The phone fell into the water: how to save a gadget. Rules for first aid for a smartphone falling in the shower and falling into the pool


If your summer vacation is ruined due to the smartphone falling into the pool or drowning while you were taking a selfie at sea, do not worry. We’ll give you some tips to help you save your favorite gadget.

To begin with, water has an extremely negative effect on your smartphone if it does not have adequate protection. Therefore, you should not walk in heavy rain with a smartphone, if it is not provided by the manufacturer.

But what to do if your unprotected gadget did fall into the rain or even worse fall into the pool? Follow this instruction so that you don’t have to buy a new smartphone.

First you need to pull the smartphone out of the water

No matter how funny it may sound, but the gadget needs to be pulled out of the water as quickly as possible. This will allow him not to collect even more fluid inside the case. It is also recommended that you turn off the device and remove the case from it, if any. This will allow the gadget to dry faster.

We disassemble the gadget and extract all the details

If it is possible to remove the battery - do it. It is also necessary to remove the SIM card and memory card, which can also be damaged due to the influence of water.

Wipe the phone with a paper towel

We will not recommend promoting your gadget, because there is a possibility that you will definitely do troubles. Dry your smartphone better with a paper towel. This should be done especially carefully in places where there are connectors for charging and connecting headphones.

Put your smartphone in rice

After you have completed all the preliminary procedures - there is one more. Wrap the gadget with a napkin and dip in a deep bowl of rice. The cereal will help to absorb the moisture remaining in the device. It is advisable to leave it for a few days.

If you are not confident in your abilities - wipe the phone and go to the workshop, where it will be disassembled and dried using special tools, but we warn you that such a procedure will cost you dearly.


Watch the video: What you NEED to know about iPhone 8 "Water Resistance" (July 2024).