Symptoms and signs of decreased immunity. The main reasons for the decline in human immunity at different ages


Immunity is a very important protective barrier in the body, thanks to which a person can withstand many diseases. This article will talk about what causes a decrease in human immunity and how to restore the system.

Reasons for a decrease in human immunity

The main reasons for reducing human immunity are:

1. A poorly balanced diet that lasts for several months in a row. In this condition, the body does not receive most of the nutrients and vitamin, which leads to a sharp deterioration in the functioning of the immune system.

2. Anemia.

3. Excessive physical activity, which leads to the depletion of the body.

4. Various psychological stresses, including frequent unrest, neurosis, depression and stress, lead to a general weakening of all body systems, and as a result of this - a decrease in immunity.

5. Frequent drinking and smoking.

6. Addiction.

7. Sleep disturbance (chronic lack of sleep).

8. HIV infection.

9. Severe acute or chronic infectious, viral or bacterial diseases.

10. Long-term use of antibiotics and other potent drugs.

Less commonly, the causes of a decrease in human immunity are:

1. Living in a non-ecological environment and inhaling harmful chemical fumes.

2. Chronic diseases of internal organs and systems (tuberculosis, hepatitis, etc.).

3. Oncological pathologies.

4. Damage to the intestines by dangerous bacteria.

5. Injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

6. Frequent adherence to too restrictive diets, due to which a person independently leads to vitamin deficiency and a deficiency of important nutrients.

7. Liver failure in the body.

8. Recently suffered severe surgical interventions.

9. The defeat of parasites.

Most often, a decrease in immunity develops gradually, so a person can not immediately determine his condition. Disruptions in the body can only be detected by the characteristic symptoms of a decrease in the functioning of the immune system.

Symptoms and signs of decreased immunity

Highlight such features of the process of reducing human immunity:

1. First, a person will feel severe weakness and increased fatigue. Performing normal work, he will be much faster tired.

2. Then there will be constant drowsiness, body aches and shortness of breath. Even after rest there will be no sensation of a new surge of strength.

3. The concentration of attention sharply worsens. A person becomes distracted and irritable. There is a tendency to depressive states.

4. With various viral diseases in a person with a weakened immune system, the healing process is much delayed. At the same time, it is difficult for the body to fight the disease, which increases the risks of developing dangerous complications.

5. People with weak immunity often have a runny nose, purulent foci in the nasopharynx, colds and flu. Also, there are often problems in the digestive system and poisoning.

6. Chronic diseases in this condition will often worsen. New diseases may also join them.

7. Wounds and abrasions on the skin will heal and fester for a long time.

8. A person in this state is often pale, prone to apathy and loss of consciousness.

9. With weakened immunity, a constant exacerbation of diseases of the urinary and respiratory system is characteristic. Women can also have recurrent thrush, vaginosis, and other diseases of the reproductive system.

10. Tendency to tuberculosis infection and skin damage by fungi.

Additional manifestations of reduced immunity are:

1. Human skin in this state becomes very dry and peels off due to a lack of vitamin. Hair and nails also suffer - they become brittle.

2. Enlarged lymph nodes.

3. A person becomes prone to allergic reactions, even if this has not been observed before.

Reasons for a decrease in human immunity and doctor's advice

To understand how well the human immune system works, he should pass a series of tests for the state of immunity. Only after this, the doctor will be able to choose a specific therapeutic therapy (depending on the age, symptoms and indications of the patient).

Before starting treatment, it is very important to understand the root cause, because of which the immunity has decreased, because it is such a factor that will be fundamental in the selection of therapy.

There are the following traditional recommendations for the correct and maximum possible increase in immunity:

1. You should completely abandon bad habits - smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs.

2. It is important to rest more and normalize sleep.

3. You should undergo a full examination of the body and, if pathologies are detected, begin adequate treatment. It is also important to treat those chronic diseases that can constantly affect immunity.

4. Start eating right. The diet should be varied and well balanced. An experienced nutritionist or gastroenterologist will help to paint the menu.

The basis of proper nutrition should be vegetables, fruits, meat, fish and greens. Sour-milk products are also useful, as they improve digestion.

In addition, people with weakened immune systems are shown taking green tea, drinking olive oil and nuts.

It is also worth completely abandoning junk food containing salt, dyes and preservatives.

5. Be sure to take vitamin complexes (groups B, E, A, C, D). Also, do not forget about minerals - zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron. Most of these substances a person lacks in spring and autumn.

6. It will be useful to lead an active lifestyle. Physical activity favorably affects not only immunity, but also the state of the whole organism, including the nervous system. It is best to do jogging, swimming, dancing or yoga. You can also just take long walks in the fresh air.

7. Doctors often recommend practicing body hardening, but it is worth knowing that there are contraindications in this procedure - heart disease, acute respiratory disease or chronic pathology.

If the human condition allows you to practice hardening, then this will speed up the process of strengthening immunity at times. It is important not to go too far with this and start with a small one - just rubbing it with a cold towel. Then you can practice walking in the snow and a contrast shower. Strengthen immunity at home - you can!

Such loads activate the body's defenses.

Features of the treatment of reducing human immunity

In some cases, the patient requires additional drug therapy, as the state of immunity is very weakened. In this case, immunomodulators (Intraglobin, Likopid) can be prescribed to a person.

It is important to know that only the attending doctor can choose such medicines, because unauthorized administration of immunoglobulins can lead to a worsening of a person's condition.

As an adjunct therapy for patients with weakened immunity, it is important to observe the following tips:

1. Normalize your psycho-emotional state, as excitement and stress greatly suppress the immune system. If you cannot solve this problem yourself, you need to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

2. It is recommended that the patient in a stable state change the situation - go to a medical and preventive sanatorium.

3. If the disease became the reason for the decrease in immunity, then the person needs to be under medical supervision and take the prescribed drugs. In this case, it is advisable to be in a hospital.

4. For digestive problems, probiotics are prescribed. They will improve the digestive system, and fight against pathogenic intestinal bacteria.

5. Decoctions from herbs - linden, licorice, chamomile, jasmine, etc., contribute very well to the restoration of the immunity. Despite this, taking such drugs is possible only after consulting a doctor.

6. If you want to get rid of excess weight, you should not choose your own diet, because often such food is too restrictive. With this question, it is better to contact a specialist who will correctly select the individual weight loss plan for each person.


Watch the video: What Causes A Weak Immune System?? (July 2024).