Tom Cruise has a new love


Tom Cruise is not alone again. The 51-year-old actor began dating 33-year-old actress Laura Prepon. According to the American press, they look like a beautiful couple.

Not so long ago there were persistent rumors about Cruise's return to his ex-wife Katie Holmes. But the rumors remained rumors. Foreign media report that Cruz is very fit for his new passion, he, according to journalists, has a lot in common with Laura: Prepon, like Tom, is interested in Scientology.

Prepon and Cruz have known each other for quite some time, but the passion between them flared up just now. Fans suggest that the actor will not take time and will soon make a proposal to her lover. American journalists claim that friends of Cruise and Prepon, who wished to remain in the shadows, reported on the actor's long-standing sympathy for Laura. She allegedly had long fascinated Tom, but they did not try to build joint relations of the star before.


Watch the video: Tom Cruise Loves. List of Tom Cruise's Girlfriends and Wives (July 2024).