Pork with prunes - the best combination of meat and fruit. Cooking delicious pork with prunes: stewed, baked, fried


Pork and prunes are two wonderful products that complement each other perfectly.

Of these, you can cook a huge number of dishes that have wonderful taste.

Pork with prunes - the general principles of cooking

For pork with prunes, pulp is mainly used, less often ribs. It is better to take chilled or fresh meat, in which case the dish will turn out much more tender and juicier than with the product that was in the freeze. If the form of slicing is not indicated in the recipe, then you can grind the pieces to your taste. But you must always remember that any meat is cut against fibers. In this case, it is well absorbed sauces, flavors, cooked much faster.

But is it really impossible to cook frozen pork with prunes? Sure you may! But preliminary preparation is required. First, the meat needs to be thawed slowly, it is better to do this in the refrigerator or in ice water. Secondly, in order to surely turn out the dish, it is better to marinate the pieces in advance.

What is marinated pork:

• cream, sour cream;

• mayonnaise;

• soy sauce;

• water brine;

• fruit juice.

But with lemons, tomatoes and other acidic foods you need to be careful, as they can make pork with prunes even tougher.

Prunes in dishes are used without stones, usually cut into small pieces. If it is dry and hard enough, then you need to soak it in water, but do not overdo it so that the taste does not go away in the liquid. Even more carefully, you need to soak dried fruits in boiling water, they can become loose and will be unsuitable for further heat treatment.

Recipe 1: Pork stewed with prunes and tomatoes

This dish can be called an analogue of goulash, but it is much more tender and has an incomparable aroma. For the preparation of stewed pork with prunes, you can use any meat, including fat.

Required ingredients

• 0.7 kg of pork;

• 20 pieces of prunes;

• 1 spoon of tomato paste;

• 1 onion;

• spices, a little oil.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the prunes, fill them with warm water and let them swell while we prepare the meat.

2. Pork cut into cubes, like goulash. But you can and cubes.

3. Pour some oil into the pan, heat it up and fry the meat pieces on high heat.

4. Peel the onion, chop randomly and fry with pork.

5. Cut the prunes into small straws, send them to the meat with onions, add tomato paste.

6. Pour a glass of boiling water into the pan, mix everything thoroughly, add salt and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes under the lid.

Recipe 2: Stewed pork with prunes and vegetables

The recipe for a chic vegetable stew with pork and prunes. The dish is quite simple, cooked in a cauldron or in a deep frying pan, but you can use the ducklings.

Required ingredients

• 1 kg of pork;

• 3 tomatoes;

• 0.2 kg of cabbage;

• 0.2 kg of prunes;

• 1 onion and carrot;

• 0.2 kg of sour cream;

• salt pepper;

• butter.

Cooking method

1. Shred the onion in half rings, fry in a pan until golden brown.

2. Cut the meat into cubes, lightly fry in a casserole, put onion, chopped prunes on top, then carrots and cabbage. Salt each layer, sprinkle with spices.

3. Remove the peel from the tomatoes and cut them into small slices or cubes. Put on top of cabbage.

4. Add a little salt to the sour cream, chopped garlic and spread on the tomatoes, smear with a spoon.

5. Gently pour 100 ml of water from the edge and simmer until tender on low heat, about an hour.

Recipe 3: Pork stewed with prunes in portions

To prepare pork with prunes, you will need portioned pieces of meat, the size of a palm and a thickness of 1.5-2 cm. It is better to take the neck, it will turn out more tender. If necessary, tomatoes can be replaced with tomato sauce at the rate of 1 spoon per fruit.

Required ingredients

• 6-8 pieces of pork;

• 10 pieces. prunes

• onion;

• 2 tomatoes;

• some flour;

• 50 gr. butter, it is better to use butter;

• spices;

• 0.3 l of broth.

Cooking method

1. Put a piece of butter in a frying pan and place on a stove. Pieces of meat dipped in flour and fry on both sides until a brown crust is formed. Then take out in a separate bowl and empty the pan.

2. Cut the onion into small cubes, lightly fry in a pan.

3. Remove the skin from tomatoes, chop the flesh. Prune cut in half.

4. Spread meat slices over the onion, tomatoes on top, then prunes.

5. Add salt, any spices to the broth, mix and pour into the pan. Cover and simmer for an hour. We try meat. It should be very soft, if not enough, then stew before the desired state.

