Who are they, the most unlucky on the Chinese calendar? Whether to wait for a smile of fate or to fight bad luck ourselves


Luck is a capricious lady, and according to astrologers, to some signs she rarely smiles at all. Find out how fortune favors you. To whom luck will accompany, and who should not wait for random luck, today we will understand. In the eastern horoscope, the signs are distributed into groups, each of which fortune has its own relation.

Cat, Snake, Bull

These signs are also called signs of luck. Fate smiles at them always and everywhere, they catch luck by the tail, while others decide, think, work hard, because they are not used to such luck. Only signs of luck can take a chance and win, do not hesitate for a long time, but will jump above their heads, because they know that they are favorites of fortune. They take what they want from life, fate spoils them with new pleasant surprises. To them how often fate smiles that they just get used to it, not noticing their luck.

Many representatives of other groups envy them, only no one knows how difficult it is for such lucky people, because their situation is extremely precarious, and falling down is very painful and unpleasant.

These people are able to earn a lot, only easy money leaves as quickly as they come. And specialists who teach others to attract luck are most often snakes. Yes, and the same fortuners will go to study with them, because it simply will not work for others.

The fact that the peak can be very short for the representatives of this group is indicated by the life of themselves. Caesar, Lincoln, Kennedy very quickly climbed to the top of power, fame, money, but how quickly it ended for them. And they were all Serpents. Khodorovsky was able to earn tremendous capital, but he was the first to feel the anger of the prosecutor's office and not only it. Hitler, Macedonian, Napoleon did not stay long at the peak of power, all were born in the year of the Bull.

But in order not to frighten away luck, to make them smile even more often, representatives should continue to amaze it with their capabilities, because only they can jump above their heads.

Tiger, Rat, Dog

And now we will talk about fatal signs. In this case, one thing can be said: their fate is already predetermined. Neither pedagogy nor education can change anything. So it turns out that one should not look into the book of fate, one should not particularly rely on oneself, but praying, asking for help from the Almighty never hurts.

In most cases, fate brings them a lot of luck. This is not to say that the representatives of this group are loafers. They are hardworking, persistent and persistent in achieving their goals. Only here we must also judge whether they are put on this path by the Almighty. In the first case, they will work and achieve, and in the second, they will not find more miserable and lost.

            To make fate be more smiling towards themselves, it is important for representatives of this group to decide on their life goals and find their calling as soon as possible.

You can cite the famous representatives of this group as an example: Mikhail Yurievich Lermontov, Venedikt Erofeev, Bulat Okudzhava.

Pig, Rooster, Goat

They can also be called pioneer signs. These are signs of fate, constantly changing work, place of residence, lifestyle. The worst thing for them is something routine, requiring constancy from them. They need to constantly make some discoveries, to establish processes. It’s just not typical for them to stay at the height. It's more interesting to quit and start from scratch.

This is not to say that such people cannot see the fruits of their labors. They, like other signs, write books, paint pictures, that's just the beginning is more meaningful and bright, the ending is inferior in quality. And it’s good, if it is present at all. A good example of this is Pushkin and his "Eugene Onegin", the ending in which is generally absent, as in many poems.

            Serious systematic education is something that these signs do not need.

Of course, to go completely uneducated in life is also risky, so it’s better for a pig, a goat, a rooster to get an education, but not directly use it, but on a tangent. And so that luck does not turn away, accompanied by life, it is extremely important for these signs to find a business that really will appeal to you, interest and desire to do that will not disappear for a long time.

Dragon, Monkey, Horse

Representatives of this group can not be called lucky, so they tend to think that you need to rely only on yourself. And they are doing fine without the smiles of fate, because they manage to compensate for the infrequent luck by hard work and determination, and any other sign can envy their optimism. They don’t even really believe in medicine, training, so they automatically add the prefix "self" to each action. They understand that it’s not treatment that will benefit, but self-medication, not training, but self-education.

They do not refuse services, but at the same time they understand that the more they do themselves, the more luck will turn to them.

An amulet for them is what they did on their own: a sewn or knitted dress, home-made furniture, a polished tennis court and the like. And the more there are such amulets, the sooner fate will begin to smile on them. Next should be their thoughts, new ideas, books are written independently.

It is very important that such development for these signs comes gradually, not lightning fast and in no case not in young years, otherwise they will face the fate of Marina Tsvetaeva, Frederic Chopin, Nadia Rusheva.

Gradual progress with a very weak start is what suits this group. This is the fate of Ivan Bunin, Immanuel Kant, Anton Chekhov. Only in this case they become successful, filled with vitality, and their success is not short-term, but gaining momentum.

Since fate is rarely favorable to this group, the Dragon, the Horse and the Monkey do not wait for manna from heaven, but work hard to achieve their goal. Therefore, they can rightly be called the creators of their own destiny or self-made signs.


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