Vegetable cabbage rolls are a lean version of your favorite dish. Recipes and secrets of cooking vegetable cabbage rolls with pumpkin, turnips, mushrooms, grilled


If you think that stuffed cabbage without meat cannot be tasty and satisfying, then you are mistaken. After all, lean cuisine can be not only tasty, but also diverse.

Minced meat can be replaced with cereal, vegetable or mushroom. And if there is not much time for the formation of cabbage rolls, then you can cook lazy cabbage rolls.

Vegetable cabbage rolls - general principles

To make cabbage rolls really tasty, choose a dense, not cracked cabbage. Especially tasty vegetable cabbage rolls are obtained from young white or Beijing cabbage.

Perhaps the most time-consuming process, frightening housewives, is the preparation of cabbage leaves. But, knowing a few tricks, softening the cabbage will not be difficult:

1. A whole boiled head of cabbage. The vegetables are thoroughly washed, the upper leaves are cleaned, deep cuts are made from below around the stump and the cabbage is released into boiling water, boiled for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on the variety. They take out the cabbage, carefully remove the leaves. If the inner leaves remain stiff, the head of cabbage is again released into the same water. Perform the procedure until a sufficient number of leaves is collected. At the same time, it is important not to overdo the cabbage in boiling water so that the leaves do not boil, otherwise they will tear when forming cabbage rolls. By the way, the water remaining after cooking can be used as a base for gravy.

2. Microwave Cooking Cabbage. The prepared head of cabbage is placed in a suitable plastic bag and sent for 5 minutes in the microwave, setting the maximum power. After the forks, they are carefully removed and disassembled. If necessary, as in the previous version, send cabbage for re-heating. You should be especially careful here when removing the head of cabbage from the bag; you can easily burn yourself with steam.

3. Freezing cabbage. The method is unusual, quite long, but effective. Cabbage is prepared: the upper leaves are removed, washed, dried. After spread in a bag and sent to the freezer for at least 4 hours, depending on the size of the head of cabbage. Next, the cabbage is thawed and divided into leaves.

4. Using the oven. Leaves are carefully removed from prepared cabbage, cutting them off the stump, making sure that the leaf does not tear, after which the cabbage leaves are wrapped in foil and sent to the heated oven for 5-7 minutes. The process is complex, fresh cabbage leaves are not easy to separate from the fork, without spoiling their appearance. But this particular type of heat treatment, unlike the others, preserves all the taste and useful qualities of cabbage.

1. Vegetable cabbage rolls with champignons


• forks of fresh cabbage;

• 2 onions and carrots;

• a bunch of parsley;

• fresh champignons - 5 pcs.;

• rice groats - 350 g;

• frying oil - half a glass;

• black pepper, salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

1. Disassemble the cabbage scalded with boiling water on the leaves.

2. Rinse the cereals, soak in hot water for several minutes, then rinse again.

3. Peel the carrots, wash, grate on a fine grater, chop the onion with a knife, peel the mushrooms, wash, cut into pieces.

4. Put a little onion with carrots and mushrooms in a hot frying pan with oil, simmer for 3 minutes on a low flame.

5. Finely chop the parsley.

6. In a small cup, mix the swollen groats with vegetables, mushrooms and herbs, salt, pepper.

7. On each cabbage leaf lay out a small amount of the filling, wrap in the form of an envelope.

8. In a deep cast-iron bowl, put extra cabbage leaves, on top of cabbage rolls.

9. Prepare the fill: put the remaining onions with carrots in a separate pan, fry a little, add salt, pepper, pour water, bring to a boil.

10. Pour the stuffed cabbage with the finished sauce, adjust the smallest fire and simmer a little less than half an hour.

11. When serving, lay the cabbage rolls on plates, pour over the sauce, decorate with lettuce greens.

2. Grilled vegetable cabbage


• a large head of Beijing cabbage;

• rice groats - incomplete glass;

• canned corn - 200 g;

• peanuts without husks - 2 handfuls;

• dill - the floor of the beam;

• frying oil - 20 ml;

• salt - a pinch;

• a little ketchup.

Cooking method:

1. Disassemble scalded cabbage on the leaves, cut out all the coarse parts.

2. Boil washed rice in slightly salted water.

3. Roast the peanuts in a dry pan.

4. Prepare the filling: mix canned corn grains with finely chopped dill and roasted peanuts chopped in a blender, slightly salt.

5. On each leaf, put 2 teaspoons of the filling, wrap it with an envelope.

6. Grease the grill grates with oil, put the prepared cabbage rolls, fry on all sides.

7. Serve on portioned plates with ketchup.

3. Lazy vegetable cabbage rolls with pumpkin


• any rice groats - 200 g;

• ordinary cabbage - a small piece;

• onion head;

• 1 carrot;

• a small piece of pumpkin;

• 3 tomatoes;

• salt, black pepper - 10 g each;

• mushroom broth - 400 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the onion into strips, grate the carrots on a grater with large teeth.

