The essence of veganism, how it differs from vegetarianism. Motivation for vegans, do they wear leather clothes and shoes?


Every year, the vegan movement is gaining momentum: the media pages are full of stories of famous vegan people, the Internet is filled with recipes for vegan dishes and webinars on how to become a vegan in two months (?), Where smiling young people talk about their path to this power system. But does everyone know what is at the origins of this movement: after all, just not eating meat, fish and other animal products is just following a special diet that is far from the essence of veganism.

Vegetarians and vegans

You should not generalize these two concepts - these are fundamentally different movements, although many mix them together.

  • Vegetarians do not eat meat, but they can easily eat eggs, dairy products and wear clothing and accessories made of leather and animal fur. That is, their direction is a healthy diet to improve the quality of life, eliminate health problems, etc.
  • Vegans vehemently reject all that exploit animals: besides the fact that they do not eat anything that animals, birds and insects produce (meat, dairy products, eggs, honey), leather shoes, belts, bags, clothing and everyday items from natural wool, fur are also never used , fluff, bones. Vegan will never visit circuses, zoos, dolphinariums and other places where animals are kept locked up or, moreover, used for experiments and research.

That is, it becomes clear that in the essence of veganism, proper (healthy) nutrition does not play any role, and the basis is the non-use of the animal world for its own benefit. Why? Yes, because the vegan puts itself on a par with any representative of the fauna, whether it be a cat, chicken or platypus.

Each species of the animal world is a representative of a different civilization: with its own language, features of behavior and life in general. We can say that these are aliens who populated our planet much earlier than us.

On June 7, 2012 in Cambridge, a shift finally occurred in the consciousness of the higher minds of mankind: in animals, science officially recognized the presence of reason and soul, thus equalizing our rights to life, emotions and freedom.

Then what right does a person have to exploit animals and birds, to kill in order to satisfy his needs, moreover, to eat their flesh? Gives cannibalism ...

Unconsciousness or hypocrisy?

Why would it never occur to any of Europeans to eat their dog or cat, guinea pig or other pet? But at the same time, veal steaks are easily absorbed, whole calves are roasted - piglets and gallons of milk are drunk - the one that was intended to feed your child.

Did it ever occur to someone to take a baby from a nursing woman, grill it, and use its milk to prepare cottage cheese or sour cream. Absurd!

But this is precisely what our society is filled with - hypocrisy. From TV screens, pages of mass media and the Internet, it is constantly said that it is very important to develop tolerance and sincerity, kindness and other positive qualities in the new generation, hundreds of seminars are organized in order to educate everyone who wants to properly raise their children.

That's just at the same time stuffing them with fried liver, cutlets and cottage cheese, which is hateful for many children.

If the importance of kindness of soul is so important, then why will caring parents necessarily take the child to pick mushrooms in the forest or fruit in the summer cottage, but never to the slaughterhouse (where the future sausage and bacon are mined)?

After all, both of them are food production, but why is separation so important? Why is the first good to see, and the second bad? Here is the root cause of the difference in these concepts is worth deeply thinking.

Vegan Motives

Vegan will never worry about the fact that he has synthetic or fabric shoes, clothes not from fur and wool, but from ordinary linen or cotton. But he knows for sure that with his purchase he did not provoke the torture of animals, who profitably (!) Tear off their fur for fur coats or pull out the fluff to fill warm jackets.

It would never occur to Vegan to use a belt made of snake or crocodile skin just because it is beautiful, because he knows that behind this imaginary beauty is the death of a living creature.

Many in such cases say: "But I didn’t kill anyone! Anyway, this is already in the stores." But who, if not the buyers motivate these killings, because, as you know, demand creates supply.

If no one will buy such products, then which manufacturer would come up with the idea to produce goods that no one needs? In the days of the Soviet of Deputies, a catch phrase appeared, which is still often used: "Our smaller brothers" - this is about animals. Interesting: if they are our younger relatives, then how can one mock them and mercilessly kill? Why does society condemn murderers and rapists in the courts, and for the trial of animal torturers requires a huge amount of crazy facts?

Man - that should sound proud

Fortunately, in the last twenty years this topic has begun to gain a huge number of followers: protests against animal violence began to take place, cases of trials of savages who scoffed or killed animals became more frequent.

Charitable organizations began to appear, which, through donations or at the cost of their own efforts, free animals from terrible operating conditions in circuses, underground research centers, home zoos and other vile places.

More and more people come to the realization that eating the flesh of a killed creature is unnatural, and exploiting animals for their own benefit, keeping them in hard labor is low and unworthy of a person.

In the end, conscious parents allow their children to make their own choices: to eat or not to eat animal food, and not to force, blackmailing in all possible ways.

Children are our future, so maybe you should listen to them and finally realize: almost all children will unanimously say: killing a chicken, chopping it to pieces and eating is very bad.

Therefore, veganism is, first of all, moral values, and not just a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.


Watch the video: Earthlings - Full Movie Documentary (June 2024).