Castor oil for eyelashes. How to apply castor oil for growth, health and beauty of eyelashes.


"Slap your eyelashes and take off ...", probably every woman, having heard the words of this song, dreamed of chic, thick and exciting every man's heart, eyelashes. After all, with just one glance, you can both moor and repel. And a lot depends on the appearance of eyelashes - both beauty, and expressiveness, and languor of the eyes, sung in romance novels.

Surely every girl is aware that castor oil for eyelashes is very useful and effective, but not everyone knows exactly how it promotes the growth and cure of the structure of the cilia, and in general, from which it is obtained.

Castor oil: from potion to medicine

A long time ago, healers and sorcerers constantly casting oil (castor oil was made from the seeds of this plant) in their magical potions. Each cell of this healing shoot - both roots, and leaves, and seeds, was applied in protective drugs from all sorts of evil eyes and spoilage. And no wonder these potions appropriated such magical power. The bottom line is that they contained a powerful poison. And many centuries ago, people came to the conclusion that, while respecting the right proportions and methods of preparation, this poison turned into an effective medicine.

Therefore, in ancient times, women constantly used castor oil for eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. The great scientist, doctor and philosopher Avicenna treated various ailments with castor oil. In ancient Egypt, castor-oil was sprinkled with temples and the bodies of the departed were embalmed. Yes, and all of us known disinfecting and anti-inflammatory ointment Vishnevsky, more than 90% consists of castor oil.

How is castor oil used in cosmetology?

Castor seeds are invaluable, because they are 95% composed of ricinoleic acid, which is very rare in other natural sources. This acid has a regenerating effect, therefore castor oil is applied to the damaged areas of the upper layer of the epidermis.

Castor is able to rid the body of freckles, various pigment spots, and even remove warts. You just need to rub the oil every day in the problem area of ​​the skin, massaging for 15-20 minutes several times a day.

Especially popular is castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows, as well as in the treatment of hair problems. And it is not in vain, because the effect of these oil procedures with constant use is simply amazing: the hair begins to grow more actively, acquires a thicker and stronger look.

When caring for the delicate and sensitive skin around the eyes, castor oil manifests itself as an effective smoothing agent. Ricinoleic acid is deeply absorbed into the skin, moisturizing and smoothing the crow's feet, and also prevents the appearance of new wrinkles. Just apply this oil every day around the eyes, lightly touching the fingertips "hammering" it.

For face care, castorca has proven itself as an excellent means of nourishing and soothing dry and sensitive skin types. Castor oil seed oil eliminates dryness, peeling, coarsening, makes the skin more elastic and softened. However, before use, you should make a test for the appearance of allergic reactions, because not all this oil can be suitable.

What is so useful castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

1. When castor oil gets on the hair follicles, it “awakens” sleepers, activates their growth. As a result, the volume of eyelashes and eyebrows increases.

2. The oil wraps each eyelash and each hair of the eyebrows, thus protecting it from fragility, and gives them a smoother and more well-groomed appearance.

3. Rich in useful substances, castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows has a nourishing and vitaminic effect, passing each hair all its valuable properties.

4. Castor oil solders "ruffled" scales on the hairs, making them shiny and smooth.

How to apply castor oil for eyelashes

You can use castor oil for eyelashes as a separate tool and as an ingredient in a mask. It does not matter which way you would like it, the main thing is not to violate some recommendations:

1. For applying oil, it is best to use a thoroughly cleaned brush from used mascara.

2. Before applying castorca, remove makeup from face and wash with water.

3. Warm the oil slightly in your palms or lower the bottle for some time in warm water. Dip a brush into it, and press it against the walls to remove excess oil.

4. Apply a thin layer of eyelashes from the base to the tips, and try to make sure that castorca does not leak into the eyes. Otherwise, you risk waking up with red and swollen eyes.

5. Leave on eyelashes for the night, and in the morning rinse the eyelashes with water before applying cosmetics. If you do in the morning or afternoon, then one hour of exposure will be quite enough.

