Chest hurts before menstruation, after menstruation, or during a delay - what to do. What is the reason for chest pain due to menstruation.


One of the symptoms of an approaching menstruation is pain and a feeling of breast swelling. 8 out of 10 women complain of similar symptoms, but this does not mean that such manifestations are not an anomaly. Normally, the painful sensations are almost invisible, do not cause trouble to beautiful ladies and belong to the usual physiological manifestations. However, too intense pain, which does not stop after menstruation, signals about problems in the body and should be a reason for visiting the doctor.

Why does chest hurt before menstruation

The complex physiological cycles of the female body - pregnancy, childbirth, baby feeding, menstruation - affect changes in the tissues of the breast. The level of hormones that are produced in the ovaries, and their imbalances are the direct cause of pain. The normal relationship between the content of glandular, adipose and fibrous tissues is disrupted, which results in the appearance of unusual sensations. Therefore, it hurts the chest before menstruation, causing anxiety in lovely ladies.

In the first phase of the menstrual cycle, the egg is matured. Estrogen levels increase during this period. In the second half, progesterone becomes the main, the highest concentration of which is reached on days 22-23. This hormone is responsible for preparing the female body for pregnancy and stimulates the development of the secretory parts of the breast. It is to him that the ladies are obliged to become sensitive and have a chest pain before menstruation. However, if the balance between hormones is maintained, there should not be too painful manifestations.

Light pain of the doctor is called cyclic mastodynia, it is one of the main signs of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and is not considered pathology. Its appearance is explained quite simply - the mammary gland is preparing for pregnancy and lactation, so the glandular tissue expands and the breast increases. If the fertilization of the egg did not take place, the tissue atrophies and the breast becomes soft and painless again, assuming the same size. Normally, breast sensitivity worsens 7–10 days before menstruation and disappears completely with the appearance of discharge.

How does chest hurt before menstruation

Poliferation, or the process of formation and death of glandular tissue, occurs in women with varying degrees of sensitivity. Some people barely have a sore chest before menstruation, others complain of unpleasant sensations on one side only, and still others cannot get rid of pain even after the end of critical days. The ideal balance of hormones can generally get rid of any manifestations of PMS, but, unfortunately, not many representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can boast of this. It is considered normal if a woman feels that:

- chest increased in volume, became more dense;

- increased sensitivity of both breasts and nipples;

- there is a slight tingling, (it is associated with flushing);

- a small aching pain is present on both sides and disappears in the first days of menstruation.

How exactly the chest hurts before menstruation is influenced by several factors. Increased discomfort is possible in women who:

- have excess weight;

- recently suffered an artificial or spontaneous abortion;

- abuse alcohol and smoke;

- addicted to coffee and carbonated drinks;

- have diseases of the reproductive system or the thyroid gland;

- suffered stress.

Even the wrong bra can influence the intensity of pain.

If your chest hurts before menstruation, should you go to a doctor?

Any pain in such a tender organ as the mammary gland is indicative of trouble. If the chest hurts before menstruation, it may signal a hormonal imbalance, gynecological ailment, dysfunction of the ovaries, the presence of infection or oncology. Especially careful to their health, you must be women who are at risk for the possible occurrence of breast disease. You can get there if the following reasons exist:

- long-term use of hormones and oral contraceptives;

- frequent abortions and miscarriages;

- refusal to breastfeed;

- excesses with alcohol, smoking, coffee, sweets, carbonated drinks;

- heredity;

- injuries;

- irregularity of the menstrual cycle;

- menopause and amenorrhea.

If a new chest hurts somehow before menstruation or uncomfortable feelings occur on other days of the cycle, visit a doctor immediately. You should not postpone your visit even when the sensations that cause problems arise only in one breast, or they are too intense, or your chest after menstruation hurts. Immediately visit a gynecologist is required if at least one of the following symptoms is present:

1. Discharge from the nipples.

2. Severe pain.

3. Waved pain in one chest.

4. Change in skin color and structure.

5. The pain is spasmodic.

The doctor will certainly offer a consultation with a mammologist and endocrinologist, an ultrasound, laboratory tests for oncology and hormone levels. And only after the diagnosis is made, prescribe the necessary treatment.

