Turkey with rice: real home cooking. Recipes-variations on turkey with rice: in a pan, in a pan, in pots, in a slow cooker


Turkey with rice can be cooked, somewhat deviating from the classical approach - "side dish with meat" and use the option "a la pilaf".

It is this technology that involves mixing, gives an "alloy" of tastes: cereals, meat, spices and vegetables.

As a rule, carrots with onions are used here.

Adding other ingredients, spicy seasonings and even fruits allows you to diversify the dish.

Turkey with rice - the general principle of cooking

The following products are included in the basic recipe:

• Turkey meat, both fillet and chopped into pieces with pits.

• Rice round-grain or long-grain, steamed or unprocessed.

• Refined vegetable oil.

• Onion.

• Fresh carrots.

• Garlic.

• Various spices.

• Salt.

Cook a turkey with rice, usually like this:

1. The meat and vegetables are washed, slightly dried with a napkin.

2. Stew in vegetable oil, sequentially adding: pieces of meat, chopped onions, carrots. Onions are cut into cubes, carrots are cut into strips.

3. Then, carefully washed rice is placed on top, seasoned with salt and spices, everything is poured with water.

4. Cook until cooked under the lid closed.

5. Cooked in a thick-walled deep dish, for example, in a cauldron or bulk pan with a thick bottom. Serve hot.

Recipe 1. Turkey and Rice - Classic Step by Step

This relatively low-calorie but hearty meal is great food for the casual table. 40 minutes are enough for its preparation. No special tricks are required.


• Fillet of the femur of the turkey - 700 g.

• Rice - 400 g.

• Onion medium - 2 pcs.

• Medium fresh carrots - 2 pcs.

• Vegetable oil for frying - 80-100 ml.

• Dried barberry berries - 1 tbsp. l

• Turmeric powder - 1/3 tsp.

• Whole zira seeds - 1/3 tsp.

• Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.

• Cloves of garlic in scales - 6 pcs.

• Laurel - 2 leaves.

Cooking method:

1. Turkey sirloin meat is cut into small pieces with small cubes.

2. The rice is washed.

3. Cut the onion into cubes, carrots - into strips.

4. Turkey fillet quickly fried in hot vegetable oil.

5. Add onion with carrots to the meat, stir, lightly fry until soft.

6. Then they fill the rice, distributing it on top with an even layer. Pour water with the expectation that its level was 2 cm higher than rice.

7. Add salt, spices, lavrushka. Garlic in scales is placed on top of the cereal.

8. Cook over high heat until boiling water. When it practically does not remain, form a slide and simmer until ready under the lid for 20 minutes at minimum heat.

Recipe 2. Turkey with rice and vegetables - Indian flavor

The highlight of this dish is a mixture of spices in which the bird fillet is marinated before roasting. The spicy taste and seasoning of curry, the most common in Indian cuisine, definitely arouses thoughts about this country. Her culinary traditions are characterized by seasoning food with garlic, ginger, various kinds of peppers. Turkey with rice is great for such experiments in the kitchen.


• Fillet of turkey - 600 g.

• Medium fresh carrot - 1 pc.

• Bulb large - 1 pc.

• Round grain rice - 1.5 glasses.

• Ginger powder - 0.2 tsp.

• Garlic - 3 cloves

• Curry - 2 tsp.

• Celery stalks - 3 pcs.

• Salt, black pepper - to taste.

• Vegetable oil for frying - 80 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Turkey cut into cubes and rub with a mixture of spices: curry, ground ginger and black pepper, salt, allow to stand for 15 minutes.

2. Prepare vegetables: onion is cut into small cubes, garlic and celery are cut into large cubes, and carrots are cut into quarters.

3. Rice is boiled until tender in salted water, rinsing with cold water, spread in a colander.

4. In a preheated pan, fry the garlic and turkey slices until the meat turns white.

5. To it add the remaining vegetables, carrots, celery, onions. Stirring, stew, without lid, until the carrots go limp.

6. Spread the finished rice, mix, salt, and pepper.

7. Bring to readiness over low heat without removing the lid.

Recipe 3. Turkey with rice, mushrooms and cabbage in pots

The rich taste and excellent combination - rice, mushrooms, cabbage and poultry. Such a turkey with rice is a godsend for those who like to diversify famous dishes. Cooked food in pots is especially tasty. In them she languishes at a constant low temperature. Stewed foods retain a delicate texture.


• Fillet turkey breast - 300 g

• Long grain rice - 0.7 stacks.

• Sweet Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.

• Ceps - 100 gr.

• White cabbage - 150 gr.

• Refined vegetable oil - 1.5 tbsp. l

• Garlic - 2 cloves.

• Salt, ground allspice - to taste.

• Water - 0.5 l.

