Classical fish soup - the recipe for the first dish of fish stuff and large sea fish. Recipes of classic fish soup with potatoes, vodka, spices


The idea of ​​fish soup was born in time immemorial. But such a dish as fish soup has nothing to do with fish soup.

The word itself is a derivative of "juh", which means "fat", "blood", "animal juice", that is, until about the XVII century, the ear was cooked, including from meat and chicken.

In modern Russian cuisine, fish soup is called transparent hot instant soup, which is not seasoned with fried onions, flour, cereals. The classic “white” fish soup is made from fish with a sweetish taste (brush, perch, pike perch, rotan, whitefish), which gives the broth tenderness, transparency, and characteristic stickiness. There is a "black" ear, which is cooked from carp and crucian carp, fat carp and tender rudd. Finally, there is a “red” (or “amber”) ear classic. Its recipe includes salmon, trout, sturgeon, nelma, stellate stellate, pink salmon or beluga.

Classical ear - recipes and general principles of preparation

According to the classical recipe, fish soup can be prepared from both river and sea fish. It varies in density, adding numerous ingredients or leaving it light, transparent. In addition to fish, classic fish soup recipes should include a minimal but mandatory set of vegetables: onions, loose potatoes and carrots. Some housewives are fundamentally against potatoes in the ear, considering such a dish fish soup.

In general, it’s quite difficult to use the word “classical” with respect to fish soup, as in each locality the housewives prepare their own version of the dish. It is more appropriate to say "traditional."

To prepare the fish for cooking, you need to remove the scales from it, gut it, throw out the swimming bladder. From the head, be sure to cut the gills. If the head is very large, cut or chop into pieces.

It is believed that if the fish is live, just caught, only onions can be added to it from vegetables. The taste will be amazing, no potatoes, carrots, celery, pepper, spices are required. If the fish has already fallen asleep, then cooking the classic ear according to the recipe should be with a vegetable tab. Of the spices, black pepper, green onion, dried or fresh dill, bay leaf, tarragon, nutmeg, ginger are best suited. The fatter the fish, the more spices the broth requires.

Two main methods are used for cooking fish soup:

• the fish is immediately placed in water, brought to a boil, the ingredients are added during the cooking process;

• first cook the salted vegetable broth, and then lay the fish pieces.

It is important that the fish does not boil. Depending on the size of the piece or fish, it is enough to keep them in a boiling broth for seven to twenty minutes. River fish cooks longer, sea fish faster.

Classic ear "Black" with vodka

This option is good to cook from carp, silver carp or carp. If the fish is still alive, the classic ear according to the recipe below will turn out to be amazingly tasty.


• a kilogram piece of fish or whole fish weighing 1 kg;

• two liters of water;

• salt (about one and a half tablespoons);

• two large onions;

• five potatoes;

• a tablespoon of lemon juice;

• ten peas of black pepper;

• a teaspoon of ground black pepper;

• two bay leaves;

• fresh or dried dill (tablespoon);

• a large glass of vodka (50 ml).

Cooking method:

Put the cleaned fresh fish with the head and tail into a pan, pouring the norm of cold water.

Immediately throw one peeled onion into the water.

Add peppercorns and peppers.

Turn on medium heat, do not cover with a lid and monitor fluid heating. Actively forming foam on top must be removed.

After the appearance of signs of boiling, cook for about fifteen minutes (focus on the size of the piece or fish).

Take out the fish, cool it a bit and cut it into pieces, separating the bones and head.

Strain the broth.

Chop the second onion.

Cut carrots depending on the volume of the root crop into circles or quarters of circles. If you like carrot cubes in a soup, you can cut it like that.

Cut the potatoes into medium or large cubes.

Bring strained salted broth to a secondary boil, drain the lemon juice and lay the vegetables.

As soon as the water boils again, pour in the vodka.

While the vegetables are being cooked, put the fish in plates, sprinkle with dill and pepper.

Pour the ear into plates and serve.

Classic ear "Private" with bell pepper

If the fish has already fallen asleep or has been stored for a long time, you can improve the taste of fish soup by adding a set of bell pepper. It gives an original shade to the dish and makes the recipes of the classic soup varied. The broth turns out to be rich and very tasty.


• kilogram of small river fish;

• 1.8 liters of water;

• two small onions;

• half of bell pepper;

• half a carrot;

• a tablespoon of salt;

• root and parsley;

• two large potatoes;

• a tablespoon of dill;

• three bay leaves;

• a tablespoon of tarragon;

• a third of a teaspoon of black pepper peas.

Cooking method:

Cut the peeled white potatoes into large pieces (possible in quarters).

Cut onions, peppers, carrots, roots and parsley (greens) into smaller ones.

Boil salted water to taste.

Dip the potato cubes in boiling water, wait for it to boil.

Add the remaining vegetables.

Five minutes after boiling in a broth with vegetables, lower the fish detail.

