Ah, what a man! Russian and foreign men: what is the difference?


Wisdom comes with experience. And experience over the years. Therefore, closer to thirty, the image of the handsome prince is replaced by another, and this time it is just a handsome man. Such as in films about true love - tender, loyal, beautiful, kind, caring ... and another 184 positive qualities. It’s just that it’s difficult to find such among compatriots. Very hard. Almost impossible. For wherever you look, everyone is either married or, for good reason, not married. And then the look of the Russian woman turns into the distance, to where ideal portraits of the inhabitants of overseas countries loom over the horizon.

Although not. Not always and not all overseas - in the "wish lists" for the most part Europeans and Americans. More rarely, Australians. And very rarely, ladies seek happiness on the continent of deserts and jungle. But why are men so attractive over the mound? They really differ in something from ours, or the language barrier and the difference in mentality make it difficult to see what's what? We’ll talk about this.

Attitude to alcohol and cigarettes

It is traditionally believed that all polls foreigners lead a healthy lifestyle, that is, do not smoke, do not drink, chew carrots for breakfast and run in the park. But give the Russians only an excuse, and then you will see the reverse course of evolution. In fact, both drink alcohol and smoke in approximately equal amounts, it is simply not customary to sit abroad with a bottle of vodka near the sandbox, or puff smoke in the face of a person standing next to the platform. In the best case, they will be fined for this, in the worst it will be necessary to taste the official soup. And even more so no one goes to bed under the fence. So here the principle works: "the eyes do not see - the heart does not hurt."

Attitude towards the weaker sex

The gallantry of the Germans, the British and others like them fights Russians on the spot. Indeed, even if one of them has a peaceful dinner with a lady in a restaurant and for no reason, drops a piece of fat steak on his knees, then he will never say “b *!”. And if a wife instead of a grocery set for a month buys a tenth pair of shoes, a foreigner will not allow herself to raise her voice. And he won’t raise his hand. In general, a dream, not a man. But do not flatter yourself - he does not respect you as a woman, but himself as a person. And she doesn’t want to break the laws (and they are so strict). Hence, good manners and the habit of resolving conflicts in court.

Attitude to his appearance

While Russian men for the most part can be called real men (in confirmation of the well-known proverb about monkeys), immigrants from Europe are always washed, shaved, moistened and smell beautifully. Even if their work is closely related to dirt, then there are no traces of it under the nails. And they massively buy subscriptions to the gym and bring physical fitness to perfection. You can’t argue with that, this is an obvious plus. But we already have tendencies for improvement. The influence of the West, probably.

You can compare the incomparable to infinity. But let us dwell on this, because no matter how different the men may be, it all depends on their personality, not citizenship.


Watch the video: Dating in Western VS Eastern Europe (June 2024).