Recipes masks with castor oil for eyelashes

Mask for eyelashes with castor oil and vitamin A

To enhance the effect of the oil, you can use vitamin A. Add a total of 10 droplets per 10 ml of oil, and use as described above. If desired, vitamin A can be replaced with fresh carrot juice, only keep this masochka in the refrigerator and not more than 3 days, and the best is to prepare a new batch each time.

Firming Castor Mask

Mix 1 teaspoon of castor oil with burdock oil in a 1: 1 ratio. Then add 3-5 drops of vitamin E and fresh aloe juice. Use every day for a month, and thick and strong eyelashes are provided to you.

Mask with castor oil for eyelash growth

Option 1. Just mix 1 part of castor oil with 1 part of brandy (you can substitute rum). The exposure time is not more than 30 minutes.

Option 2. In equal parts, mix the castor oil, aloe vera juice and very finely chopped parsley. Diligently mixed mixture leave for a day infused. Apply to the cilia and eyebrows (optional) for half an hour.

Mask with castor oil for eyelashes

This mask perfectly nourishes your eyelashes and strengthens. Mix an equal amount of such oils: castor, burdock, almond, add a few drops of vitamin E and a little fish oil.

Oil Care Mask

Mix 1 spoonful of: castor oil, calendula oil and chamomile oil. This mask can be used not only for the purpose of nourishing and strengthening the eyelashes, but also to make the tender eyelid skin softer, more nourished and smoothed.

Castor oil tea mask

This mask will give the cilia a more intense and vibrant, but natural color. Brew strong enough tea. Wait until it cools down and mix with the same amount of castor oil (for example, one teaspoon of real chilled tea with one teaspoon of oil). And apply on the eyelashes as described above.

Mask-care with castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

Here you will need castor oil for eyelashes, linseed and camphor. Mix them in the same proportions, slightly warm and brush eyelashes and eyebrows with a brush. You can hold for a long time, and do not wash off overnight. However, do not forget to remove it in the morning, otherwise the mascara can flow.

Therapeutic restorative mask for eyelashes

This mask is suitable for damaged cilia after the extension procedure. Prepare a mixture of equal parts of castor oil, burdock and sea buckthorn oils. In this mass, add the ground hips and leave to stand in a darkened cool corner of the week for two. Do not forget to use the mask every day for half an hour.

Proper care is a guarantee of the beauty of your eyelashes.

1. Eyelashes, like hair, need proper nutrition. And what are they made of? From keratin and protein. What products contain the right keratin? In the parsley greens, in the hips and in the peppers. Therefore, try to use them as often as possible to provide a complete ration for cilia, protect them from excessive loss and strengthen.

2. Use high-quality mascara. You should not buy fakes on street trays and very cheap cosmetics, because there are hardly any useful components in them, but harmful ones are plenty.

3. Be sure to remove makeup before bedtime, and even better after coming home. Do not neglect modern caring means. Try at least once a week to do your eyes "day off" from cosmetics. Do not remove makeup with soap or inappropriate products, use special ones. No need to rub your eyes - so you lose a few cilia, and provoke the appearance of wrinkles.

4. Wear sunglasses. After all, the harmful ultraviolet radiation is detrimental to both the skin and hair, and eyelashes.

5. Eat plenty of fresh berries, fruits and vegetables, drink plenty of fluids.

6. If you often have diseases of the eyes and skin around, consult a doctor. After all, if the eyes are not healthy, then cure eyelashes is almost impossible. By the way, very often eye diseases affect eyelashes, fungal, for example.

Make sure that castor oil for eyelashes and eyebrows has a stunning effect, you can only one month after daily use: the hairs will become stronger, longer and more magnificent. Beauticians advise to treat your eyelashes once a day, for a course of no more than two months, then pause for one month, and again (if necessary) get treatment, repeating the course about 3-4 times. So it would be nice to be patient with castor oil, and you are simply doomed to become the owner of luxurious eyelashes!


Watch the video: How to Apply Castor Oil On Eyelashes (June 2024).