Recipes of the best eggplant and tomato salads for the winter. How to keep all the benefits in eggplant and tomato salads


The savory taste of eggplants and tomatoes allows you to work wonders in cooking with the skillful combination of these products with other components.

Changing one of the ingredients of the salad drastically changes its taste.

As additional ingredients in salads, you can use vegetables and fruits, various spices, on which the basic taste of a unique dish will depend.

Eggplant and tomato salads for the winter - the general principles of cooking

Eggplants before adding to the salad must be freed from bitterness. Prepared according to the recipe berries (eggplants are not vegetables) should be slightly salted and left for half an hour, after which the bitter brine can be drained and the fruit can be used for further processing.

Before adding to blue salads, you can stew, fry, boil and bake.

Eggplant and tomato salad for the winter with tomato paste

Cooking eggplant salad "Ostryachek" takes more time than others, however, its special taste justifies these costs. In winter, that salad can be used as a side dish or as a spicy snack.


Eggplant - 900 g

Tomatoes - 3 pcs.

Pasta Tomato - 1.5 Art. l

Carrots - oh, 4 kg.

Garlic - 6 - 8 cloves.

Onion - 500 g

Salt, pepper, put sugar to taste. In the salad, you can add greens.

Vegetables are fried in vegetable oil.

Cooking method

Eggplants sliced ​​across pre-prepared and fried on both sides to a state of softness.

Onions cut into medium cubes, fried in another skillet.

Carrots grated on a coarse grater are added to fried onions, and everything is cooked until soft.

Remove blanched tomatoes from the skin, chop and mix with onions and carrots, add tomato paste, pepper, add salt, sugar and continue to fry.

Squeeze the garlic into the almost finished mixture and, if desired, add the greens, simmer another 5-10 minutes.

Lay the fried eggplants and vegetable mixture in prepared jars, the main thing is that the platter is the last layer, cover with a lid and sterilize for 25 minutes and roll it up.

Eggplant and tomato salad for the winter without vinegar

The absence of vinegar, citric acid and tomato paste in eggplant and tomato salad "Autumn tenderness" allows you to preserve the freshness of smells in it.

The second highlight of the preparation of this salad will be the preparation of parsley. This greens are not cut, but twisted in a meat grinder or crushed in a blender to preserve the flavor.


Tomatoes - 8-9 kg.

Eggplant - 10 pcs.

Garlic - 250 g

Pepper - 7-8 pieces.

Bitter pepper (capsicum) - 1.

Salt - 75 g.

Black pepper - 1 tsp.

Lavrushka - 1 piece on the bottom of the jar.

Sugar - 55 g.

A bunch of parsley leaves - 1.

Refined oil - ¾ faceted glass.

Cooking method

Peeled eggplants cut into circles up to 1 cm wide and pre-prepared as described above, crushed into cubes before stewing.

Tomatoes are not blanched, cut into pieces and grind using a meat grinder or blender.

In the same way we grind the Bulgarian pepper which is previously cleared of seeds and cut on segments.

In a deep bowl, mix ground tomatoes and sweet peppers, salt, and pepper. As soon as the pot was set on fire, we put sugar in it and bring it to a boil.

In the boiling mixture, dip the prepared eggplants and cook the salad for 12 minutes, start the countdown from the moment the mixture boils.

Grind in a meat grinder or blender in turn parsley and garlic and add to the boiling mixture, which will then be prepared for another 10 - 12 minutes.

Right from the heat, we put the "Autumn tenderness" salad on the cans, sterilize for half an hour and roll it up.

Eggplant and tomato salad for the winter with bell pepper

The uniqueness of the "Gift from the mother-in-law" salad in perfectly matched proportions of coarsely chopped vegetables, which, even after processing, preserve the taste and smell.


Tomatoes - 1.2 kg.

Pepper - 1.4 kg.

Blue - 1.6 kg.

Onion - 750 g

Sugar - 45 g.

Vinegar - 40 g

Rock salt - 1.5 tsp.

Refined oil - ½ faceted glass.

Cooking method

Cut the little blue ones and prepare them as previously described.

Cut tomatoes into small slices.

Onion peel and prepare half rings.

Pepper, cleared of seeds, is added in the form of straw.

In a saucepan, which is prepared to extinguish the salad, mix the vegetable oil with salt, sugar, vinegar, and slightly warm.

On the resulting mixture lay out in layers of rows of vegetables, alternating them, with each type may be several layers.

We put the pot on the fire for 50 minutes, during which the salad is gently stirred regularly to avoid sticking, but to preserve the integrity of each fruit.

Put the boiling mixture in the prepared jar and roll it up immediately.

Eggplant and tomato salad for the winter with plums

A mixture of spicy eggplant with fragrant fruit creates a unique salad "Paradise", which will serve as a separate snack, and as a garnish for meat, fish or just porridge.


Eggplant (medium size) - 10 pcs.

