Folk remedies for cough: decoctions, inhalations and compresses. How with the help of folk remedies for cough can alleviate the condition of adults and children


Dry "barking" cough, or deep - wet - these are the symptoms that overtake us in the autumn-winter period, with colds and viral diseases.

Of course, treatment is necessary under the supervision of a therapist or pulmonologist. But to help get rid of this trouble as soon as possible can help alternative medicine and folk remedies for cough.

Several recommendations from traditional healers in the treatment of cough

1. With a dry cough, you need to ensure the intake of a sufficient amount of fluid. You need to drink warm tea, compotes, milk, decoctions of medicinal herbs. It is better if honey is added to the sweetness, not sugar.

2. Resorption of propolis. This is a good cough remedy, but only if the patient is not allergic to bee products.

3. Feet should always be warm, as is the neck.

4. The air in the room should be moderately humid and cool. The optimum temperature for the normal functioning of all human organs and systems is 18-22 ° C. Air dried out by heaters or batteries aggravates coughing.

5. Inhalation. You can use a well-known method and breathe over just boiled potatoes, covered with a towel. But it is better to make soda inhalation. To do this, boil a kettle or a pot of water and add a handful of soda there. Breathe over the steam in the same way as in the case of potatoes, about 15 minutes. This method is sometimes recommended even for pregnant women, as it helps soften the throat mucus and better sputum from the bronchi.

When dry cough, you must include in your diet liquid mashed potatoes (with a large amount of boiled milk), milk porridge ("Hercules"), fresh radish salad with vegetable oil, crushed in a meat grinder (with skin) lemon with honey. Also useful is birch sap, fresh onions and garlic.

Folk remedies for cough: drink

Dry cough usually develops in the initial stages of an acute respiratory viral infection or flu. The cough reflex is present, but the airways do not emit sputum yet, so they need to "help." How to do it with the help of folk remedies:

Salt water with soda. Preparation: dilute in a glass of water (warm) a pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of soda. Drink ½ cup on an empty stomach before breakfast and before lunch.

Kalinovy ​​broth. Take dry inflorescences of this plant (sold in a pharmacy) in the amount of one tablespoon, pour about a glass of water and boil for a few minutes. Ostuzhenny broth to drink half a glass to four times a day. According to the same recipe, you can cook a decoction of viburnum berries, use it with honey or sugar, to taste.

Figs with milk. In a glass of milk, boil one fig fruit for about 20 minutes. In the form of heat this tool is drunk at night.

Collection of cough. Mix equal quantities of dried apple leaves, hawthorn, raspberry, wild rose, raisin and sliced ​​apples. Four table.l. Mix the mixture with two cups of boiling water and then warm it up for another 20 minutes in a water bath. after that, insist for another half hour and drink, filtering, four times a day, with the addition of honey.

Cabbage juice. Mix freshly squeezed juice with honey or sugar (approximately 1: 3 ratio) and drink one teaspoonful of the product five times a day. Also take a decoction of cabbage leaves with honey for the prevention and treatment of respiratory diseases.

Infusion of walnuts and elderberry. Take 4 large walnuts, wash thoroughly and beat. Together with the shell, drop it into the pot and add the black elderberry flowers (in the amount of one tablespoon). Pour boiling water (approximately 400ml). Cover the dish with a towel or wrap, leave the medium to infuse. After complete cooling, add honey to taste. Drink an infusion of a third cup four times a day. Folk healers claim that three servings of this remedy are enough to get rid of dry cough.

Carrot syrup. Freshly squeezed carrot juice mixed with sweet water (for 1 rt. Water - 3-4hl. Sugar) in a ratio of 1: 1. This composition is drunk up to six times a day.

Collection of dry cough. Equally mix the berries of raspberry, oregano grass and mother and stepmother leaves. Mix in the amount of one tablespoon to boil in 200 milliliters of water, insist about 15 minutes and drink, adding sugar or honey. Best of all, when used as a tea, hot.

Wine with pepper and goose fat with onions. To make a wine with pepper, you need to take one and a half cups of white, dry, natural wine and boil it with 50 grams of hot pepper roots. After straining, drink a couple of times a day. With this tool it is also necessary to rub the throat and chest (at bedtime) with a mixture of goose fat and onion grated on a fine grater.

Onions with honey. Medium sized onion cut into 4 parts, pour a glass of milk and boil. The broth is allowed to stand for several hours under the lid. Take one tablespoon every 4 hours.

Infusion of calamus roots. Take this plant material in the amount of one tablespoon, pour one cup of boiling water, insist for 2 hours. Drink means filtered, several times a day, half a glass, it is best before meals. The day you need to drink up to half a liter of infusion. This remedy clears sharp attacks of cough well.