Cooking method:

1. Breast cut into cubes, fry in a pan in butter, adding chopped onion to it.

2. Chop the cabbage, pepper and mushrooms cut into strips.

3. Vegetables and mushrooms are mixed in a pan with meat and stewed briefly.

4. The meat-vegetable mixture is equally laid out in 3 portion pots. Add cereals, minced garlic and spices, salt.

5. Water is poured into each pot, the lids are closed and sent to the oven for 30 minutes.

6. Stew until rice is cooked.

Recipe 4. Turkey with rice with fresh spinach and mushrooms in a slow cooker

This recipe turns an ordinary dish into a festive, "elegant" one. The same thing happens with taste: the addition of new ingredients brings piquancy and makes it almost unfamiliar. Turkey with rice, spinach and mushrooms will appeal to lovers of diversity, especially since it will be cooked by a kitchen assistant - a slow cooker. With it, the cooking process is simplified, and the culinary processing of products is reduced to a sparing mode.


• Turkey meat, sirloin - 300-400 gr.

• Long grain rice - 250 gr.

• Spinach - 250 gr.

• Mushrooms - fresh, dried or pickled chanterelles 300 gr.

• Onion-turnip - 2 pcs.

• Sour cream lean - 3 tbsp. l

• Garlic - 4 teeth.

• Vegetable broth - 300 ml.

• Olive oil - 3 tbsp. l

• Potato starch - 1 tsp.

• Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l

• Dry white wine - 2 tbsp. l

• Ground nutmeg - 1 pinch.

• Seasoning, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Fillet meat and onions are crushed into cubes.

2. Mushrooms cut into thin plates.

3. Chop the garlic finely.

4. Pour oil into the slow cooker. Choose the program "Frying". The timer is set for 10 minutes.

5. First, fry the onion with garlic for 2 minutes, then add mushrooms to it and fry for another 3 minutes. Then add meat and fry until the end of the set time.

6. Bred starch with lemon juice, wine and sour cream. Stir and pour into broth.

7. Rice is poured into the multicooker and filled with broth mixture.

8. Depending on the model of the device, choose the automatic program "Rice", "Grain" or "Pilaf".

9. 15 minutes before the end of the program add spices, spinach, salt.

Upon completion of the cooking process, it is not recommended to immediately turn off the device, the dish is allowed to brew for several minutes.

Recipe 5. Turkey with rice and tomatoes

This option is very similar to the classic, basic recipe for turkey with rice, but the taste of the dish is more saturated. Suitable for lovers of not the spicy food, but still not fresh.


• Turkey meat chopped into slices, with bones possible - 500 gr.

• Rice - 150 gr.

• Tomatoes - 500 gr.

• Chives - 2 pcs.

• Vegetable oil for frying - 50 ml.

• Salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Rice is boiled until cooked in a large amount of salted water, washed well in a colander, allowed to drain.

2. Tomatoes cut into small cubes.

3. Pieces of turkey are fried in oil until crusted.

4. Add chopped tomatoes to it, salt, pepper and stew for about 20 minutes, stirring.

5. Add boiled rice to the turkey with tomatoes. Stir and steam for another 10 minutes until rice is cooked.

6. At the end of cooking, sprinkle with chopped garlic, mix. Cover with a lid, give a little "rest."

Recipe 6. Turkey with Rice and Pineapple

An excellent combination is poultry meat and sweet and sour pineapples. It has been tested by time and makes gourmets happy for a long time. Turkey, soaked in pineapple juice, becomes especially juicy, acquires a piquant taste. It is interesting to note that almost any sweet and sour fruit sauces are popular all over the world. Especially often they are served with tender poultry, and all thanks to this successful combination of tastes.


• Turkey fillet - 400 gr.

• Rice - 300 gr.

• Canned pineapples - 200 gr.

• Refined vegetable oil - 50 ml.

• Salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. The meat fillet is cut into cubes, pineapples into cubes.

2. In salted water, boil rice until cooked, recline in a colander, rinse, drain.

3. In a deep frying pan in hot oil, turkey meat is fried.

4. Connect boiled rice with meat, warm for 1-2 minutes, stirring.

5. Almost immediately add pineapples, mix, salt and a little warm on low heat posture closed lid.

Recipe 7: Turkey Rice in the oven

Probably not in the world of man who would not like it when the "something tasty" smells from the oven. It is possible to cook anything in it, and most importantly, this process does not attract attention so much. You only need to check the degree of readiness from time to time and you can do something else. In the oven, the products languish and turn out to be especially tender. The benefits of such culinary processing have long been known. Therefore, the classic version of the preparation of the dish "Turkey with Rice" acquires new flavoring nuances here.


• Long grain rice - 2 glasses.

• Turkey, thigh fillet - 1.2 kg

• Large onion-turnip - 2 pcs.