Cook for ten to fifteen minutes, no more, removing the foam.

Five minutes before ready to season with tarragon, pepper and herbs.

Turn off the fire, let the ear stand for about five minutes under the lid.

Classical rich pike ear

Toothy pike is a great base for our grandmothers' classic soup. Replace this variety of fish can be pike perch or large perches. We will cook the fillet and fillet separately.


• a kilogram of fresh gutted fish;

• large onion;

• two liters of water;

• two bay leaves;

• ten pieces of pepper peas;

• salt to taste;

• a tablespoon of parsley root;

• a bunch of fresh greens of dill or parsley;

• a few arrows of green onions.

Cooking method:

With gutted fish, cut off the head and tail, remove the skin.

Fold the scalp with the skin and tail in a saucepan, pour two liters of cold water and put on medium heat.

Salt the water, toss the root parsley, onion, pepper and bay leaf.

Remove the foam from the boiling broth, cook for forty minutes at a very slow boil.

Strain the broth and return to the pan.

Pike meat cut into pieces.

Gently lower the pike meat into the boiled broth, cook until tender.

Dill, chives, chop parsley smaller.

Arrange the fish on plates, sprinkle with herbs, pour the fish soup.

Classical "Sluggish" ear of dried fish and mushrooms

The original recipe for a classic fish soup is taken from the book of V. Pokhlebkin. It diversifies the culinary notebook and introduces the traditions of Russian cuisine. The fisherman's family has dried fish all year round.


• a pound of dried fish stuff;

• two liters of water;

• two hundred grams of dried mushrooms;

• two potatoes;

• salt;

• black pepper peas;

• small carrots;

• two small onions;

• a pinch of tarragon;

• one bay leaf;

• two tablespoons of chopped dill.

Cooking method:

Pour dried fish with water, cover with a lid, soak for three to four hours.

Soak dried mushrooms in a separate bowl.

Soaked fish in the same water put on fire, throw pepper, a little salt, bay leaf, let it boil.

Lay the squeezed mushrooms and cook for twenty minutes.

Cut vegetables into small cubes.

Gently lower the vegetable tab, cook until tender.

Before turning off the fire at the end of cooking, dress with tarragon.

Chop dill.

Pour the ear into plates, sprinkle with chopped dill.

Classical fish soup with trout

The fish soup cooked from red fish differs in taste from a dish prepared from fish with white meat. Trout in this recipe, classic fish soup, that is, cooked with basic vegetables, can be replaced with other red fish or fish heads and trimmed pink salmon, salmon. If desired, you can take white sea fish, for example, cod or halibut. To make the broth stronger, you need a few small fish.


• a pound of trout;

• three hundred and four hundred grams of small fish (roach, brushes, rotan, perch);

• five potatoes;

• medium carrot;

• two bay leaves;

• large onion;

• a third of a teaspoon of black peppercorns;

• a little stem celery (for an amateur).

Cooking method:

Gut the fish trifle, wash it, fill it with water.

Add celery (optional), peppercorns, whole onion and turn on the fire.

Cook fish. With shallow boiling, forty minutes are enough to obtain a rich, strong broth.

Chopped peeled vegetables.

Strain the finished broth and return to the fire.

Lay vegetables, let it boil.

Dip the trout in the broth, cook for about ten minutes (do not allow the appearance of foam).

The boiled ear should stand for about five minutes under the lid.

Classical ear with butter "Tender"

Unusual taste differs this version of fish soup. The classic recipe is only slightly supplemented with butter. In addition, there is no potato in the dish, so it turns out easy, despite the presence of animal fat.


• kilogram of any fish or fish trimmings;

• two liters of water;

• large fresh carrots;

• two onions;

• a tablespoon of butter;

• pepper and salt to your taste;

• two leaves of parsley.

Cooking method:

Pour the fish with water, add the onion (whole) and salt, send to medium heat.

Cut the carrots into circles.

After boiling, cook the broth for twenty minutes.

Take out the fish, take it apart on a filet.

Strain the hot broth carefully.

Put carrots, black pepper, lavrushka, cook until tender.

Arrange the fish in plates, season with butter and pour the broth.

Classical ear - tricks and useful tips

  • Ear cooked without a lid, with a mild or moderate boil, turns out more delicious.
  • The fish soup is ready when the meat of the fish easily lags behind the bones. The broth should be transparent.
  • Bad is the ear, which has a specific, rather unpleasant fishy smell. It appears if the fish is digested. For river fish, the cooking time is fifteen to twenty minutes, for fresh sea fish, eight to twelve minutes.
  • If the ear is cooked from carp, then the tail and head are taken. The meat of this large fish is oily, therefore, the indicated parts are sufficient to obtain a richness and to saturate the fish pulp.
  • The ear, which stood for 24 hours, becomes tastier than freshly cooked. Some experts say that January 1 is nothing better than a plate of such a dish. Relieves night fatigue after a rich feast instantly.


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