Recipe 4: Pork with Divine Flavor Prunes in the Oven

The meat is tender and juicy. To cook pork with prunes you will need one large piece, preferably a plump one, resembling a rectangle. You can take with a layer of fat. We will cook in the oven.

Required ingredients

• a piece of pork 1-1.2 kg;

• 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise;

• 24 pcs. prunes

• spoon of mustard powder;

• 2 tablespoons of cognac;

• 6 slices of hard cheese;

• spices.

Cooking method

1. Pork is thoroughly washed, dried with a towel and made on a piece of 6 transverse sections, not reaching 0.5 cm to the end.

2. We wash the prunes, put them in a small saucepan or a metal cup, add 50 ml of water and cognac, put on a stove and evaporate the liquid. The fruits should become soft.

3. Mix mayonnaise, mustard, spices, salt well. Coat the pork, rub each pocket well with a mass.

4. Put 4 prunes and a slice of hard cheese in each hole. On top of the piece, grease again with the remaining sauce, transfer to the mold, cover with foil and remove the pork and prunes to pickle in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

5. Put in the oven for 1.5 hours and cook at 200 ° C without removing the foil. Then we remove it and fry until golden brown.

Recipe 5: Pork with prunes and mushrooms in the oven

Festive dish of pork with prunes, for which you will need portioned pieces for the chops. It is better if they are large enough, the size of a palm. Any mushrooms can be used, by default champignons are used in the recipe, since they do not require preliminary boiling and shorten the cooking time.

Required ingredients

• 6-8 pieces of meat;

• 0.2 kg of mushrooms;

• 0.1 kg of prunes;

• onion;

• a spoon of mayonnaise;

• butter;

• 0.2 kg of cheese;

• pepper, salt.

Cooking method

1. Clean and finely cut the onion, mushrooms as well. Fry everything together in a pan with butter. Salt, add to taste pepper, mayonnaise and mix well.

2. Lightly beat the meat, rub it with salt and put it on a greased baking sheet.

3. We spread on top of each piece of stuffing, distribute all.

4. Three hard cheese on a grater and spread on the filling, gently press.

5. Put the meat in the oven and bake for 40 minutes at 190 ° C.

Recipe 6: Pork with prunes and garlic in the oven

An unusually fragrant variation of boiled pork, for the preparation of which you will need a sleeve for baking. He will keep all the juices in the pork with prunes and stay soft. Baked ham is cooked with real Georgian adjika, it turns out quite spicy. Opponents of vigorous tastes can use any ketchup.


• a piece of pork;

• prunes;

• garlic;

• adjika;

• salt.

Cooking method

1. Wash a piece of pulp under running water, free from excess fat and films. Drain with a napkin.

2. Clean the garlic, cut each clove in half. Prune cut into several pieces.

3. Fill the meat with slices of garlic and prunes, rub with salt on top, then thickly coat with adjika. We place it in a container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours, you can leave it at night or even for a day, the meat will only taste better.

4. We take the pork and prunes from the refrigerator, re-lubricate with adjika, place in the baking sleeve and cook in the oven at 180 ° C. A piece weighing 1 kg is enough for 80-90 minutes.

5. Then we cut the sleeve and fry for another 5-10 minutes until the crust appears. It is important not to overdry meat, so do not need to keep for a long time. It will be dark enough from above because of adzhika.

Recipe 7: Simple pork with prunes in a slow cooker

Easy recipe for cooking pork with prunes in a slow cooker, which does not require much time. Meat turns out stew, with interesting aroma and gentle taste. Pulp from any part of the carcass is used.

Required ingredients

• 0.8 kg of meat;

• 2 onions;

• 1 Bulgarian pepper;

• 0.2 kg of prunes;

• 50 gr. soy sauce;

• 2 tablespoons of oil;

• spices.

Cooking method

1. Prepare the products. Cut the meat into random pieces, not very large. Peel the onion and pepper and chop into strips. Prune the same way.

