The back between the shoulder blades hurts - why? If the back between the shoulder blades hurts, what does it mean and how to deal with the problem


Our contemporary has absolutely no time to monitor his health. Any pathological manifestations are considered as temporary inconvenience, regardless of the underlying cause. Hope for maybe always prevails. People prefer household chores instead of seeing a doctor on time.

One of the unpleasant manifestations is pain between the shoulder blades. This is a dual symptom: it can testify both in favor of harmless conditions accompanied only by pain, and in favor of terrible conditions, such as a heart attack. To understand well what the source of the problem is, you should become more familiar with this symptom.

Causes of back pain between the shoulder blades

There are many likely causes of pain between the shoulder blades. It is always a question of any pathology, so pain should be considered as a secondary symptom of the current pathology. What can be called the reasons that the back between the shoulder blades hurts. All causes of back pain between the shoulder blades can be divided into three groups:

• Pathology of the spine.

• Diseases of surrounding structures.

• Pathology of organs.

There are also reasons that cannot be attributed to any of these three groups. Let's consider them in order.

Pathology of the spinal column

• Disc herniation. Intervertebral hernias in the thoracic spine can cause a symptom such as pain between the shoulder blades. It should be noted that this type of disease is extremely rare, not more often than in 2% of cases. This is because the spine in the thoracic region does not carry such a static and dynamic load as the lower back or neck. The cause of back pain between the shoulder blades lies in the development of inflammation: when the core of the intervertebral disc falls outside the bounding fibrous ring.

• Tuberculosis lesions. They are also extremely rare. The vast majority of the Russian population is infected with tubercle bacillus. People do not even suspect that they are carriers. In a critical period, this pest can activate and form a tuberculous focus in the spine. Fortunately, this is a rare occurrence.

• Spinal curvature (scoliosis). More than half of people suffer from spinal curvature. This disease may be accompanied by back pain between the shoulder blades.

• Osteochondrosis. The real misfortune of people leading a sedentary lifestyle. As a result of a long static load, the vertebrae "wears out", as a result - a hernia may develop, as a logical continuation of osteochondrosis.

Diseases of the surrounding structures

• Neuralgia. It is a compression effect on the nerve roots in the thoracic spine. There is no danger to the patient, but it is extremely difficult to tolerate. As a rule, pain is observed on one side of the chest, but the development of pain between the shoulder blades is possible.

• Inflammation of the back muscles. Also called myositis. It occurs spontaneously after hypothermia, transferred infectious disease, intense physical labor. It is impossible to independently distinguish myositis from other diseases.

Diseases of the internal organs

• Heart pathology. It is very difficult to distinguish intercostal neuralgia and other diseases from heart disease. Heart attack, coronary heart disease (CHD), angina pectoris, these diseases are almost always accompanied by pain between the shoulder blades. Timely diagnosis is important, otherwise there is a big risk of missing a serious illness.

• Pathology of the digestive tract (gastrointestinal tract). Cholecystitis (inflammation of the gallbladder), reactive pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), gastritis, especially with an ulcer. Here are the main diseases, the discomfort of which radiates (gives) to the back between the shoulder blades.

• Diseases of the lungs. This includes pneumonia, as well as bronchitis, pleurisy, etc.

Other diseases

They are rare. These include:

• Fractures of the spine. They can be accompanied by extremely intense pain, or minimal discomfort, depending on the severity of the lesion.

• Metastases to the spine. Most often, cancer of the stomach metastasizes to the spine.

• Systemic lesions of the spine. Like ankylosing spondylitis.

There are many causes of back pain between the shoulder blades. It is simply impossible to distinguish one state or another independently: there is a high probability of error. Each of these diseases and conditions is accompanied by a symptom complex.

Symptoms of Disease

Symptoms of each disease are different. Based on the described manifestations, a specific pathology can be suspected. However, self-diagnosis is not worth it, you should consult a doctor.