2. Peel the pumpkin from a thick peel and chop it into a small cube.

3. Chop the cabbage in small squares.

4. Soak the cereal for 10 minutes in boiling water, then drain the water, rinse the rice.

5. Put onions, carrots in a hot pan, fry for a couple of minutes over moderate heat.

6. Add the cabbage and pumpkin, then simmer, stirring for a few minutes, add salt and pepper.

7. Put chopped peeled tomatoes.

8. Add the cereal to the vegetables, stir everything well.

9. Pour a little hot water and simmer everything over moderate heat until the vegetables and cereals are completely softened.

10. When serving, put the vegetable mixture on portioned plates, put a piece of any fried meat next to it.

4. Vegetable cabbage rolls with beans, potatoes and mushrooms


• 2 small heads of ordinary cabbage;

• 20 potato tubers;

• 3 onion heads;

• red beans - 6 handfuls;

• fresh white mushrooms - 4 pcs.;

• porcini mushrooms in dry form - 1 handful;

• a little tomato paste;

• pepper, salt, sweet paprika seasoning - half a teaspoon;

• frying oil - 130 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Soak beans in water for 2 hours. Soak dry mushrooms for a few minutes.

2. Cut cabbage from cabbage heads. Scald cabbage with hot water, sorted by leaves, cut off all the coarse parts.

3. Prepare the bean filling: in a frying pan with oil, fry half the onion head chopped with crumbs, add the beans, warm them up a bit, add salt and pepper. In a warm form, grind beans with onions in mashed potatoes.

4. Prepare the mushroom stuffing: chop the fresh mushrooms with a knife, fry in a pan in warmed oil with the other half of the onion, add salt and pepper.

5. Peel the potatoes, grate with the remaining onions, salt, pepper, stir.

6. Put the potato mass 1 tablespoon each in hot oil in a pan and fry it like potato pancakes. Put potato pancakes in a clean bowl.

7. Twist each cabbage leaf in a bag.

8. On each potato pancake, put a tablespoon of the filling, put the potato pancake in the baglet, tuck the edges inward. And so do with all the leaves, while alternating the fillings with bean and mushroom.

9. Lay the cabbage rolls in layers in a deep cast-iron bowl, slightly salt, sprinkle with paprika. When laying cabbage rolls with mushroom filling, put on them swollen dry mushrooms. Pour boiled water over a layer of stuffed cabbage with bean filling, and stuffed cabbage stuffed with boiled mushrooms.

10. Put the cast iron in a hot oven at moderate temperature, cook for 60 minutes.

11. Prepare the gravy: in a small cup, dilute the tomato with water, pour into a cast iron with cabbage rolls, simmer in the oven for a few more minutes.

12. Put cabbage rolls on plates, pour over the resulting sauce.

5. Stuffed cabbage vegetables with turnips


• head of cabbage;

• five medium turnips;

• 2 onions;

• 4 cloves of garlic;

• a small amount of sunflower oil;

• 10 g of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Peel turnips and onions, cut into thin strips, fry in oil.

2. Scald cabbage with hot water, divide by leaves. Finely chop the small leaves with a knife and mix with turnips and onions, add chopped garlic.

3. On large leaves, lay out the filling, form envelopes.

4. Place cabbage rolls in a deep cast-iron bowl, simmer under a lid over moderate heat.

5. Serve hot with sour cream.

6. Vegetable cabbage rolls with bell pepper


• 1 forks of cabbage;

• 2 carrots;

• 4 bell peppers;

• a couple of onions;

• 4 leaves of celery;

• half the head of garlic;

• a glass of sour cream;

• a small amount of vegetable oil;

• half a teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and chop all vegetables, fry everything with chopped celery leaves in a pan with oil.

2. Sprinkle cabbage with hot water and separate the leaves. Grind small and put to vegetables, add chopped garlic, salt.

3. Put vegetable stuffing on suitable cabbage leaves, wrap with an envelope.

4. Put cabbage rolls on a frying sheet, pour sour cream diluted with water, put in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for half an hour.

5. Serve the cabbage rolls on a flat plate, pouring the gravy in which they were baked, next to which you can put a piece of baked or fried pork.

Vegetable cabbage rolls - tricks and tips

• Since vegetables and cereals are part of vegetable cabbage, the dishes are independent and do not require an additional side dish. However, cabbage rolls themselves can be an excellent side dish for any meat.

• Sauces will make the taste of vegetable cabbage rolls more saturated; use sour cream, tomato paste, herbs, garlic for their preparation.

• Vegetable cabbage rolls are especially delicious when hot.


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