The benefits of laser hair removal: key points. Why can laser hair removal be harmful?


Laser hair removal is a painless removal of hair and upper layers of the dermis using laser beams. Basically, the procedure is painless, but some women, due to the type of their skin, may feel some discomfort. Laser hair removal can be harmful if safety precautions are not followed.

The benefits of laser hair removal: key points and concepts

For a long period of time, cosmetologists offer a service called laser hair removal. This is a radical way to eliminate hairline. There are three types of laser:

1. Alexandrite. The duration of the session on the lower leg is 45 minutes.

2. Diode. Provides the ability to eliminate hair on any color of the epidermis. The session lasts about 10 minutes.

3. Neodymium. You can perform the procedure on any type of skin, but the session is rather painful.

The result of laser exposure to the hair bulb is observed for more than six years, but only if a certain number of rules are met. In the period between courses it is forbidden to use any means for depilation, except for the razor.

The benefits of laser hair removal and its advantages are as follows:

· Lack of strong pain at the time of the procedure;

· Lack of scars and scars after sessions;

· Lasting effect after the course, and with perfect contrast, the ear with dermis - deliverance forever;

· Short duration of the procedure.

Preparation for the hair removal procedure consists in the fact that a person needs to grow hair at least 4 cm. It is with this length that the maximum effectiveness and painlessness of the procedure can be guaranteed.

A small area of ​​the epidermis is laser irradiated for a period of time. The antennae area should be processed within 12 minutes, but the bikini area up to a quarter of an hour. The maximum duration of hip treatment is an hour.

In people with a high pain threshold, the procedure can be performed without anesthesia. But there are people with a low pain threshold, so anesthesia is required. The area that will be subject to hair removal is treated with a special lidocaine gel.

The latest devices for conducting sessions are equipped with special nozzles. With their help, the dermis is cooled during the procedure, thereby reducing sensitivity. At the time of removal of the bulbs, the eyes should be protected with special glasses.

The harm of laser hair removal: contraindications to the procedure

The procedure has contraindications, therefore, before the session, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with them and consult a doctor. These contraindications should not be neglected, otherwise the effect after the procedure will be short-lived. Contraindications to the procedure are:

Tanning (procedures should be started in the winter period of time to hide epidermis from the sun);

· Epidermal disease in acute and chronic form;

· The presence of moles in the area of ​​laser exposure;

SARS, colds, flu;

· phlebeurysm;

· Bearing a child and breastfeeding;


Tendency to burns;

· Allergy in the active phase;

· Scratches and abrasions;

· Age before puberty.

There are also absolute contraindications, because the procedure may be life-threatening. These include:


· diabetes;

Herpes in acute form;

Light and gray hair;

· Personal intolerance.

It is important to obtain a specialist opinion so as not to harm your health.

The harm of laser hair removal: possible complications

The hair removal procedure itself is harmless and cannot be harmful. Depth of exposure is only 1-4 mm. It is possible to harm the body if contraindications are not taken into account and the procedure is performed by an inexperienced master. After the session, such third-party reactions may appear:

Allergic reactions

Burns of the epidermis;


Herpetic rash;




· Loss of vision.

In addition to redness, swelling and bruising can occur. Burns appear in the form of blisters. There are several reasons for this: the inexperience of the master or intense tan. A tanned dermis received a large dose of ultraviolet radiation. Further treatment may damage the epidermis. Eye contact may cause loss of vision.

Laser hair removal can trigger folliculitis - an inflammation of the hair bulb. Most often, such an external reaction manifests itself in patients with hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). But this condition can also provoke a visit to the pool in between procedures. It is necessary to refrain from swimming while completing the course.

Allergic reactions are also related to early third-party reactions. They can manifest in the form of urticaria, dermatitis, Livedo, persistent itching. Most often, the effect appears when using topical anesthesia, which is necessary for pain relief. Allergies in the patient may occur to the cooling gas. Such third-party reactions can be dealt with quite quickly. Antihistamines are taken by patients. But do not spontaneously select them. You should consult a doctor.

It is necessary to pay attention to people with increased vegetation on the skin, which is provoked by hormonal changes. In order for the procedure to help cope with vegetation, you will need to eliminate the root cause. That is, hormonal imbalance must be eliminated. If this is not done, then the hair will still continue to grow. Using a laser, you can only achieve that the hairs become soft.

The hair bulb is an ideal laser target. Under the influence of temperature, the follicle is destroyed, and the hair stops growing. But the mechanism of hair growth is not fully understood. If the site is quite extensive, then the body may perceive the whole process incorrectly. For this reason, hormonal failure may occur.

Taking into account all these possible complications, it is difficult to say about the safety of the procedures. Do not take risks. It is recommended that you use standard hair removal methods.

What can not be done so as not to harm laser hair removal

In order to prevent swelling and bruising, the specialist who performed the procedure applies a special tool that reduces irritation of the skin. Also, for several days, apply lotion or cream to the skin to nourish the dermis and soften it.

Even with burns, a healing ointment must be used. It can be Bepanten or Panthenol. If you follow all the rules and recommendations, then you can get rid of the consequences after a week. After the procedure, you can not perform such actions:

· Be in the sun or go to saunas;

· Use antibiotics, antipsychotics, hormonal drugs;

· Peel off the crust from the resulting burns so that burns and foci of hyperpigmentation do not appear;

· Go outside in sunny weather without applying special sunscreen.

If all the rules are followed, the procedure will be successful.


Watch the video: Dr. Oz Investigates if Laser Hair Removal is Safe (July 2024).