Psychologists: the lack of contact between the doctor and the patient can aggravate the disease


Recent studies by clinical psychologists have shown: if the doctor does not believe the symptoms mentioned by the patient or for some reason refuses to help him, the so-called "placebo effect" develops. Doctors say that the lack of psychological contact between the doctor and the patient may well aggravate not only the course of the disease itself, but also its symptoms.

Doctors, referring to a large number of patients, give them at their reception no more than 10 minutes, which is not conducive to establishing normal contact with him.

Experts say that even such a practically meaningless phrase of a doctor as: "Your pain has no physiological reason," can worsen the condition of the patient, who came to see a doctor with the hope of solving his problem.


Watch the video: The psychology of post-traumatic stress disorder - Joelle Rabow Maletis (June 2024).