Red eyes in a dog - causes and consequences. What diseases can cause redness of the eyes in four-legged pets.


Red eyes in a dog can be signs of the most harmless cause, such as fatigue, but can also indicate very serious illnesses in the animal. Having noticed the red eyes of the pet, the owner must carefully monitor its behavior.

When is redness in the eye of a dog a normal reaction?

Dogs of some breeds are predisposed to dry keratoconjunctivitis or red protein syndrome. A frequent occurrence of red eyes due to the low production of tear fluid occurs in breeds: Shih Tzu, Pug-Chinese Crested, Brussels Griffons, Lhassa Apso, Yorkshire Terriers, Bulldogs, Pekingese, Cocker Spaniels, and also in Mestizos of these breeds.

Allergic reaction - it is necessary to exclude the introduction of new products in the pet's diet and limit the animal from contact with cleaning and detergents. For some time it is better to refrain from walking with the dog.

Sun or heat stroke - a four-legged pet was in the sun or in a stuffy room for a very long time. Symptoms: loss of coordination, redness of the mucous membranes, fever, shortness of breath, nausea. First aid is needed immediately and a veterinarian is called.

Stress - severe shock, fight, punishment or humiliation. It is necessary to calm the pet and allow to restore strength.

Injury to the head or eye, if the animal has a watery eye, blushes and even swells, while the dog painfully responds to any touch, most likely the cause is injury. It is necessary to show the pet to the ophthalmologist.

Drying of mucous membranes without any discharge is one of the main causes of red eyes in dogs; it is necessary to rinse the eye with saline or drip drops with the effect of a "natural tear".

Conjunctivitis is easy to recognize, it is accompanied by viscous, sticky secretions of light green or light yellow color. This disease is contagious, therefore it is better to protect other pets from communicating with an infected animal. The eyelids are irritated and very itchy, so you should immediately put on a special collar on the dog, rinse your eyes with infusion of chamomile.

Dangerous diseases that red eyes "talk about"

An accurate diagnosis can only be made after a full examination of the four-legged pet. The most common diseases with red eye symptoms:

· Impairment of blood circulation in the eye or cornea.

Blood pressure is one of the most common causes of red eyes in dogs.

· Diabetes and non-diabetes.

· Poor blood coagulability.

The formation of ulcers on the shell of the eye.


· Neoplasms and tumors.

Diagnosis and treatment

After examining the animal, the veterinarian appoints a referral for tests. During a pet eye examination, tests are performed:

1. X-ray of the abdominal cavity.

2. X-ray of the ore cell.

3. Scraping of inflammatory tissues.

4. Blood test.

5. To detect parasites, scraping from the eyelids is necessary.

6. Biochemical and complete blood count.

7. Biopsy of diseased eyes.

8. Analysis for the presence of infections.

9. The study of eye pressure.

After determining the cause of red eyes in the dog, treatment is prescribed.

· A special collar is worn to prevent combing of the eyes.

· Antibiotics are used to treat infectious diseases.

· Drugs with anti-inflammatory effect are divided into two types: corticosteroids and non-steroidal. Corticosteroid drugs are used to treat certain forms of inflammation of the cornea, anterior uveitis, conjunctivitis.

· Anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with other drugs with analgesic and antihistamine effects. These complexes alleviate the condition of the animal and accelerate treatment.

Ointments and eye drops.

· For swollen tissues, warm compresses are prescribed.

· Saline is used to wash eyes.

For the treatment of animals, only specialized preparations for animals should be used; it is better not to use human medicines.

Dogs on eye redness

When a dog has red eyes, it feels uncomfortable, looking for a nook to hide. The four-legged pet's appetite decreases, he does not rejoice at the owner. Depending on the disease, the dog may whine, shake his head, try to scratch his eyes. With viral diseases, the temperature can rise and nasal discharge appears.

In some cases, only the eyelids can turn red, the iris and proteins look healthy. In other cases, the protein coat reddens completely or is covered with red dots and blood vessels may be visible on the surface.

If the disease progresses the veins begin to swell. Redness may be accompanied by discharge of brown, green or yellow. The consistency of the discharge is transparent or viscous. Allocations must be cleaned with a napkin, very carefully so as not to cause an even more unpleasant sensation to the animal.

Care during treatment

The dog needs to provide a calm and secluded environment. Do not often bother the animal, it is better to postpone walks until complete recovery. Be sure to follow all the doctor’s prescriptions, while carefully monitoring the condition of the four-legged friend. It is better to tell the veterinarian about any change in behavior. You do not need to use folk remedies without consultation, because they can worsen the condition of the pet.


Watch the video: How To Recognize Dog Eye Infections (July 2024).