Male view: What kind of women we dream


Even before I started writing, I knew what I was going to talk about. But, for the purity of the experiment, I decided first to find out, and what women themselves think, do they understand what we dream about? As a result, I received a lot of answers that, by themselves, had already caused completely different thoughts.

- Men dream of a beloved woman.

- Do not dream at all.

- Who knows what's on your mind?

- The one you can be proud of.

- About unpredictable, extraordinary, independent, with a sense of humor, self-confident, smart, not trying to keep and tame.

- Capricious, free, bitchy.

- Guys need a woman strong physically and in spirit to earn money, wash at home, clean, cook, plus him, the loser, soothe.

- Harmful love.

- About smart, free, capricious and bitchy

- Current men dream of women who will drag a mammoth home, pretzel bake, stroke her head, appease, feel sorry, blow her finger

- About different.

But, probably, female thoughts were best formulated in one answer:

“Of course, my love.” Any normal woman thinks so even if she doesn’t speak

And in this answer there are all any - each represents its own situation, itself, the men with whom it was her life that faced.

Immediately I must say that the women responded smart, with a certain experience. If they were more stupid, they could begin to describe their appearance and quite seriously believe that the fifth size of the chest and the color of hair are important to the peasants.

Slender, with agate-green eyes, with a haircut under the boy, naive, but considering herself an experienced experience.

With "forms", graceful curves of the body, lazy-feminine-looking, but able to explode. Hard as wire dark copper hair and caret-green eyes.

Dreamy, gentle, snub-nosed, with straight long brown hair and a naughty smile. At first glance, full of naivety, but firmly on his feet. Loving poetry, but if necessary able to send obscenities.

Little fragile blonde with huge blue eyes. Writing fairy tales, causing in any man the desire to stand up for defense. Absolutely confident in their desires and constantly mistaken in them.

One thing unites them all - once I loved them. But, really, I was only with one. And this is the main thing we want. We dream of a woman with whom we will be fine.

Only “good” in the concept of men and women are completely different things. We dream to feel free. Yes, I know that how many do not explain to you what male freedom is, there will be no sense. And although I already wrote about it here, I will repeat the most important thing. For us, this is, above all, freedom of choice. Freedom to realize that we are with this woman, not because we are accustomed, but because we want it ourselves.

Any man wants to feel free. It is free, not lonely. And each of us dreams that his woman does not claim this freedom. I didn’t get calls-checks: “Where are you? You are with whom?”, Didn’t bear the brain with any claims that seemed silly to us, didn’t try to control it.

We do not want to do something just because it is supposed to be or because this is what you expect from us. Or, even worse, you demand it. We want to know that we are doing this on our own.

Will you say that there are no such women or that they are simply indifferent? Nothing like this. These are women who love themselves.

A woman who loves herself ...

It will not go on a date in order to keep up with others or because you have to spend time with someone, but only because you want to give pleasure to yourself.

And she will get married only because she wanted it herself, and not because it was time.

Marries when she herself wanted it, and not because "it is already time."

And then he lives with this man not in order not to be left alone, not for the sake of children or “for the sake of the family,” but only because he loves him.

May be engaged in a career not to engage in at least something, but only because she wants it. She likes to do what she does. But with the same success she can give herself to her family, not to her work. And all this is not because she wants it herself, and not to someone else.

Even she will have sex because she wanted it with this particular man, and not to keep him. And after that (or in the process) she will not think about how he looks now or whether he will turn away and just enjoy the pleasure.

And a woman who loves herself will give birth to a child not because “age is coming” or “to strengthen the family, but because she herself really wants it.

A woman who loves herself thinks about herself, and does not try to understand what impression she creates. And it does not reflect on the reaction to what it does or does not do.

Such a woman does not have to force a man to think about herself. He will do all this. And do it on their own. Naturally, if this man needs a woman, not a housekeeper, thanks to which he can satisfy his inferiority complex.

A woman needs to love herself for happiness. For happiness and his and those who will be with her. A person who does not know how to love himself can never love another.

And it is about these women we dream, although we do not think about it.

P.S. As I knew I would write in advance, I know in advance that women can answer. And that we love selfish women, and that everything is completely wrong (yes, will women explain something about men's desires?), And everything else. Because what I have said here implies a woman who understands what freedom is. And for myself, and for another. And most women do not understand this.

And because women, ideally, are required from men to do the opposite - that he loved her more than himself.


Watch the video: What Men Want: Top 4 Things We Love In Our Dream Woman Matthew Hussey, Get The Guy (July 2024).