Eggplant with mayonnaise - cook, resting. Fried eggplant with mayonnaise, tomato, mushrooms and cheese - simple and tasty options


You don’t have to think about what to cook from eggplant for more than a minute: salted and pickled, fried, stewed and baked - they are good in any form. Therefore, it is enough to just look into the refrigerator and pick up 2-3 ingredients for the berry and vegetable, as companions for breakfast or lunch, flowing smoothly into early dinner.

I always want to look for new recipes, replenish my culinary notebook with interesting culinary ideas.

Eggplant with mayonnaise - the basic principles of preparation

Given the useful properties of eggplant, they could be cooked for dinner, but without mushrooms, mayonnaise and cheese - too satisfying combination of products for dinner.

Any existing processing methods are suitable for eggplant. They are not consumed only in raw form. They go well with fresh vegetables and spicy greens: tomatoes, lettuce and hot peppers, green and onions, radishes and radishes, carrots, potatoes, mushrooms, fried and pickled.

The last ingredient, mushrooms, is used by resourceful housewives as an addition to eggplants, even in the smallest quantities: eggplants are so similar in texture and density to mushrooms that when they add only one mushroom flavor, they become practically indistinguishable from them, and this is a budget saving and product availability. Mushrooms, however, are more difficult to collect, and they cost many times more!

Salted and pickled eggplants go well with meat and potatoes, stewed with rice. Any spicy herbs, roots and spices are suitable for the vegetable. Due to its neutral taste and imagination of the cook, eggplant can become an oriental, Asian, Caucasian, Mediterranean dish. You can add cheeses to them, they can be used as a filling for pies, casseroles, rolls. For eggplant sauces, select:

sour cream









Of course, everyone's favorite and versatile mayonnaise in eggplant dishes is also indispensable.

Eggplants are worth it to include in your diet more often. The vegetable contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, and iron. These substances, firstly, are very necessary for the body, since they participate in all metabolic processes, and, secondly, they are perfectly preserved during any heat treatment. That is why eggplant is a popular and favorite product, which is also canned for the winter.

The bolder the imagination, the more interesting the dish. Try to take any favorite recipe and imagine what the dish will look like if you add eggplant to it. The result will pleasantly surprise you.

1. Grilled eggplant with garlic and mayonnaise


Eggplant, large 3-4 pcs.

Olive oil

Nuts (walnuts or any) 200 g



Ground pepper



Spices and lemon juice to taste


After washing the eggplants, cut them into circles 0.7-0.8 cm thick. Fry the mugs on the grill until they are a beautiful rosy color.

Cut tomatoes in the same circles: into two cups of eggplant - one cup of tomato. Choose dense meaty varieties of tomatoes. Sprinkle sugar over the slices and fry a little too.

From cheese, nuts, olive oil and garlic, make a paste by putting all the ingredients in a blender bowl and chopping them. Add ground pepper, mayonnaise, mix. You can add to taste coriander, lemon juice, nutmeg or other spices.

From the prepared vegetables and cheese and nut pasta, collect the appetizer - “stumps”: put a layer of pasta, tomato, another layer of pasta on an eggplant slice - cover all this with another cup of baked eggplant. Garnish the stumps with cilantro or parsley leaves.

There are a lot of options for such an easy and satisfying snack. From the proposed ingredients that go well with each other in any method of heat treatment, make your own options for a snack dish for a summer picnic.

2. Eggplant with mayonnaise - a hot appetizer


Mayonnaise 120 g

Soft cheese 100 g

Eggplant 400 g

Garlic to taste

Egg 1 pc.

Greens 150 g

Sesame 50 g




Order of preparation:

Cut peeled eggplant along the entire length with bars. Salt and drizzle with lemon juice. Cover the container so that the eggplants do not darken, let them stand for a while, so that the salt dissolves.

Combine half the mayonnaise and the egg, add pepper, beat the mass. Prepare a mixture of flour and sesame in a separate bowl. Cover the baking sheet with greased paper. Slices of eggplant in batter, then roll in flour sweep and spread on the prepared sheet.

Bake until golden brown in the oven or fry in a pan, in a large amount of vegetable oil. For flavor, put garlic cloves on a leaf or in boiling oil. It can also be added to batter or sauce, which must be prepared from the remaining mayonnaise, grated cheese and chopped herbs. After combining the components of the sauce, carefully grind them with a blender.