Coniferous infusion. Pour one table. pine buds 400ml boiling water, insist for two hours. After settling, strain and drink a quarter of a glass several times a day.

The most popular folk remedies for cough - dry or wet: the replacement of drugs

Oil and honey. Carefully mash the butter with fresh honey (take them in equal proportions) and take a tablespoon three times a day before eating. children reduce the dose to one teaspoon. This remedy works well for dry cough.

Radish juice with the addition of honey. The most popular and time-tested recipe! Take the fruit of radish (black), wash it thoroughly and cut off the "tip". Next, remove the core, so as to get a kind of "tank". This notch should be filled 1/3 with honey, and the radish itself should be placed with a tail in a bowl of water. After all, cover the fruit with a previously cut off lid and put it in a cool place at night. The resulting radish juice with honey to drink before each meal in a spoon. One radish is suitable for cooking 3-4 servings of juice.

Egg mixture Boil a glass of milk and add to it (after cooling) 1 table.l. honey and soft butter. Pour in a pinch of soda and well-whipped egg white. Take half a cup before a meal.

Folk remedies for cough: compresses

Compresses are recommended for deep, old cough, as well as for suspected inflammation of the bronchi and lungs. Here are their most popular recipes:

Oil compress. Used for its preparation of conventional vegetable (sunflower or any other) oil. Heat it in a water bath to 50-60 degrees and dip a diaper or a thick napkin in oil. The patient should wrap the chest (except for the pericardial space), cover the napkin with paper or parchment (but not with polyethylene) on top, wrap with a towel or other warm cloth. Best of all, the compress will work if left overnight.

Honey compress. For this procedure, it is best to apply lime honey, as it is the least allergic. If the compress is done to a child, it is better to pre-lubricate the breast and back with vegetable oil.

Apple cider vinegar and honey compress. Mix vinegar with warm water in the ratio 1: 3, and add a spoonful of honey there too. Moisten a napkin or towel in the mixture, attach it to the chest and throat area, cover with a plastic bag or cling wrap on top and wrap with a warm scarf or scarf. Keep the compress for half an hour. This remedy is good at the first sign of a cold cough.

Compress of potatoes. Boil three medium-sized potatoes, mash them, add 1 tablespoon to the same place. vodka and the same amount of turpentine or vegetable oil. All components mix and form two cakes (put on folded four gauze). Compress applied to the chest and back for a half to two hours. You can find a lot of information that such a compress can be made to children and even babies. But because of the content of alcohol in its composition, it is not recommended to do this, since babies are very actively absorbed substances through the skin.

Rye cake. Mix one tablespoon of rye flour, mustard dry powder, honey and vegetable oil; put the resulting dough into the oven for a few minutes until it darkens. Then pull out and roll out with a rolling pin into a dense cake, put it on the chest and the space between the shoulder blades, covered with cling film (you can glue with a plaster). Top cover the body with a warm scarf. Leave the scone overnight. Most often, this tool is used to treat cough in children.

Cough Inhalations: Popular Recipes

Cold inhalations are considered the safest. mineral water based, saline. Caution should be taken when using hot inhalations, especially when treating children. Such procedures can cause spasm (stenosis) of the larynx or allergic reaction, bronchial edema. Therefore, before using any of the folk remedies need to consult with a specialist.

For inhalation of dry or wet cough apply herbs: coltsfoot leaves, eucalyptus leaves, St. John's wort herb, sage grass, raspberry leaves, juniper, pine buds, oregano, peppermint, wild rosemary, calendula, chamomile flowers. They can be used both individually and in collections for the preparation of cough remedies. The effectiveness of inhalation also add essential oils - fir, eucalyptus, lemon, grapefruit, pine, almond, mint, peach, etc.

Prepare solutions for inhalation should be as follows: Pour boiling water over the grass and leave for about 30 minutes. After that, pour the solution into a flat vessel, so that the area of ​​the evaporating surface is large, and lean over it, covered with a towel or a sheet. The procedure lasts from ten minutes to fifteen. Inhalations with herbs and essential oils have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and mucolytic action.

If, despite treatment, the cough does not go away for more than two weeks or even worsens, you should seek medical help.

Remember that chest pain, discharge of yellow-green sputum, or the release of blood from the respiratory tract can be a symptom of pneumonia or other more severe pulmonary diseases. In addition, be aware that the components of certain folk remedies can provoke an allergic reaction, so you should carefully consider the choice of treatment for cough in adults and children.


Watch the video: Treat Cough & Cold at Home. Remedies for 0-6 months old babies (July 2024).