Andrei Arshavin may be arrested for failure to pay child support


Former spouse of football player Andrei Arshavin Julia Baranovskaya, abandoned by him with three children for the sake of a new relationship, filed a lawsuit against her ex-husband for non-payment of alimony. Thus, Arshavin automatically becomes the first and so far the only domestic football player who may be deprived of the right to leave the country.

As a player of the club "Arsenal", Arshavin signed a material commitment to his now-former family. Now Andrew broke them. If Arshavin leaves for Europe, he will be subject to arrest.

The court of St. Petersburg, in turn, decided to recover from Arshavin alimony in the amount of half of his official earnings, which is quite a considerable amount. So, the salary of Andrew in the "Zenith" is more than two and a half million euros.

The representative of Arshavin said that all the charges were groundless: Andrei, following the obligations, pays his former family everything that is necessary for him. In confirmation of the relevant documents.


Watch the video: Arshavin gets abused (June 2024).