Bulgarian pepper - 750 g.

Tomatoes (medium) - 15 pcs.

Blue ripe plums - 0.65 kg.

Carrots - 1.2 kg.

Apples sour varieties - 0.7 kg.

Tomato - pasta - 120 g

Natural vinegar - 80 ml.

Sunflower oil - 80 g

Salt - 80 - 90 g

Sugar - 6 tsp.

Peeled garlic cloves - 9 pcs.

Ottoyannaya water - 0.45 liters.

Clove seeds - 10 pcs.

Lavrushka - 4 pcs.

Unrefined black pepper - 8 pcs.

Mustard beans - 10 grains per jar.

Cooking method

Peel carrots, cut into circles, which are divided into 4 parts. Fry the prepared root vegetable in a pan in sunflower oil until the color changes.

We release the tomatoes from the stem, plums from the stone, apples from the seeds, cut them into pieces and pass through the chopper.

Squeeze the garlic in the garlic press.

In a saucepan in which the salad will boil, mix the water with sugar, salt and tomato paste and add the chopped mixture, roasted carrots.

Bring the caviar thus obtained to a boil, after 40 minutes, add garlic, refined oil, apple cider vinegar, fragrant spices, and again boil for hour.

While the caviar is boiled, wash the eggplants, cut them in circles and prepare as described above. Each piece of chopped eggplant fry in butter until cooked and put in prepared jars.

Filled with 3/4 cans we fill with boiling caviar and immediately spin or roll.

Eggplant and tomato salad for the winter with beans

Salad "Hearty" got its name thanks to the beans, which made a unique eggplant salad.


Tomatoes - 9 pcs.

Bulgarian pepper - 4 pcs.

Blue - 5 pcs.

Carrot - 600 g

Onions - 0.6 kg.

Beans - 0.6 kg.

Rock salt - 1.5 Art. l

Sugar - sand - 60 g.

Vegetable oil - 220 g

Cooking method

Pre-soaked beans to boil.

Diced eggplants to prepare for cooking.

Peeled onions cut into pieces.

Grate carrots coarsely.

Peel and chop the sweet peppers into small strips.

Grind the tomatoes in a blender or meat grinder.

Put all the ingredients in the cooking utensils, it is better to use a good cauldron for this, add refined oil, salt and add sugar, and then stew for an hour.

Boiling the mixture to pack in jars and roll up, not sterilizing.

Eggplant and tomato salad for the winter with rice and apples

If you mix the blue ones with tomatoes, apple and rice, you will get a mixture of "Spill of taste". This hearty salad amazes with the variety of tastes, one of them is the taste of mushrooms.


Blue - 5 pcs.

Bulgarian pepper - 0.5 kg.

Tomatoes - 500 g

Apples - 3 pcs.

Carrots - 0.350 kg.

Onions - 350 - 400 g

Sugar - sand - 2 tbsp. l

Kamyannaya salt - 1.5 Art. l

Refined oil - 200 ml.

Boiled rice - one cup.

Cooking method

Blue peels, cut into circles, the thickness of which is up to 2 cm, pre-prepared by the method described above.

Each eggplant wheel is fried on both sides so that a golden crust appears.

Peel the onions and cut them into medium sized cubes and put them in a frying pan for roasting.

While the onion is fried, peel the carrots, grate them coarsely and grate them with the onions. Bring the mixture to readiness and put it into a container for preparing the whole salad, where we pour the remaining vegetable oil.

Remove the seeds and stalks from the apples and cut them into pieces.

Bulgarian pepper after cleaning from the seeds cut into strips.

Tomatoes of medium size are cut into 6-8 slices.

Apples, peppers, tomatoes are sent to the pan, there we fold the eggplant mugs.

Add salt and add sugar to the mixture, which will be stewed for half an hour after boiling.

Pour boiled rice into the salad and close the lid for another 15 minutes.

Put the boiling salad in a jar and immediately twist it with a lid.

Eggplant and Tomato Salads for the Winter - Tricks and Tips

  • When choosing a blue for salad need to inspect the fruit. Ripe eggplant has a dark purple color, it is free from stains, scratches and dents. The freshness of the fruit is checked by light pressure, if the hole then quickly disappears, then the eggplant is fresh from the field or greenhouse.
  • When choosing tomatoes, preference should be given to medium-sized fruits, mature, but not soft, without spots and cracks.
  • In salads, tomatoes are consumed fresh, and sometimes processed: baked, boiled, blanched. To do this, tomatoes can be folded into a colander and dipped for 60 seconds in boiling water, then pulled out. Place the colander with eggplants under cold water.
  • For preparation, banks should be prepared that are cleaned and sterilized by roasting in the oven for a period of time.
  • After twisting the jars with the finished salad you need to turn it over and cover it with something warm until it cools.


Watch the video: Roasted Vegetable Salad Recipe. Quick & Easy Baked Veg Salad. Ruchi's Kitchen (June 2024).