Why dream of a cemetery and graves, walking around the cemetery, caring for the grave? Basic Interpretations - What a Cemetery and Graves Dream About


In a dream, not only pleasant events can appear to a person, but also rather sad, even frightening ones. Why dream of a cemetery and graves?

How to interpret such a dream is worth understanding.

What a cemetery and graves dream of - the main interpretation

The cemetery in a dream is a rather disturbing and unpleasant symbol. Such a dream does not bode well; often it portends various troubles and troubles. It is important to remember all the details of a dream:

• How did you end up in the cemetery;

• Do you participate in a funeral procession;

• Are the graves in the cemetery well-groomed;

• Who else appeared in your dream;

• What emotions and experiences did your dream arouse?

It is important to remember what emotions the dream caused you. If in a dream you are worried and upset about the upcoming funeral of a friend or loved one - in reality you will also be upset because of his fate. Perhaps he will even get very sick and will need your support.

If you feel genuine joy from being in a cemetery, then it's time for you to say goodbye to old insults and problems. You are ready to bury old memories, let go of what has become obsolete.

If in a dream you walk along a path, and it leads you to the cemetery, you will make great efforts to achieve the goal, but in the end, they will be unjustified. You can even rejoice in victory in advance, but as a consequence - will be disappointed due to failure.

If you are walking in the woods in a dream and suddenly fall into the cemetery - such a dream means that your plans for a trip, a change of job and a change of residence will not bring results. All that you have planned will remain an idea. If you not only came across a cemetery in the forest, but also decided to take a walk around it, such a dream means that the negative experience of your old mistakes will fall upon you.

The dream book advises not to play with fate, not to risk, not to look back into the past. The dream book advises to try to make life experience on the mistakes of other people. You can’t get it wrong if you plan all your actions and events of your life.

The dream book also advises not to take seriously any business proposals that follow the dream. You will catch on to the idea of ​​developing your own business, but it will not be realized, it will not translate into reality.

To see a dream in which a taxi takes you to the cemetery - other people's actions and words will damage your reputation. You will try for a long time to come to a compromise with your enemy, but you will not succeed. The dream interpretation advises to predict negative events in advance and minimize harm from them.

To dream of an abandoned cemetery, with nameless graves - to quarrels and adversities at work. You will not understand where the trouble comes from, why it is you who are responsible for everything that happens.

Seeing a burning cemetery in a dream is to shame and shame. Your inappropriate actions will be known to the public. You will burn with shame. But this showdown will help you understand the issues that you always left for later. The dream interpretation does not advise you to panic in advance, just try to keep the rest of your reputation.

Seeing in a dream how you look for a grave in a cemetery is a bad sign. In reality, you will not have goals, you will not know where to go next. Also, such a dream may mean your inner spiritual search. Lack of spiritual peace will bother you. The dream book advises to look deep into oneself and stop wasting time on empty experiences.

If in a dream you managed to find the right grave, you can find answers to all your questions in reality. If in a dream you could not find the right grave and began to cry in the cemetery - a series of problems and troubles in your life will lead to a nervous breakdown. The dream book advises to change life priorities in advance so as not to be completely disappointed in it.

If in a dream you find your own grave in a cemetery, it is time to take care of your health, in the near future it will fail. To see how your name appears on someone else’s grave - an unpleasant fate awaits you, prepared for another person. The dream book advises you not to take responsibility for someone else's life on yourself.

If a woman dreams of a churchyard and a cemetery, such a dream portends a long struggle with a lack of money. A well-groomed, new cemetery in a woman's dream portends the recovery of a seriously ill patient.

Seeing an abandoned cemetery in a dream - you happen to outlive your relatives. If lovers dream that they are walking among the graves, such a dream may mean that their relationship is coming to an end. Perhaps they themselves already anticipate this, but cannot explain their concerns in any way.

Why dream of a cemetery and graves according to Freud's dream book

In the dream book of Freud, it is said that the cemetery and graves dream of before the beginning of the final stage in the relationship. This may be the completion of a transitional stage in a relationship, or a premonition and ending. It is important to remember all the details of a dream. If in a dream a man sees his chosen one, walking alone in the cemetery - something gnaws at her in reality. She does not find the strength in herself to admit this to her beloved.

The dream book advises a man after such a dream to find out what worries his beloved. Try to understand the problem, otherwise the misunderstanding between the lovers will be strengthened. If a girl sees her lover walking around the cemetery with another, such a dream portends a break in his relationship with his mistress. This is a very favorable sign, since now it will be possible to boldly build strong relations with him.

The dream in which you are buried means that you should prepare for lingering health problems in the genital area. For a girl, such a dream may mean that she will not be able to become pregnant for a long time. For a man, such a dream can mean a loss of masculine strength. Dream Interpretation advises seriously to deal with issues of health and its strengthening after such a dream.

What is the dream of the cemetery and graves of the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric dream book says what the cemetery and graves dream of. Such a dream may mean that someone magically influences you and your entire family. It is worth being very attentive to dreams in which you see the graves of deceased relatives. If in a dream you lay flowers on them - in reality you will dream of getting a hint from your relatives, because you will not know how to resolve the situation yourself.

The dream in which you see yourself in the grave means the approach of a serious illness, possibly even a mental one. Subsequently, the disease can be of a chronic form. The dream in which you had to bury your child - says that his health and well-being is in danger.

To carry flowers from a cemetery is to problems on an emotional plane. The accumulated feelings and grievances can ruin your relationship with your beloved. To bring flowers and gifts to the cemetery is to spoil your life yourself. Maybe. You are too emotional and take everything to heart. The dream book advises not to escalate the situation and drive away heavy thoughts from oneself.

What is the dream of the cemetery and graves of other dream books

In Miller's Dream Book it is said:

• In winter, walking around the cemetery - to poverty;

• In the spring, walk around the cemetery - to a pleasant society;

• Walking in a well-kept cemetery - to recovery;

• Walking in an abandoned cemetery - losing someone close to you;

• If the mother brings flowers to the cemetery, the household will have good health;

• If the bride dreams that she is running through the cemetery, her groom will soon die;

• The widow to see the cemetery - to a new boyfriend.

In the Big Dream Book it is said:

• Sitting on a cemetery bench - doing important things;

• Walking around the cemetery - failing an important business;

• Old cemetery - fears are empty;

• Modern cemetery - misunderstanding of older children;

• Fresh graves in a cemetery - someone will ruin your reputation.

In the dream book of Grishina it is said, if you dream of an abandoned cemetery - try not to miss the moment when a crisis comes in your relationship with your husband. The outcome depends on you only. If it has already begun, try to find mutual understanding with your soulmate. Otherwise, the relationship will be lost forever.

No matter how frightening the dream may seem, sometimes it gives clear instructions on how not to act in a given situation. Or, what is better to do in the future to get the desired result. Trusting dreams - you discover the opportunity to receive from them such necessary clues, the revealed secrets of the past.


Watch the video: Dream Interpretation : What Does It Mean When a Person Dreams About the Dead? (June 2024).