Diet for pancreatitis - a detailed description and useful tips. Proper nutrition for pancreatitis - examples of recipes.


Diet for pancreatitis - description and general principles

Pancreatitis is nothing more than acute or chronic inflammation of the pancreas. In this case, it is the pancreas that performs a very important function in the body - it provides the secretion of insulin, as well as digestive enzymes. Therefore, if inflammation of the pancreas occurs, then very serious problems appear with the whole body. Treatment, whether surgical or medical, does not cancel the change in the diet - because this is the only way to stabilize the pancreas.

With a diagnosis of pancreatitis, the nutrition system must be urgently changed. It is important to eat fractionally - the entire diet must be divided into small portions - about 5-6 per day. It is strictly forbidden to overeat, it is better to stay a little hungry.

Rubbed foods should prevail in the diet - these will not irritate the gastric mucosa.
As for the chemical composition, the diet should have a minimum of fats - about 60-80 grams, but there should be the necessary amount of protein - about 150 grams. The amount of carbohydrates received in the body is also worth reducing.

But in the diet should be present products with sokogonnym effect, that is, cabbage broth, strong broths and more.
During an exacerbation of pancreatitis, food should be completely abandoned - for about a couple of days. And at whatever stage of the disease, the patient should not eat cold, hot dishes.

Diet for pancreatitis - what foods can I eat

1. Loose tea with lemon, with a sugar substitute or semi-sweet, with milk, sugar-free fruit and berry juices, previously diluted with water, a rosehip broth.
2. Sour-milk drinks, non-fat and non-acidic fresh calcined cottage cheese, curd puddings, pastes, with tolerance - milk.
3. Mashed compotes made from dry, fresh fruits, mousses, cooked on a sugar substitute, jelly.
4. Eggs can be eaten in protein omelettes - up to two proteins are allowed per day, should there be no more yolks in dishes?
5. Rusks, wheat bread baked from flour of the 2nd, 1st grades. Bread must have been yesterday’s pastry or dried, cookies are allowed, but only unsweetened and dry.
6. Semi-viscous and mashed cereals from rice, buckwheat, oat, semolina. You can cook them on water or dilute the water in half with milk. You can also make casseroles, soufflés, puddings from cereals, cereals can be halved with cottage cheese. Boiled pasta is allowed.
7. Low-fat beef, rabbit, veal, turkey, chicken (whole bird without skin). You can cook meat in steam or boiled form, chopped or mashed (meatballs, mashed potatoes, soufflé, beef stroganoff, dumplings, soft meat in a whole piece). Non-greasy varieties of fish are also allowed - they can be eaten in boiled form (for example, aspic after boiling), cooked in chopped or a piece.
8. Vegetarian soups mashed with pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, potatoes, noodles, oatmeal, rice, semolina or buckwheat. You can add 10 grams of sour cream or 5 grams of butter.
9. Non-acidic, soft, ripe berries and fruits - eat mashed in raw form, or bake apples.
10. Baked and mashed starchy vegetables: cauliflower, pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, green peas, zucchini, beets.
11. Refined vegetable oils (maximum 10-15 grams), butter (maximum 30 grams).

Diet for pancreatitis - which foods should not be consumed

1. Cocoa, coffee, cold and carbonated drinks, grape juice.
2. Alcoholic drinks.
3. Fatty dairy products.
4. Hard boiled eggs, whole egg dishes, fried eggs.
5. Pastries from puff pastry, any pastry, as well as freshly baked wheat, rye bread.
6. Fatty meats, sausages, canned food, oily fish, smoked meats, kidneys, caviar, liver, brains.
7. Loose and bean cereal. Limit need barley, pearl barley, corn grits, millet.
8. Soups on mushroom, fish, meat broths, cold vegetable soups (beetroot soup, okroshka), cabbage soup, borscht, milk soups.
9. Figs, grapes, bananas, dates.
10. Spices.
11. Confectionery, chocolate, ice cream, jam.
12. Uncooked raw fruits and vegetables, radishes, white cabbage, turnips, onions, radishes, garlic, eggplant, sorrel, spinach, mushrooms, bell peppers.
13. Fat, cooking fats.

Diet for pancreatitis - examples of the menu

The exact portions are not indicated, since it is necessary to focus on the constitution of a person, his weight, previous diet. But it is important to understand that 20 grams of butter, 200 grams of bread, 30 grams of sugar, 8-10 grams of table salt should be eaten per day. That is, the servings should be minimal. And it is important not to deviate from the recommended diet.

Option number 1
First meal: mashed potatoes, a slice of yesterday’s bread, weak tea.
The second meal: scrambled eggs, steam chicken chop, a slice of yesterday's white bread, a glass of low-fat milk.
The third meal: soup cooked on weak chicken broth, boiled fish, steamed zucchini, a slice of yesterday’s bread, compote, a handful of raisins.
Fourth meal: jelly and fruit jelly.
Fifth meal: a portion of oatmeal, beef steam cutlet, carrot puree, weak tea with milk.

Option number 2
On an empty stomach: a rosehip broth is weak.
First meal: a slice of chopped boiled meat, a portion of oatmeal, beetroot salad, weak tea.
The second meal: steam omelet, rosehip decoction.
The third meal: milk soup, boiled meat, mashed potatoes, dried fruit compote.
Fourth meal: low-fat cottage cheese pudding, weak tea.
Fifth meal: stewed potatoes with zucchini, low-fat kefir.

Diet for pancreatitis - useful tips and reviews

It is very important to exclude from the diet foods that cause bloating, which contain coarse fiber, stimulate the secretion of digestive juices or are rich in extractive substances.

Tip: it’s better to cook steamed dishes - this will save the juiciness and taste of the products, as well as use the minimum amount of fat, or even do without it.

With an acute attack of pancreatitis, you can generally starve at first. Diet will have to adhere to a long time. It is worth eating prohibited foods, as the pancreas will again manifest itself.


Khalila 11/03/2016
Pancreatitis. Probable cause: “Rejection. Anger and hopelessness: life seems to have lost its appeal. ” New approach: “I love and approve myself. I myself create joy in my life. ”
I never had health problems, being overweight, etc., but after death I was the embodiment of anger (I was angry that God could not fulfill my only desire for my mother to die in my arms and not in the hospital) and as if I myself had died and after about a year chronic pancreatitis appeared. I am 100% sure that the reason for its occurrence is my psycho-emotional state.

Galina F 05/20/2016
With acute pancreatitis, she was admitted to the ambulance twice, with an interval of one and a half years. The first time I lost 9 kg, the second a little less. After the first, it was exactly a year on the diet. But, after reading the tips on the Internet, I began to go out of the diet little by little ... And, as a result, an ambulance, the hospital for 21 days. Now the advice to everyone is DIET, and nothing but DIET !!! We will all be healthy !!!

Galina 03/22/2016
My sister just fell ill from this disease. More than a month, practically didn’t eat anything at all! Lose weight - horror. They don’t go to the hospital. Now, everything seems to be improving, health, in a sense. Of course, the diet adheres to a very strict one, it may give some relief later.

Alina 03/22/2016
But I really love tomatoes! And they just can not be! There’s some kind of punishment. Everything is well described here, something like this I eat. Sometimes I go out with a diet, but not for long. Still, it’s better to feel normal than to suffer, but after eating tasty.

Vasilisa 03/22/2016
Adhering to a diet exactly as described here. And everything was in order, for a long time no attacks. Relaxed. In birthday mother-in-law drank some alcohol. In the morning, I thought it was better to die right away - there were such pains. Again on a diet. It seems to let go.


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