2. Mix soy sauce with 150 ml of water, add salt and any other spices to taste. Mix and set aside.

3. Lay in a slow cooker in order: butter, chopped pork, prunes, onions with pepper.

4. Pour with prepared sauce, close the lid and cook for 1.5 hours on the stewing program.

Recipe 8: Pork with prunes in a mustard-yogurt crust in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, you can not only boil or simmer the meat, but also cook the boiled pork for cutting. Such pork is made with prunes easily, it turns out always successful. For shpigirovaniya you can also use pieces of dried apricots, then the meat will acquire sourness.

Required ingredients

• a piece of pulp 1 kg;

• a handful of prunes;

• spoon of mustard;

• 2 tbsp. l unsweetened yogurt;

• dried basil, pepper, salt.

Cooking method

1. Wash the prunes, cut them in half lengthwise. Sprinkle with chopped basil and mix.

2. Wash the meat, dry it with a towel, make cuts with a knife and put it into each prune. Quantity at its discretion, how much will fit in a piece.

3. Mix yogurt with spicy mustard, rub with a spoon. Rub a piece of meat with salt, then coat with sauce and send pork with prunes to a slow cooker. Cover with a lid, marinate for a couple of hours. If the sauce remains, then before cooking, you can grease the piece again.

4. Cooking on the quenching program an hour. It is not necessary to add liquid, meat will emit a sufficient amount of moisture.

Recipe 9: Pork with prunes and sour cream in a slow cooker

In this recipe for cooking pork with prunes, you can use fresh cream instead of sour cream. The taste of the dish will not suffer from this.

Required ingredients

• 0.5 kg of meat;

• 0.1 kg of prunes;

• 0.2 kg of sour cream;

• a spoonful of flour;

• some vegetable oil;

• spices for meat.

Cooking method

1. Cut the meat into small cubes, chop onions arbitrarily.

2. Pour a little vegetable oil into the slow cooker, put the onion, pieces of meat on top.

3. Cut the prunes into pieces, send to the meat, spreading between the pieces so that the taste and aroma are distributed evenly.

4. Sprinkle everything with spices for meat, add a little salt. Mix flour with sour cream, pour into the slow cooker.

5. Cover with a lid and cook for 1 hour extinguishing mode. If suddenly the meat remains stiff, then the time can be extended.

Recipe 10: Pork fingers with prunes in honey sauce

For this dish you need a good pork, better neck. The piece must be cut into thin layers, according to the number of fingers.

Required ingredients

• 0.6 kg of pulp;

• 0.2 kg of prunes;

• 0.3 kg of hard cheese.

For honey sauce:

• 200 ml of water;

• 1 spoon of honey;

• salt;

• 4 tablespoons of cream;

• a spoonful of mustard.

Cooking method

1. Cut the meat on thin plates, beat off.

2. We pre-soak the prunes, remove them from the water and gently squeeze. Cut into strips, mix with half the grated cheese. The second part will be left to sprinkle.

3. Put a spoonful of the filling on a piece of meat and roll it up. The edge can not be held together. We roll such rolls from the remaining pieces of meat, the whole filling should go.

4. Fold the fingers in a greased baking form with a seam down.

5. Cooking the sauce. To do this, dissolve honey in water, add mustard, cream, salt to taste.

6. Fill your fingers and cook in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 200 ° C. Then we take out the form, put on each finger the remains of grated cheese and bake for another 15 minutes until golden brown.

Pork with prunes - tips and tricks

• To prevent splashing of meat and pieces of the same thickness, this must be done through a plastic wrap.

• If pork has been lying in the freezer for a long time, the meat will be dry. In this case, before cooking, the pieces must be rubbed with ready mustard or its mixture with soy sauce.

• If you can’t cook tasty and juicy pork in the oven, the piece turns out to be dry and hard, then the baking sleeve will help. In it, the meat always turns juicier and more tender.

• Pruning for mashing needs to be soaked in water beforehand, otherwise it will pick up juices from the meat.

• When baking pieces of meat in foil or in a sleeve, you can put peeled and salted potatoes on the edges. And then it will not be necessary to resolve the issue with the side dish. You can also immediately cut the potatoes with harmonicas, stuffed with bacon, then you get a festive side dish.


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