We are conquering new horizons of beauty: baldness is no longer a problem! Sandalwood scent works wonders?


Does hair fall out more and more? Fear of baldness coming closer? Don’t worry, it can be stopped! Scientists from the University of Manchester pleased with a new method of stimulating hair growth. Do you think this is impossible? We hasten to refute this statement!

An interesting experiment - a step towards an important discovery?

As it turned out, olfactory receptors are located in the area of ​​hair follicles. This suggests that even with a certain aroma you can stop baldness. Experts have found it - these are substances that are released into the air by sandalwood.

How is this process going? Due to the protein OR2AT4, located in the cells of the hair follicle and responsible, as it turned out, not only for skin regeneration. After scientists noticed a particular reaction of this protein to the scent of sandalwood, they conducted an experiment.

Their study consisted of placing fragments of the epithelium from the head of an elderly person in sandalwood perfume for a week. The results showed that growth hormone activity increased by 30%. Such an experiment prompted the idea of ​​creating not only a method of combating baldness, but also prolonging the life of cells that take part in the formation of hair.

We say skepticism - no!

Our editors were no less surprised than you! And, perhaps, like you, she was initially skeptical of such news. But scientists convinced us of the opposite by conducting another study.

They blocked the influx of sandalwood aroma to the skin fragment on which the experiment took place, and noted a noticeable decrease in growth hormone. This means that the use of olfactory receptors, in fact, plays a special role in the fight against baldness.

Soon, scientists want to conduct another experiment on twenty female volunteers. This study will provide final confirmation of the wonderful properties of sandalwood. Positive results will become the foundation for the development of a new field of activity in the world of health and beauty. The possibility of the appearance of new drugs on the shelves of the pharmacy is not ruled out.

Without trying, you will not know

Is it worth it to try the new method on yourself? Of course! Sandalwood flavoring is an easily accessible, inexpensive product. Why wait for the discovery of a new area of ​​aromatherapy, if you can spend it at home? But note that the expected result will be brought only by artificial flavoring, because it is its structure that contains molecules whose action is aimed at activating olfactory receptors. The procedure consists in applying sandalwood directly to the scalp.

Our editors are interested in the number of people who want to conduct such an experiment on themselves. The survey results showed that the female category is more interested in “olfactory therapy” than the male one. 7 out of 10 girls, learning about such a discovery, positively tuned in to try out a new method of combating hair loss.

To try or not - you decide!

This is not only a new breakthrough in medicine, but also great news for those who have already come to terms with the problem of hair loss. This is a unique way that enables women to conquer new horizons of beauty.


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