Useful universal properties of baking soda, possible harm. Its proper use inside, as an external agent and in everyday life


Small crystals of sodium acid salt of carbonic acid form a white powder - this is baking soda.

By itself, it is safe, non-toxic and non-flammable.

But dosage should be observed when using sodium bicarbonate in everyday life.

The use of baking soda in cooking

Perhaps this is the initial and main use of baking soda. When heated, it emits carbon dioxide, which is fine loosens the dough and gives any baking airiness. Soda is a part of many leavening agents, and they are called in them food additive E500. Baking powders and special mixes for baking biscuits and muffins include the required amount of sodium bicarbonate. If you use it in its pure form, it is important to remember that it is not tasteless. If there is more soda in the dough than it required, ready-made pastries will have a slightly salty taste.

Production of carbonated drinks also not without baking soda.

When used in cooking, soda has no contraindications and does not adversely affect the human body.

The benefits and harm of baking soda for the body

Medicine, and especially that branch, which we call "folk", makes extensive use of baking soda with health benefits. Years of experience proves that soda helps with:

• Heartburn;

• stomach pains;

• Cough;

• Pain in the throat;

• Damage of any mucous membranes of the body by fungi and bacteria;

• Increased temperature;

• Oxidation of the body.

The benefits and harm of baking soda for the stomach

With a burning sensation in the stomach, you can dissolve an incomplete teaspoon of baking soda in half a glass of hot water. Getting into the stomach, such soda water normalizes its acidity, by lowering it. Unpleasant sensations disappear within the first minutes.

Modern the medicine, but, denies the humanity of such a method. This is due to the fact that in response to the forced decrease in acidity, with subsequent ingress of the irritant into the stomach, it will increase to an even greater degree. In the end, this will result in the fact that a person will feel the inactivity of drinking soda water, even with a high content of sodium bicarbonate.

Doctors gastroenterologists strongly recommend seeking qualified help, with constant malfunctions of the digestive system. After all, it will help to avoid undesirable serious consequences.

The health benefits of baking soda during the season of respiratory infections

Airborne viral infections are deposited on the mucous tissues of the throat and nose. A tablespoon of baking soda dissolved in a mug of hot water, is an excellent antiseptic. Gargle with this solution should be 4-5 times a day. This will prevent the reproduction of the virus on the mucous membranes and speed up recovery.

With dry cough soda will help moisten it and speed up the process of sputum from the bronchi. For this you need:

1. Pour boiling water into the bowl of a plastic inhaler to the mark;

2. Pour a tablespoon of soda and quickly stir, close the inhaler.

When heated, soda actively releases carbon dioxide and water vapor, which provide the necessary dilution effect. The duration of such inhalation 3-4 minutes. During the procedure, it is convenient to use a plastic inhaler. It is sold at any pharmacy at an affordable price. It is a convenient and safe unit, especially for children's inhalations.

The benefits of baking soda in exacerbation of thrush

Many women are aware of such troubles as thrush. If at the first signs of its aggravation to increase the frequency of intimate hygiene procedures in the form of soda baths, it is possible to prevent the development of candidiasis. And the existing fungus on the mucous tissues of the genital organs will be affected by the strongest antiseptic - bicarbonate sodium. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that such a method is not a complete treatment. It only eliminates outbreaks of the disease, helping get rid of the itch and burning. The very reason lies much deeper. Therefore, it is imperative to visit a gynecologist.

Baking soda at elevated body temperature

Surprisingly, baking soda has useful properties that can deal with elevated body temperature. For an adult - a teaspoon in a glass of water. For a child - half a teaspoon in a glass of hot water. Then the solution is cooled to warm and taken orally. After 1-2 times the temperature returns to normal. Of course, one should not use this method without the approval of his doctor, especially when it comes to a child. And also to bring down the temperature below 38 degrees is not recommended. Up to this mark on the thermometer, the organism is in the active stage of the fight against the virus.

Baking soda normalizes the body's alkaline balance.

