The meaning of the name Aurora, the nature and fate of a girl with that name. What does the name Aurora mean: origin and history


A person’s name is his unique code that determines his fate and character. But this does not mean that everyone is destined to have the same fate.

What does the name Aurora mean? It’s worth sorting out.

The meaning of the name Aurora

What does the name Aurora mean? It means the morning dawn. The name is first found in manuscripts compiled in Latin. In everyday life it was mainly used by the Greeks. Aurora zodiac sign - Virgo. The planet that protects her - Proserpine.

This planet characterizes the person whom she patronizes, as warlike and not deviating from its principles.

Name color - Violet.

A plant that will help Aurora get rid of many ailments - almond.

A stone that accompanies the growth and beauty of a girl like no other - pink chalcedony.

The day on which she can meet her happiness - Wednesday.

The origin and history of the name Aurora

Aurora is an ancient Greek warlike goddess who patronizes the weak. And today her face is engraved in many Greek temples. The name Aurora has many synonyms in other cultures. In France, the name Auror is used, which means Aurora. In Spain, the girl will be called Aurora.

The Greeks portrayed Aurora, the sister of Helios, riding a chariot. The face of Aurora in Greece was portrayed as winged. The meaning of the name Aurora has changed somewhat in modern history and mythology. Many consider her the goddess of the morning sun, because by giving, Aurora shed tears for her son killed in the war, and this happened at dawn.

In the Christian tradition, the name Aurora is not indicated, it is not customary to celebrate the name day of Aurora, since there is no saint with the same name. But in many European countries, girls named Aurora are baptized as Ann, so they celebrate their name day on Anna's name day.

The character and fate of Aurora

The origin and history of the name Aurora foreshadowed its significance. It is worth noting that modern Aurors are not inferior in their militancy to their predecessors. Positive character traits of Aurora:

• balance;

• Calmness;

• Exposure.

Many consider her excessive modesty and restraint a vice. Some may consider them hypocrisy and think that Aurora does not want to support a dispute or develop a quarrel. On the contrary, the girl will carefully listen to all the arguments of the opponent and only then will draw her conclusions. She is not too active, not always a generator of new ideas. She herself is not prone to drastic changes in life.

Perhaps that is why she may seem boring to men. They do not find in her that femininity and passion that they would like to find. But in friendship with Aurora, men get quite a lot of positive things.

She is a great friend and ally. It will always weigh the pros and cons and allow both allies and rivals to express their point of view. She does not enter into disputes, but she can express her position so clearly and in time that the opponents will have no arguments left.

The negative character traits of Aurora include:

• Excessive seriousness;

• Lack of flexibility;

• Short-sightedness.

But with a more active partner nearby, Aurora will be a wonderful wife and housewife. She does not seek risk in this life, she needs enough of what she receives from loved ones and relatives. And this is support, love and affection.

The character and fate of Aurora make her always remain a strong girl and rely on herself alone. She is ready to help at any difficult moment and her friends appreciate it. With little Aurora, it will be very difficult for parents to find a common language. She very early forms her own opinion, which she likes to express with her seniors and in a large company.

She questions any decision of the elders, because she wants to come to this decision herself, to this conclusion. Parents often take this behavior for ignorance and punish little Aurora, while the girl does not always understand what she did wrong.

Aurora can become very secretive if it is very long and often punished and scolded. This will only lead to the fact that she will make even more mistakes and will be even more offended by others. Parents should not put too much pressure on the girl and demand the impossible from her. When Aurora grows up, she will become more purposeful, and each of her mistakes will become a kind of victory over herself.

It is also worth remembering that if Aurora is silent, this does not mean that everything is calm in her soul and she experiences positive emotions inside. This may mean that she is offended and does not want to continue the conversation. The only way to find out the truth is to ask directly about her feelings.

Profession and love of Aurora

Aurora does not have leadership business qualities. She will gladly work under someone's strict guidance, rather than becoming a leader herself. She is very disappointed with the mistakes of others, so she tries to perform the most important and responsible tasks herself.

In financial matters, you can easily rely on her.. She will never betray or substitute. If he makes a mistake, he will be completely punished. Aurora will gladly replace a sick colleague and will not breed gossip at work. Therefore, she is valued as an employee and is always ready to pay a decent salary for quality work.

Aurora is in no hurry to get married, and her chosen ones do not always try to discern her deep restraint and feelings behind her restraint. If Aurora was born in the summer, then in the family she can be oppressive. Her changeable mood very much affects close people. She is strict with children. She demands from them the same discipline and the same endurance that is characteristic of herself.

Not every man will survive a marriage with such a serious woman. Only an adult man and clearly knowing what he wants from life will fit Aurora as a life partner. She is not prone to treason and always believes in the devotion of her soulmate. To create a strong Aurora family, you must learn to be flexible and accept the weaknesses of others.