Why hurts chest after menstruation

If the discomfort before menstruation can still be somehow explained, then in the case when the chest hurts after menstruation, many women slip into the head with bad suspicions. This is really a good reason to pay close attention to your health. Possible factors affecting the occurrence of painful manifestations:

- oncological disease;

- the irregularity of sexual relations, their insufficiency;

- mastopathy;

- pregnancy.

1. Mastopathy is one of the main reasons for chest pain after menstruation.

Mastopathy is a fibrocystic disease and is in the first place among the reasons for which the chest after menstruation hurts, in front of them or during the entire cycle. It is a benign disease that affects about half of the female population. It is not so dangerous, but against the background of it may develop breast cancer. Mastopathy occurs due to irregularities in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Hormonal disruptions cause stagnation and blockage of the ducts of the gland. That is why the chest after menstruation hurts, feels heavy and tingling. The pain may radiate under the scapula, armpit or shoulder. Associated symptoms may be added - headache, depression and irritability, swelling. Symptoms of mastopathy are similar to signs of mastodynia, which do not pose a threat to health. Only a doctor can distinguish them, so it would be better if you have chest pain after menstruation, to consult with him. If the diagnosis of mastopathy is confirmed, a simple change in diet and regimen can help at the initial stage:

- restriction of salt and animal fats, the introduction of products containing phytoestrogens into the diet. For example, wheat germinated wheat;

- increase in water consumed per day up to 7-8 glasses;

- elimination of the use of hormone preparations;

- Fulfillment of doctor's prescriptions for getting rid of unpleasant symptoms - with the help of homeopathy, sedatives, and a special diet.

To determine the presence of mastopathy, a woman can do it herself - after the end of the month, gently feel the breast. The presence of inflamed nodules, seals indicate the presence of the disease. Sometimes there is a noticeable discharge from the nipples, they may look like colostrum or have a greenish tint. Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor will take the necessary measures. But if you hope for "chance" and postpone the visit indefinitely, you can find yourself on the operating table - to remove the seal or with a more terrible diagnosis.

2. Oncological diseases

If the chest hurts after menstruation, periodically disappearing and returning again, the presence of a tumor process is quite possible. After a thorough examination, the doctor can refute or confirm the diagnosis. Visit it as soon as possible if you find that your chest hurts after your period. In the early stages, tumors are quite successfully treated. But the addition of pain in the spine or chest indicates not metastases, as many fearfully think, but banal osteochondrosis or another musculoskeletal disease. Even inflammation of the lungs or bladder can give an uncomfortable sensation in the breast. So, if the chest hurts after the menstrual period - you should not invent terrible diagnoses for yourself, but run to the doctor. It is possible that the diagnosis will please, if applicable so to speak about the disease.

Delayed menstruation and chest pain - pregnancy?

The soreness of the enlarged breast, its spreading and sensitivity - one of the first signs of pregnancy, often arising before the delay of menstruation. The symptom is due to changes in hormonal levels and should not cause concern. Progesterone is constantly on guard and, having received reliable information about fertilization, began to prepare for an important event. The ability to lactation is laid precisely in this period.

The delay in menstruation against the background of chest pain almost certainly confirms pregnancy. However, there are exceptions, so you should wait at least five days. If you continue the delay of menstruation, chest pain, then you need to do a pregnancy test. With a positive result, you should not linger with a visit to the doctor, regardless of future plans.

In conclusion, I would like to note - take as a rule for yourself once a year, even in case of excellent state of health, to visit a breast specialist for the purposes of prevention. If the chest hurts after menstruation, the painful sensations are not cyclical and intense, and an incomprehensible liquid is secreted from the nipples - the visit should be accelerated. Delayed menstruation and chest pain - do not avoid visiting a gynecologist. And if you do not even know how your chest hurts before menstruation, you can only sincerely envy you.


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