Sinaflan ointment: what helps. How to use Sinaflan ointment, why it happens to be skin necrosis


Often, many of us do not attach importance to reddened spots, irritations and itchy spots on the body. However, if such processes take their course, you can get more serious problems, which often end with hospitalization and the appointment of strong antibiotics. So, to speed up the healing process of many disorders on the surface of the skin, you can use an old and proven, reliable tool - Sinaflan ointment.

The composition and effect of the drug

The active substance of this drug is fluocinolone acetonide. 1 g of its product contains 2.5 mg. This drug belongs to the group of glucocorticosteroids. All due to the fact that the active substance is made synthetically, and is similar in effect to this group of medicines.

One molecule of the ointment also contains several fluorine atoms, so that it can have an anti-inflammatory effect. If used locally, it acts as an antipruritic and anti-allergic.

During the use of Sinaflan ointment, inhibition of protein and collagen synthesis is possible. When applying a thin layer of the product on the surface of the skin, it is quickly absorbed by its upper layer. The largest accumulation of the active substance in the dermis, during the studies, was noticed on the 14-15th day after application.

Indications for use

Sinaflan helps against many diseases associated with damage to the skin, its irritation, itching, which needs treatment with drugs from the glucocorticosteroid group. For example:

• Red lichen;

• Allergies of various etiologies and other disorders that cause itching;

• Solar and other thermal burns of the initial stages;

• insect bites;

• Diaper rash.

How to use the ointment, and what helps Sinaflan

The use of this drug, like many others, requires the appointment of a doctor. As a rule, it is customary to apply it to problem areas of the skin from 1 to 3 times a day. Sinaflan should be applied with light movements, gently rubbing the ointment into the skin. The course of therapy with this tool is 10 days. If there is evidence, only a qualified specialist has the right to extend the course to one month, but no more.

For children from the age of 2 years, the drug is also prescribed, but exclusively on the recommendation of a specialist. It is recommended for babies to smear the product on a small area of ​​the skin with a thin layer, a course of 5 days.

ATTENTION!!! It is forbidden to apply Sinaflan ointment to the face of young children !!!

An ointment can be applied to an adult's face no longer than 1 day. Treatment with this drug is recommended in the presence of dry rashes, irritations and bites (in the absence of pus, open wounds and blood).

Experts do not recommend using Sinaflan on a large area of ​​the skin, including on the face and places where skin folds form.

Contraindications ointment

• Pregnancy;

• The period of breastfeeding;

• Violations of the integrity of the skin (ulcers, open wounds);

• An allergic reaction to the components that make up the drug;

• Infectious diseases;

Side effects of the drug

Patients who exceeded the therapeutic dose of Sinaflan ointment, from which they did not know. Since with an overdose of the active substance of the drug, skin necrosis begins. With prolonged and uncontrolled use of ointment in areas of the skin where it is the thinnest, a violation in the work of the adrenal glands was observed.

Sinaflan during pregnancy and gv

The components that make up the drug adversely affect the development of the fetus in the womb. Also, violations in the work of the adrenal glands in the child in the future are not excluded.

There are times when a doctor with an understanding of what helps Sinaflan ointment, decides to appoint her to a pregnant woman. But only when the use of the drug exceeds the risk of harming the fetus.

During breastfeeding, do not prescribe therapy with this drug. Otherwise, stop breastfeeding.

Side effects

On the part of the skin, the occurrence of such side effects as irritation, itching, dermatosis, violation of the integrity of the skin. There is also the possibility of dry skin, acne and burning. From the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and an ulcer can develop. The human immune system with prolonged use of the drug can weaken significantly. Chronic diseases can worsen and regenerative processes in the body slow down.

The cardiovascular system can respond to a large dose of the drug by increasing blood pressure and the appearance of swelling on the limbs.

If the recommended dose of Sinaflan ointment is exceeded, side effects may intensify, as well as the following:

• Swelling on the legs and arms;

• Increased blood sugar;

• Itching;

• burning;

• Irritation;

• In some severe cases, Itzek-Cushing's syndrome may develop.

Features of use

Therapy with the drug must be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist. Treatment with the product should not exceed the course of 10 days, it must be applied to small areas of the skin. When using the product on large areas of the body, there is a risk of serious side effects that can develop into more complex health problems.

Each time, before the next application of the product to the skin, it is necessary to remove the remnants of the ointment that was applied earlier. This can be done with a warm soapy solution or antiseptic without alcohol. During treatment with the drug, light and breathable clothing should be worn.

IMPORTANT!!! It is forbidden to use this drug to combat dermatosis in the mammary glands in women.

It is not recommended to apply the drug with other drugs from the glucocorticosteroid group. It is necessary to ensure that the ointment does not get into the eyes. If this happens, you need to wash yourself with clean, running water.

. If there is the slightest irritation during treatment, you need to wash the product off the skin and stop treatment.

Under careful medical supervision, people with psoriasis should be treated with ointment. Applying the product to areas of the body affected by this disease can lead to relapse.

Elderly people should carefully monitor the sensations when using Sinaflan ointment, due to the presence of pathologies of the subcutaneous tissue. When using drug therapy, you should not undergo any kind of vaccination. This is especially true for vaccination against visp.

The interaction of Sinaflan ointment with other medicines

When treated with this drug, the effect of immunostimulating drugs, drugs that normalize blood pressure, diuretics, and also potassium-based drugs can be enhanced.

Sinaflan can be used together with topical antimicrobials. The use of the drug is allowed with other glucocorticosteroids in the presence of special indications. Otherwise, the effect of both drugs is enhanced, and there is a risk of side effects.

Treatment with this drug along with anti-inflammatory drugs increases the risk of developing systemic and local side effects.

Diuretic drugs (with the exception of potassium-preserving drugs) increase the risk of hypokalemia.


Watch the video: Синафлан мазь - показания видео инструкция описание, отзывы (July 2024).