3. Fried eggplant with mayonnaise - mushroom snack


Eggplant 300 g

Sliced ​​Parsley 90 g

Champignons, fresh 400 g

Lemon (juice and zest)

Thyme 30 g

Ground pepper

Olive oil 120 ml

Garlic 40-50 g

Mayonnaise 180 g

Toast bread or baguette

Cheese 150 g


Diced peeled eggplant and mushrooms, fry in a pan, adding oil, salt and pepper.

Cut the bread into slices, put on the prepared pan. Top with fried vegetables, combined with grated cheese. In mayonnaise, add juice and lemon zest, fresh chopped herbs, garlic, spices. Pour the toast into the sauce and bake in the oven. Hot sandwiches can also be prepared in the microwave.

4. Eggplant with garlic and mayonnaise - a salad in the Caucasian style








Lemon Juice or Wine Vinegar

Salt pepper

Curly parsley

Leaf lettuce

Green onions

Boiled white beans

Order of preparation:

Salad ingredients - in equal proportions, spices - to taste.

Dice peeled eggplant and tomatoes in large cubes. Fry eggplant in vegetable oil, transfer to a sieve, let cool and drain the oil. Finely chop the garlic, nuts and cilantro and add to mayonnaise with vinegar or lemon juice.

Lay lettuce on the dish. Combine tomatoes, eggplant and beans, season with sauce and mix. Put the slide on lettuce leaves. Sprinkle with chopped green onions and garnish with sprigs of curly parsley. You can put lemon slices for beauty, sprinkle additional sesame seeds.

5. Stuffed eggplant with mayonnaise and tomatoes


Eggplant 3 pcs.

Smoked ham 300 g

Tomatoes 200 g

Cheese 150 g

Champignons 400 g

Onions 100 g

Cooking Oil 70 g

Mayonnaise 150 g

Basil, parsley 100 g

Hot tomato sauce 180 g


Dice tomatoes, onions, and peeled mushrooms. Choose three medium-sized eggplants of the right shape. Wash and cut them in half lengthwise. Make a notch inside the fruits, salt, add vinegar, pepper. Blanch the eggplant until soft in boiling water, or bake it in the oven. Then take out the pulp, chop. And fry with mushrooms and onions.

Refrigerate the fried vegetables, add to them, diced, tomatoes and ham. Stuff the eggplants with the prepared filling, lay on the prepared baking sheet.

Combine mayonnaise and hot tomato sauce, add fresh chopped basil greens, optionally add garlic or other spicy spices and herbs. Pour the stuffed eggplant into the sauce.

Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for 10-15 minutes in the oven, preheated to 180 ° C. When serving, garnish with chopped greens, and pour in addition tomato sauce.

6. Puff pastry pie and fried eggplant with mayonnaise and cheese


Garlic (young shoots) 100 g

Eggplant 500 g

Dried Mushrooms 80 g

Pickled cheese (feta or unsalted feta cheese)

Butter 120 g

Parsley 70 g


Egg 1 pc.

Puff yeast dough 0.5 kg

Mayonnaise 90 g

Pastry poppy, almond flakes or sesame powder

Vegetable oil for form lubrication


Roll out the dough very thinly in the form of a rectangular layer, transfer to a film or a silicone napkin, put it in the refrigerator for a while.

Fry the eggplant, peeled and diced, adding butter, mushroom seasoning and spices during frying. When cooled, add chopped garlic shoots, chopped parsley, cheese, pre-mashed with a fork, and mayonnaise.

Divide the dough into 4-5 identical strips, 3.0-3.5 cm wide. Alternately, put the filling for the pie in the center in the middle of the strips. Pinch the strips and lay them in a greased round shape in a spiral, seam down. Beat the egg, grease the surface of the cake with plenty, sprinkle with poppy seeds, sesame seeds or almonds. Bake at 180 ° C for 20-25 minutes.

Fried Eggplant with Mayonnaise - Useful Tips

Try to use slightly overripe eggplant. Such fruits have a more tender flesh. The skin of overripe fruits contains solanine, which gives bitterness to berries. To get rid of bitterness, mature eggplant is peeled or soaked in water.

Eggplant contains a lot of fiber, which absorbs oil or other fats well when frying. Therefore, fry the eggplant only in a well-heated pan, in boiling oil. It is easiest to heat cast-iron cookware to the boiling point of oil - use such cookware to quickly fry vegetables.


Watch the video: How to Cook Perfect Steak. Jamie Oliver (June 2024).