Homemade pizza: recipes with sausage, tomatoes, mushrooms, chicken, cucumbers. Homemade Pizza Recipe Selection


Oh pizza! It has long ceased to be an overseas dish and firmly settled on our tables. The dish is used for breakfast, lunch and dinner, although this is not very useful and wrong, but how delicious! Making homemade pizza is easy. It can be done by any housewife, but still you need to know some subtleties and have a couple of proven recipes. How to cook pizza and which dough to choose?

Home-made pizza - recipes and cooking features

Pizza dough is divided into yeast and yeast-free. Both that and another is prepared only on wheat flour. It is believed that the basis for pizza should be thin. But in many houses, Russified versions of open pies with a lush base take root. Also, to save time, purchased puff pastry is often used to simplify baking.

What the filling is made of:

• sausages;

• meat, poultry and offal;

• with fish and seafood;

• cheese, eggs;

• vegetables and mushrooms, fresh or pickled.

Various spices are added for taste. So that the filling juices do not soak the base, the cake is covered with sauce. Most often from tomatoes. According to the rules, it is prepared only from fresh tomatoes, without skin. But why complicate the preparation of pizza, if at home you can always use ketchup or tomato paste. They add Italian herbs, spices, onions, herbs and the taste of such a sauce is not much inferior to the original.

Homemade pizza: recipe with mushrooms and salami

One of the most delicious options for topping for pizza at home, as well as a recipe for yeast dough for a thin base. These ingredients make two large open pies.


• a pound of flour;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 1 tablespoon of sugar;

• 8 grams of doges;

• 300 grams of water;

• 1 tablespoon of oil.

For filling:

• 150 grams of salami;

• 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• 1 onion;

• 100 grams of cheese;

• 150 grams of pickled champignons;

• 150 grams of fresh champignons;

• oregano, basil.


1. Sift the flour into a bowl, add all other loose ingredients, stir and add water. Knead the dough, add oil at the end, divide into two koloboks and leave them warm for half an hour.

2. For the filling, cut the salami into thin slices.

3. Shred the onion and fresh mushrooms, fry on a spoonful of oil. Just pickle the mushrooms.

4. Roll out a thin lozenge from about one kolobok, about 30 cm in diameter. Lubricate with tomato sauce, sprinkle with herbs, spread the mushrooms, leave half.

5. Spread the circles of salami. Sprinkle grated cheese on top.

6. Send to the oven, bake at 200 ° C for about 15 minutes. In the meantime, there is time, similarly we form the second open pie.

Pizza at home: recipe with tomatoes and sausage

Another version of the common and beloved filling. With it, pizza is juicy, tender. Well, knead the dough on kefir without yeast.


• 80 grams of kefir;

• 250 grams of flour;

• 1 egg;

• 0.5 tsp salts;

• 0.5 sachets of baking powder.

For filling:

• 250 grams of any sausage;

• 1-2 tablespoons of tomato sauce;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 100 grams of cheese.


1. Beat the egg with kefir and salt with a whisk, introduce the flour with baking powder, knead. Let the dough lie down for 15 minutes, at which time you can prepare the filling.

2. Cut the sausage into cubes or straws, three cheese, turn the tomatoes into thin circles.

3. Mix the tomato sauce with salt, add any spices to your taste, you can pour Italian herbs.

4. We get our dough, which has already become softer and more elastic. We roll the cake and put it on a baking sheet.

5. Grease the sauce, spread the sausage, then a cup of tomatoes. Sprinkle with cheese.

6. Bake until cooked in a preheated oven.

Homemade pizza: recipe with chicken and cucumbers

Pickled cucumbers are a wonderful filling for homemade pizza, especially if they are supplemented with chicken meat. We will prepare the yeast dough in milk, it turns out lush, tender, not thin. The number of ingredients per pizza for a large baking sheet, but can be divided into two small ones.


• 200 ml of milk;

• 7 gr. yeast

• 2 eggs;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• ½ tsp salts;

• a spoonful of sugar;

• 450-500 grams of flour.


• 400 grams of chicken;

• 4 cucumbers;

• 20 olives;

• 20 grams of cheese;

• 3-4 tablespoons of sauce with spices.


1. We breed yeast with sugar in milk, add a third of flour and leave for half an hour. Then we put the eggs, whipped with salt, add butter and the rest of the flour. Knead a soft lump. Let it stand for 30 minutes in a warm room.

2. For the sauce we take tomato paste, add pepper, salt, aromatic herbs and spices to it. And you can just take ketchup, but good and rich, liquid will not work.

3. Chicken fillet must be boiled in advance, then cut into strips. We also grind the cucumbers. If they are very salty, then it is possible finer.

4. Olives cut into circles or quarters.

5. Roll out a large layer of dough, grease with sauce. We spread cucumbers with chicken, sprinkled with olives, then cheese.

6. Bake for 20-25 minutes in the oven.

Homemade pizza: recipe with eggplant and filling

A feature of this pizza is the most delicate filling, which is filled with omelettes. The result is a very juicy cake. We prepare the dough according to the previous recipe in milk with yeast. But you can take any other.