• Medium raw carrots - 3 pcs.

• Honey - 0.5 tsp.

• Cooking salt - to taste.

• Any soy sauce - 3 tbsp.

• Chives - 2 pcs.

• Laurel - 1 sheet.

• Butter - 40 g.

• Spices - ground black pepper, berries of barberry to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Meat fillet marinated: cut into cubes, salt, pepper, mixed with honey, soy sauce, chopped garlic. Allow to stand for 40 minutes. Instead of honey, soy sauce and garlic, you can use the prepared TERIYAKI sauce.

2. Onions are cut into cubes, carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater.

3. Pour the cereal into the bulk glass baking dish to which the lid is provided.

4. Onion and carrots are spread on top of it, salt, add butter and spices.

5. Lay the meat on top, cover and put in the oven.

6. Cooked at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 1.5 hours. 30 minutes before the end of cooking, mix and remove the lid.

Recipe 8. Turkey with Rice and Dried Fruits

Another cooking option for familiar foods. Turkey with rice and dried fruits brings the aromas of the East, diversifies the sensations.


• Amber rice - 300 gr.

• Turkey meat, fillet - 500 gr.

• Large turnip - 1 pc.

• Large raw carrots - 1 pc.

• Dried fruits: raisins, dried apricots, prunes in equal parts - 300 gr.

• Water - 0.5 l.

• Refined vegetable oil - 100 ml.

• Laurel - 2 leaves.

• Salt - to taste.

• Spices - ground black pepper, dry berries of barberry to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Turkey poultry is cut into small sticks.

2. Cut the carrots into circles, onions into cubes.

3. Dried fruits are washed well, poured with boiling water. Dried apricots and prunes are chopped coarsely.

4. In a deep frying pan in oil, pieces of meat are fried until a pleasant golden color.

5. Then add onions, carrots to it and fry them until the onions are transparent.

6. After spread dried fruit.

7. Spread washed rice, salt and season with spices.

8. Pour cold water so that it is 2 cm above the level of products.

9. Bring to a boil quickly and reduce the heat. Cover and simmer until rice is cooked for about 30 minutes.

10. When the dish is ready, it is allowed to stand for 20 minutes under the lid, only then mix.

Recipe 9. Turkey with rice, lentils and potatoes in a slow cooker

This turkey with rice is an ideal option for an everyday family table. Differs in rich taste, a variety of components. It is very satisfying and is prepared using modern technology. After all, someone needs help so much when the routine is a little tired, even if the assistant is a kitchen machine.


• Turkey, fillet - 400 gr.

• Steamed rice - 1 cartoon glass.

• Fresh carrots - 2 pcs.

• Onion-turnip - 2 pcs.

• Lentils - 3/4 mult-cup.

• Fresh potatoes - 3 pcs.

• Spices - zira 1 tsp.

• Salt - 2 tsp.

• Hot water - 4 cartoon glasses.

Cooking method:

Perform steps in the "Frying" mode step by step. In models where it is not provided, on the mode - "Baking".

1. The meat is fried in a slow cooker in oil until golden brown and the juice is evaporated.

2. Salt, put spices.

3. Add onion, coarsely chopped and carrots, chopped into strips.

4. Fry for five minutes until half-ready vegetables.

5. Then add diced potatoes, washed rice and lentils. All are mixed.

6. Then go to the mode "Pilaf". If this is not provided for in the model, then to the “Rice” or “Grain” mode.

7. Pour boiling water, mix, close the lid and simmer until cooked for 40-60 minutes.

8. At the end of cooking, it is not recommended to open the multicooker immediately. You need to wait about 15 minutes to infuse the dish.

Rice Turkey - Tricks and Tricks

To make the rice crumbly, it must be properly prepared:

• Round and long rice is washed for a long time in cold water until it becomes clear, while the cereal is even rubbed with your hands.

• Soak round rice before washing in warm water for 10 minutes.

• After washing, long-grain rice is slightly dried on a paper towel.

• Long-grain rice varieties have proven themselves the most crumbly in cooking.

• Rice strongly absorbs odors, so it should be stored in tightly closed bulk containers.

How to choose a quality turkey

Young and fresh turkey meat is light pink in color, without any other dubious shades. It should be dense, elastic, should not be easily stratified and separated from the bone. The color of fat can tell the age of the bird. Young meat will have light yellow fatty layers. If it is from an old bird, the fat will differ in a saturated dark yellow color.

Turkey with rice - choice of dishes

The ideal dishes, in which the turkey with rice will turn out crumbly, will not burn or dry out, is a cast-iron cauldron. It has a hemispherical shape, a rounded bottom and thick, not less than a centimeter, walls.


Watch the video: How I Meal Prep for the Week No Real Cooking Required (June 2024).