Chocolate Stroke Pills Already Exist! How effective are they?


American scientists have found that chocolate, a favorite treat for millions of people, is an effective way to prevent dangerous cardiovascular diseases. This is great news, thanks to the researchers for the idea of ​​chocolate pills!

The amazing properties of chocolate

Scientists do not accidentally consider chocolate an amazing and even mysterious treat. The fact is that it is still not completely clear how it affects the human hormonal background. But the fact that this influence is beneficial is a fact.

Not only that, real chocolate is a powerful antioxidant that prolongs human life. A small piece of bitter tile, eaten in the morning, will give strength, and caffeine, which is contained in the treat, will invigorate for the whole day.

In addition, nutritionists believe that chocolate is the perfect way to cheer you up. It contains a lot of tryptophan. This is an amino acid that causes the release of serotonin - the hormone of joy and happiness. But it’s dangerous to eat a lot of chocolate, because chocolate addiction can form, and it will have to be treated.

Chocolate pills support heart

The data obtained by scientists suggest that with the help of chocolate, heart attacks and strokes can be prevented. According to statistics, it is these because of these dangerous diseases that millions of people die every year. Moreover, mortality from strokes and heart attacks, according to WHO, is many times higher than the number of deaths from AIDS or even cancer.

Scientists using an 18,000-strong army of volunteers investigated the effect of dark chocolate on the human body. Participants ate a chocolate over the duration of the study. After the completion of the studies, it turned out that most of the subjects had normalized high blood pressure, the work of the heart muscle also returned to normal.

It turns out that multivitamins and flavonoids, which are rich in real dark chocolate, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels. That's why chocolate pills can effectively prevent "heart" ailments.

Chocolate pills under control

The only nuance is associated with the amount of chocolate that is worth eating for preventive purposes. The fact is that if you eat a treat uncontrollably, then from a medicine it will turn into poison. Exceeding a dose of chocolate pills can lead to diabetes. And this is no less a serious problem than heart disease.

Now scientists intend to develop special chocolate tablets, which will contain a certain, strictly dosed amount of chocolate and additional beneficial substances. The right concentration will provide a therapeutic and preventive effect.

We wholeheartedly welcome the undertaking of scientists. Sweet chocolate pills are exactly what girls need. And the heart is in order, and how much happiness!


Watch the video: The Health Benefits of Chocolate (June 2024).