• 2 eggplants;

• 2 onions;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 300 grams of sausage;

• 4 eggs;

• sauce for lubrication;

• 150 grams of mayonnaise.


1. Cut the eggplant into strips, fry in a pan. Separately, fry diced onions.

2. Roll out a layer of dough, put it in a mold on a baking sheet, be sure to make sides.

3. Lubricate the base with tomato sauce, you can use any ketchup.

4. Spread the fried eggplant.

5. Top cut into pieces sausage.

6. Then circles of tomatoes.

7. Beat eggs with mayonnaise, salt, pepper, a lot of dried dill.

8. Uniformly pour the resulting pizza chatterbox. If desired, it can be sprinkled with cheese on top, but not necessary. We bake it.

Pizza at home: a recipe in a pan

In fact, you can use any filling for this pizza. A feature of this recipe is the dough, which is intended for cooking in a pan.


• 9 tablespoons of flour;

• 2 eggs;

• 4 tablespoons sour cream;

• 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 0.5 tsp cultivator.


• 50 grams of sausage;

• 50 grams of cheese;

• a spoon of sauce;

• 5 pickled mushrooms.


1. Beat eggs with sour cream and mayonnaise, add flour and baking powder, knead.

2. Pour the dough into a pan greased with oil. Level with a spoon and apply the sauce on top.

3. Lay out pieces of sausage, pickled mushrooms, sprinkle with cheese.

4. Turn on the stove, put a small fire, cover the pan and cook pizza for 10-15 minutes. We make sure that the base does not burn.

Pizza at home: puff pastry recipe

Do not be friends with flour? Well, it is not necessary! To make this pizza at home, you will need a purchase of puff pastry. The recipe is simple and quick.


• 400 grams of dough;

• 2-3 tomatoes;

• 200 grams of boiled sausage;

• 1 cucumber;

• 1 bell pepper;

• 2 tablespoons of sauce;

• green onions;

• 200 grams of cheese.


1. Since puff pastry most often has the shape of a rectangle, it is best to cook on a baking sheet. Just take out the layer, you can roll it out a bit, cut out the desired piece and shift it.

2. Grease puff pastry with sauce, sprinkle with green onions and finely chopped Bulgarian pepper.

3. Now it’s the sausage’s turn, which can be cut into strips or cubes.

4. Cut the cucumber into 2 parts, then thin semicircles. We put it on pizza.

5. Now the turn of tomatoes has come. Tomatoes can be cut into whole circles or halves.

6. Well, and, as always, the cheese completes the assembly. It remains to put the pizza in the oven and after 20 minutes it will be ready!

Homemade pizza: seafood recipe

We take any dough, at our discretion. You can cook according to one of the above recipes.


• 300 grams of dough;

• 200 grams of seafood cocktail;

• 0.5 onions;

• 0.5 tsp Italian herbs;

• 1 spoon of tomato sauce;

• 1 spoon of sour cream;

• 50 grams of cheese;

• olives as desired.


1. Roll out the dough into a cake, transfer to a baking sheet or in a greased form.

2. Combine sour cream with ketchup and herbs, mix and grease the base.

3. Cut the half of the onion very thinly. Sprinkle the base. If the onion is large, then you can take a quarter.

4. Pour the marinade from the cocktail, cut into slices and spread on the surface, try as evenly as possible.

5. We lay out whole olives and sprinkle with large chips of cheese.

6. We send to the oven to bake until ready.

Pizza at home: recipe with tomatoes and mozzarella

To enjoy a real Italian pizza with mozzarella, it is not necessary to go to a pizzeria. It can be easily prepared at home if you follow this recipe.


• 250 grams of water;

• ¼ tsp yeast

• ½ tsp salts;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• 380 g flour.

For filling:

• 250 grams of mozzarella;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 1 tsp Italian herbs;

• 80 grams of sauce.


1. We make an elastic dough of warm water and other ingredients. Divide into 2 parts, roll up the balls, cover and forget about them for an hour.

2. We get our koloboks, roll thin cakes.

3. Lubricate with tomato sauce, put slices of tomatoes.

4. Sprinkle with Italian herbs.

5. Now it’s the turn of mozzarella. It can be grated or laid on top in thin slices. We choose the most attractive option for ourselves.

6. It remains to bake our creation in the oven and you're done!

Pizza at home - useful tips and tricks

• Instead of tomato sauce, mayonnaise, olive oil, and any other sauces can be used to lubricate the base.

• Pizza dough is tastier if milk or whey is used instead of water. This replacement is suitable for almost every recipe.

• Italians skillfully form the basis for pizza with their hands, without the help of foreign objects. At home, we mainly use a rolling pin. But what if there is none? You can use an empty bottle, roll of foil or cling film.

• To make pizza really tasty and baked, vegetables and other products need to be cut thinly. Slices can be large, but not thick.

• Would you like to add some zest to freshly made pizza? While the pastries are hot, sprinkle them with fresh basil leaves. And she will get an unusual aroma.

• Observe as much as possible. There should not be too many toppings, after all, this is pizza. But the base should not shine through, the naked cake is also not good.


Watch the video: Thin Crust Pizza. Sanjeev Kapoor Khazana (June 2024).