Angina - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Angina refers to acute infectious diseases of streptococcal etiology. Angina is characterized by manifestations of intoxication, inflammatory changes in the tonsils of the lymph nodes. Infection is transmitted by food and airborne droplets. Often there is an infection of the pharynx and oral cavity. In modern medical practice, seven forms of this disease are distinguished: follicular, catarrhal, fibrinous, lacunar, phlegmonous, herpetic, gangrenous, mixed.

Angina - reasons

In 80% of cases, angina is caused by beta-hemolytic streptococci of group A. Also, its appearance is caused by staphylococci. Sometimes these two groups of microorganisms can combine with each other, accelerating the infection process. Both streptococci and staphylococci are able to grow using animal protein for nutrition. But, it is worth noting that not all scientists are inclined to believe that it is these groups of microorganisms that play a fundamental role in the genesis of angina. Despite this, the generally accepted opinion is about streptococcal nature of tonsillitis. Contradictions arose after conducting numerous experiments in which, when infected with the same group of microorganisms, various diseases arose: scarlet fever and tonsillitis. Sources of angina may be associated with purulent diseases of the nose and, accordingly, its paranasal sinuses.

Angina - Symptoms

Follicular tonsillitis manifests itself at an early stage by an increase in body temperature to a level of 38-39 degrees. Then there is severe sore throat. Depending on the degree of intoxication, headache, chills, fever, lower back pain, weakness are noted. In children, vomiting, diarrhea, and confusion may also occur.

Catarrhal angina develops extremely rapidly. First, dryness, sore throat, and then pain when swallowing are observed. Tonsils enlarged and covered with mucopurulent exudate. Lacunar angina proceeds as well as follicular, but more difficult. A yellowish-white coating appears on the tonsils.

The most rare phlegmonous tonsillitis. It is manifested by purulent fusion of a separate section of the tonsil. As a rule, only one amygdala is affected. Its increase is observed, as well as an increase in regional lymph nodes, the temperature rises, and symptoms of intoxication appear.

Herpetic sore throat is found in children. The causative agent of this form of angina is the Coxsackie virus. The virus is transmitted by airborne droplets, the disease is characterized by high contagiousness. Immediately after infection, the patient has a fever and fever up to 38-40 degrees. There is a sore throat, muscle and headache, diarrhea, and vomiting. On the palatine arches, in the area of ​​the tongue, soft palate, small red bubbles are visible.

Ulcerative necrotic tonsillitis occurs with a symbiosis of spirochete of the oral cavity and spindle-shaped bacillus. This tonsillitis is manifested by changes in the pharyngeal surface of one of the tonsils in the form of an ulcer. In this case, the temperature remains normal, but there is an increase in lymph nodes in the affected area.

Angina - treatment and prevention

Specific treatment is associated with the identification of the type of microbe that caused angina. With bacterial tonsillitis, antimicrobials and antibiotics are used for treatment. Effective drugs from the penicillin group remain. The most modern methods include the use of local antiseptics, presented on the domestic market in tablets, sprays, aerosols. In the treatment of fungal tonsillitis, the drug and its dosage are prescribed by the attending physician. Anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat viral tonsillitis.

In the presence of high fever, the doctor, along with general treatment, prescribes analgesics, such as paracetamol, aspirin, analgin.

Speaking about the prevention of angina, it is impossible not to touch on the topic of hardening the body. It is better to start hardening with a gradual decrease in the temperature of the water in the shower. You can also use air baths, exercise and sports. In addition, it is important to carry out local hardening of the oral mucosa by rinsing with a gradual decrease in water temperature. Effective prevention is inextricably linked to the concomitant treatment of various diseases of the nose and mouth (gum disease, caries, purulent lesions of the sinuses, etc.).


Watch the video: All about angina (July 2024).