teaspoon of pepper (burning), a teaspoon of ground cloves. The mixture must be held in a water bath to achieve complete dissolution of the ingredients. Apply a warm mask with massage movements exclusively to the roots of the hair.

In this case, the hair should be dry. On the length you need to apply warm vegetable oil, can be mixed with balm or honey. Cover your hair with a film and insulate, withstand the mask for about an hour. Rinse with running water using a baby or other mild shampoo. If the hair is very tangled, you can apply a little conditioner.

Lightening hair mask with cinnamon

This is an absolutely safe and, in addition, a very useful alternative to various brightening mixtures. Preparation of the mixture: it is necessary to mix a cup of regular hair conditioner, a third of a cup of honey and 3 tablespoons of cinnamon powder. Using a wooden or plastic spoon, mix the ingredients thoroughly. It is not recommended to use metal utensils, as the metal easily reacts with the components of the mixture. Applying a hair mask with cinnamon: wash your hair as usual and dry your hair a little. Then divide into strands and apply mixture on them. Be careful not to stain your face skin with cinnamon - it can cause redness or irritation. It is not recommended to rub such a mask into the scalp.

The exposure time of the hair mask with cinnamon: put a hat or ordinary plastic bag on your head, insulate. Keep the mask in this way for about half an hour, and then remove the insulation - you no longer need to warm your hair. Keep the mixture on your hair for about four hours. The longer it acts, the more intense the result. This method allows you to lighten your hair in two or three tones, and the more often you use it, the more hair will lighten. In addition, for a greater effect, you can increase the amount of cinnamon powder.

Volume mask

To prepare it, you need to thoroughly grind the egg yolk with a spoon of cinnamon, gradually introducing a glass of kefir into the mixture. Make sure that kefir is not cold. The mixture is distributed in the length of the hair, rubbed with massage movements into the skin. Before applying, it is better to wash your hair. Withstand at least 40 minutes, rinse with warm water. You can use shampoo if necessary.

Cinnamon Hair Masks - Precautions

Despite the excellent healing properties of cinnamon, there are some contraindications for its use. Before using cinnamon masks, you should check for an allergic reaction by applying a small amount of the mixture to your wrist. With a strong burning mask for hair with cinnamon on the scalp, it is better to stop the procedure by rinsing the mask with shampoo. You also need to reckon with the coloring effect of cinnamon masks. If lightening hair is undesirable, it is best not to withstand the mixture on the hair for a long time.


Viorika 04/03/2016
I highly recommend a cinnamon mask for hair growth. It is no less spectacular pepper and mustard, and with it you can not particularly worry that you will burn the scalp. And she doesn’t dry her hair. I have been doing this mask for a month, my hair has grown noticeably.

Vera 04/03/2016
Wow! I always thought that with the help of cinnamon, on the contrary, you can dye your hair darker ... But it turned out. And I also thought why I had such a strange shade ... I will know. urgently need to buy various essential oils, they are so often found in mask recipes.

Maroussia 04/03/2016
I wonder who it is - macadamia butter ?! Oh, I lagged behind life ... But I know about cinnamon and love her very much. Thanks for the recipes. I did not know that the mask should be applied to dry hair. Be sure to do something with myself like that))

Elmira 04/03/2016
I agree! To all the masks! I love cinnamon! This sweet-spicy delicate aroma ... And keeping it on your own head, so close to your nose is a pleasure!))) In general, I didn’t know anything about cinnamon masks.

Ala 04/03/2016
Well ... First of all, of course, I paid attention to the picture and now I have a mental trauma (((I just dyed it in a light tone. And it was always the same as in the photo. It has such a wonderful color ... not intrusive, deep, so and resembles cinnamon.


Watch the video: GROW Natural Hair Fast. Cinnamon Hair Mask (June 2024).