Each of us is born with ideal pH in the body. During life, this balance is disturbed. Products, medicines, the environment - all this increases the acidity of the human body. But, as you know, the acidic environment is ideal for the prosperity of any viruses and bacteria. When the level of acidification of the body passes the permissible line, the person feels unpleasant symptoms:

• Disorders in the work of the stomach;

• frequent colds;

• Skin rashes;

• Joint pain;

• Unreasonable muscle tone;

• Insomnia;

• Constant fatigue;

• Inability to concentrate on details for long.

Baking soda with health benefits will help normalize alkaline background. It is enough to take possession of a new, not burdening habit. In the morning and in the evening drink a teaspoon of soda, previously dissolved in a glass of hot water. Drink such a solution should be so hot, which can only be tolerated. Having drunk a monthly course, take a break for 1-2 weeks, and then again begin receiving baking soda with its beneficial properties. Alkalization of the body will help prevent many ailments, and get rid of existing ones.

The benefits and harm of baking soda for the body of the future mother and her baby

Interesting that soda can help a woman learn about pregnancy. To do this, in the morning you need to collect 100 ml of urine, and then pour a teaspoon of soda there. If the usual reaction occurs, a hissing foam appears, it will mean that there is no pregnancy. If the soda just drops sediment to the bottom of the glass, then this is a confirmation of the completed fertilization. As for the further interaction of baking soda for the benefit of the body of the future mother, then its external use is quite acceptable. But taking baking soda inside is not always justified.

Pregnant women often overcomes heartburn. But baking soda in this case may harm and therefore is the most recent valid method. In this case, it should not be taken with water, but with warm milk. It should be remembered that the baking soda for some time remains in the body and can provoke puffiness, to which the pregnant organism is already prone. In addition, sodium bicarbonate can irritate the intestines. Such side effects will not bring useful adjustments to the rebuilt organism of a pregnant girl. At the same time, the use of baking soda by his mother does not directly affect the future. But causing undesirable effects in the body of a woman, the inconvenience is felt and the fetus in her womb.

During pregnancy, you can use baking soda with health benefits outwardly:

Rinsing throat treatment and prophylaxis;

• Soda baths with thrush;

• Disposal of skin rashes, calluses and various damage to the integrity of the skin.

During each pregnancy has its own characteristics. Therefore, before any use of baking soda for the benefit of the pregnant body, it is necessary to consult with a leading expert.

Baking soda and its benefits for children's health

The children's organism is an ever-evolving and improving most complex mechanism created by nature. Therefore, before you treat your baby with baking soda, you must visit a pediatrician and get his approval. Soda will help save the child from:

• Sore throat;

• Diseases of the mouth;

• Bronchitis;

• Rash on the skin;

• Burns by plants;

• Insect bites.

You may notice that the scope of use of soda in a child is purely external. With regards to taking baking soda inside with the benefits for the health of babies, this approach is unjustified. There are a large number of specially developed drugs that have a more benign effect on the children's body.

The use of baking soda in everyday life

Using soda in everyday life, you can clean up many surfaces with minimal effort and get rid of unpleasant odors:

• Pour water into a burnt saucepan and add a tablespoon of soda. Boil for 15 minutes. After that the pan will be washed easier;

• Preparing a paste of soda and water, apply on countertops, refrigerator, stove and other dirty surfaces. Leave overnight. In the morning, the surfaces will quickly be washed away from the old dirt;

• Sprinkle carpet, mattress, upholstered furniture with dry soda, you need to wait 30 minutes, and then vacuum. There will be no unpleasant odors;

• The linen will become whiter if the soda is mixed with lemon juice and put such a mixture in a washing machine during normal washing;

• Bath and toilet can get rid of raids and fungi by cleaning them with soda;

• Silver products in contact with baking soda become clean and shiny. It is enough to make a slurry of soda and water, apply it on the product and in a few minutes rub it with an old toothbrush.

Baking soda has so many beneficial properties that its presence in every home is a must.

For hair that keeps its volume and freshness for a long time, add a teaspoon of baking soda to a bucket of boiled water. To apply only such softened water for washing the head. After the second procedure, the hair will become much healthier.


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