Disc herniation

The intensity of the pain during exacerbation is high. The pains are so severe that the patient is not able to move independently, or sit, or stand. In addition to pain, "goosebumps" on the hands, starting from the shoulders, numbness of the upper limbs. In more severe cases, heart and lung problems are possible. In the chronic stage, the pains become aching, pulling, accompany a person for days and weeks. There are no pains in remission.


A long time is not accompanied by any symptoms. In the developed period, mild pain is observed.


Not accompanied by any symptoms at an early stage. At a later time, the curvature becomes visible visually, muscle fatigue appears, pain is localized on one side.


Symptoms are similar to manifestations of a hernia, however, the clinical picture is not so bright. Among the symptoms are:

• Aching pain in the chest and between the shoulder blades.

• Crunch in the spine

• Difficulty breathing.

• Decreased functional activity of the upper limbs and back as a whole.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, pain in the affected organ. Moreover, the source is not always obvious, often the pain is localized between the shoulder blades and in the back.

Lung and respiratory diseases

As a rule, the pain syndrome is intense, accompanied by respiratory disorders, shortness of breath, suffocation, etc.

Heart diseases

It is very important to distinguish heart disease from the pathology of the spine and surrounding structures in time. With heart disease, there are:

• Pain behind the sternum.

• Burning sensation in the center of the chest.

• Compression of the chest (felt like a heavy load standing on the chest).

• Pain in the left hand.


Diagnosis of a condition such as pain between the shoulder blades begins in the office of a surgeon. This is the first specialist to contact. In the future, depending on the specific cause of the discomfort, consultation is indicated:

• Orthopedic surgeon for problems with the spine and surrounding structures.

• Neurologist.

• Cardiologist.

• Pulmonologist (deals with respiratory problems).

• Gastroenterologist.

At the initial consultation, you should tell your doctor about your complaints. The next stage is instrumental diagnostics. Applicable:

• Chest x-ray. To determine changes in the spine, lungs.

• Ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity.


• MRI / CT, for a more accurate assessment of the state of the musculoskeletal structures of the spine.

Laboratory studies are usually not informative.


The answer to the question "what to do if the back between the shoulder blades hurts?" obvious, need to be treated.

In no case should one engage in self-medication: this is fraught with complications. However, to stop the pain before visiting the doctor, you can once take a pill of anti-inflammatory (Ibuprofen, Ketorolac) and analgesic (Analgin, Novigan, etc.).

The treatment is mainly conservative, medicines of the following groups are prescribed:

• Anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs). To relieve inflammation.

• Analgesics.

• Chondroprotectors (to protect the spine from further destruction).

The rest of the treatment is symptomatic, as well as aimed at eliminating the root cause of the painful manifestation. It is determined only by a doctor and only after a thorough diagnosis.

In exceptional cases, surgery is indicated.

At the end of the acute period of spinal problems, exercise therapy, massage (with caution), and physiotherapy are prescribed.


There are several rules for the prevention of pain between the shoulder blades. Following them, you can forget about the question "what to do if the back between the shoulder blades hurts?".

• Do not work too hard physically. If load relief is not possible, it is recommended to take breaks every hour.

• It is not recommended to lead a sedentary lifestyle. Light physical activity is indicated for the prevention of back diseases.

• Every six months to a year, you need to undergo preventive examinations by a surgeon.

• With a sedentary nature of work, it is recommended to do light exercises every hour.

• You need to sit properly. Perfect fit - when the back is straight.

• You need to monitor the work of the heart and at the first suspicion go to the doctor.

These recommendations will help prevent back diseases.

Back pain between the shoulder blades is an unpleasant symptom, testifying in favor of the pathological process. Only a doctor can understand his character, so you should not postpone a visit to a specialist. Fortunately, these are usually mild and non-life-threatening diseases.


Watch the video: 8 Warning Signs That Your Shoulder Blade Pain Is Too Serious To Ignore (June 2024).