Cat fleas - how to remove them quickly and safely? The best folk remedies for fleas in a cat


Inexperienced owners of baleen pets are horrified to learn that their pet has got fleas. It’s not worth making a tragedy out of it. There are enough funds in veterinary pharmacies and pet stores to combat parasites, but not everyone can afford an expensive spray, and a pet pharmacy is sometimes very far away. And here folk methods come to the rescue, the effectiveness of which has already been tested by more than one generation of cat lovers.

Essential Oil Solution

Essential oils are famous for their amazing properties in many areas of human life. But even when the disease comes to the pet, they do not remain aloof. An unobtrusive smell will be pleasant to family members and indifferent to the animal, however, fumes of essential oil will negatively affect the life of insects. Experience shows that the most effective combination is lavender oil and Siberian cedar. Preparing this folk remedy for fleas in a cat will not be difficult: you need to mix half a liter of water and two drops of both oils, shake the solution well and spray the cat from all sides with a spray bottle. The disadvantage of the method is its duration. To achieve a tangible result, you will have to spray the pet twice a day for 10-14 days.

Decoctions of herbs

It so happens that the owner did not notice the presence of fleas in time, and they began to multiply actively directly on the body of the animal, causing him considerable discomfort. Naturally, the cat does not understand that it is impossible to touch the bites, and therefore constantly combes these places. As a result, large areas are not covered by sores, and the hair begins to fall out. In this case, delicate methods will not help. To fix the problem, you need to buy dried tansy and wormwood flowers at the pharmacy, mix them with a small amount of eucalyptus and add a couple of drops of peppermint essential oil to relieve itching and irritation of the damaged skin of the animal. Herbs should be poured with boiling water and let it brew for about two hours. Then strain through gauze or a small strainer. This broth must be rubbed into the affected area daily until the signs of the disease disappear. The course takes an average of 7 days.

Salt is a great helper

This gentle folk flea method is suitable for kittens from three weeks of age and adolescents. Its essence is simple: a sufficient amount of warm water is poured into a basin and salt is poured at the rate of 10 tablespoons per liter. It will be necessary to place the kitten in the basin, constantly making sure that its head is above the surface of the water, and the saline solution does not accidentally get into the ears, eyes or nose. After 10 minutes, the procedure can be considered completed. Now you need to thoroughly wipe the fluffy lump with a warm towel, allow it to dry a little (you should never blow dry it) and comb out the salt crystals with a comb or curler with frequent cloves. This method does not guarantee instant disposal of parasites, if they have already laid eggs, but if fleas have just arrived in your home, then you can get rid of them after the first bath.

Garlic - Not Just A Cold

It has long been known that hairy parasites, whether lice or fleas, simply do not tolerate the smell of garlic due to volatile production, which is found in large quantities in its juice. It would be nice if the cat managed to get a couple of cloves to eat, because then, along with sebum, volatile products would be secreted by external secretion glands and would fall directly onto the animal’s skin, which the uninvited guests clearly did not like. However, the cat may refuse such a treat, and your skills will not allow you to force-feed the required number of plants. In this case, you don’t need to be upset, because garlic can appear on the cat’s skin in another way. To prepare the product, grind 3-5 cloves of garlic into a slurry and pour 150 ml in water. This drug will have to be infused in a dark place for 10-12 hours, after which the composition can be used to treat the cat's skin in the neck, back and withers.

Needle mattress

To prevent or combat a few specimens of parasites, you can make a litter for a cat with your own hands, inside which you need to put needles of pine, fir and larch. This folk remedy for fleas in cats is also based on the action of volatile production of these trees. The main thing is to replace the filler in time, so that microorganisms that lead to its decay do not wound up in fresh needles.

Soap as a shampoo

Tar soap is famous for its properties for the treatment of skin diseases, however, it can also cope well with fleas. It is only necessary to process the animal with foam, wait 2-3 minutes and rinse thoroughly with running water. Try not to get soap in your eyes, so as not to cause irritation. By the way, this method is also suitable for kittens in 5-6 months.

Caution! Not all remedies are good!

In some sources you can find information that one of the most effective means against fleas in cats is a mixture of camphor alcohol, cologne and a solution of vinegar, which must be kept on the cat's body under a plastic bag. Such a strong desire to get rid of parasites by all available means can harm not only the bloodsuckers, but also the pet. All the preparations that are part of the composition are caustic substances, and therefore the tender, already irritated skin of a cat can get a chemical burn, which then will need to be treated additionally.

In order to prevent the reappearance of fleas in the house, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the place that the cat uses for its rest. Litter should be washed and disinfected at least once every two months (the more often, the better). Periodic combing of hair even in short-haired breeds is an important point for pet care. At the first suspicion of the presence of parasites, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination of the body of the pet, and if at least one insect is found, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight them.


Watch the video: Coconut oil kills fleas (July 2024).