January 14: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays January 14

Old New Year

This popular tradition, New Year's holiday in the old style, is due to the divergence of the Julian and Gregorian calendars. Almost all world countries live on the Gregorian calendar. These discrepancies are thirteen days. This holiday is a rare historical phenomenon, it appeared due to a change in the calendar. This is precisely the reason that people began to celebrate the New Year twice, the first time they celebrate the New Year in a new calendar, and the second in the old way. Therefore, everyone can extend the celebration of the New Year holidays until January 14. Many believers pay special attention to the Old New Year holiday, because just then the Christmas Lent comes to an end, and people can fully "win back" at the holiday table. It should be noted that the gap between the two calendars is increasing in those years when the number of hundreds of years in a year is four times. Accordingly, 1 day accumulates, which means that since March of the year 2100, the difference is fourteen days. And after twelve months, the date of the festival of Christmas and the Old New Year shifts 1 day in advance.

The birthday of the pipeline troops of Russia

Chairman of the Council of Ministers Stalin in 1951 signed a decree on the manufacture of the pipeline, which represented a completely new generation. They entrusted the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Oil and Gas to conduct joint tests of the pipeline. In January 1952, Marshal Vasilevsky signed a directive prescribing the formation of the first battalion, which produced the transfer of combustible material. This date was chosen as a festive day for the appearance of the pipeline troops. After some time, the units of the pipeline troops are part of the regular troops, and at the end of the 80s, the world's best field collapsible trunk pipeline was posted. Currently, these troops are part of the Central Fuel Administration. After several decades, designers and workers developed and created various field trunk pipelines; they had no analogues all over the world. Machines were developed that were engaged in installation and pumping. Pipeline troops actively worked during serious accidents, for example, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, where they provided a huge amount of water from the reservoirs that were nearby. Thanks to this, support was given to the work of the concrete plant, and many other facilities that were located on the territory of the nuclear power plant. The pipeline troops made a very significant contribution to the process of eliminating the consequences and to organizing the activities of additional enterprises.

Defenders of the Motherland Day in Uzbekistan

In 1992, on that day, the Parliament of Uzbekistan adopted a decision according to which all units and formations of military educational institutions and other military units that were located on the territory of the country were transferred to the authority of Uzbekistan. Thanks to this, the creation of the Armed Forces of the country began. It is in honor of this event that Uzbekistan celebrates the Day of Defenders of the Homeland. This holiday is dated January 14, according to the decision of the Supreme Council, which was adopted at the end of December in 1993. In Uzbekistan, this holiday is celebrated grandly and solemnly. The country's national anthem always plays on Independence Square, a military band plays, marching solemnly, military units march across the square. On this day, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces proclaims well-deserved congratulations addressed to the defenders of the Motherland.

International Kite Festival in India

In kites, various dreams of people that are connected with flying into the endless sky are combined. Paper kite technology is an exciting experience. There are many varieties of flying snakes, they all look amazing and fascinate with their beauty. Festivals are held in many countries, people from all over the world come to them, beginners and professionals take part in festivals. The kite festival is also held in India, in the city of Ahmedabad, because it is he who is the largest state in Gujarat. The day of this colorful festival coincides with Uttarayan, on this day the solar movement in the northern hemisphere is celebrated. This festival is held at the end of the winter season. It is on this day that many snakes are launched into the endless cloudless sky, the air is filled with the natural smells of spring, they are carried away by the wind far, far away, people watching this spectacle get unforgettable impressions that remain in memory until the next holiday.

At this celebration one can meet real world professionals of paper kite manufacturers. By their design, colors and sizes, these paper products simply amaze the human imagination. Along with youth, elderly people also take part in the festival. On this holiday, people come together as whole families, or friendly companies. The number of visitors and locals is huge, and not all are located on venues that are reserved for the festival, so people have to be placed on the ground, on the roof of houses and in other nearby territories. When kites soar in the air, they look like very beautiful birds that plow the boundless sky. On this day, snakes are launched not only during the day, but also at night. This is truly a magnificent sight. Paper structures are illuminated from the inside, and connected with one common thread, this thread lays them in one line. Seeing all this unearthly beauty, people return to this city from year to year, and are charged with a positive insistence that helps them look at the world with different eyes.

Circumcision of the Lord

This event is usually done after Christmas on the ninth day. Christians have been celebrating this day since the fourth century. In the modern world, this holiday is celebrated, as in antiquity. This event is considered by the Orthodox Church to be an important event. In ancient times, Jews believed that if circumcision is done, then a person becomes God's chosen. Uncircumcised people had no connection with God. These people were considered unbelievers, and they had no right to turn to God. Circumcision served as a prototype for Christian baptism. This ceremony was performed immediately after birth, when Mary brought Jesus to the temple. For Christians, this holiday is of particular importance. On this day, it is customary to recall that the parents of Jesus were Jews who worshiped the Torah. The rite of circumcision is prescribed to the Jews of the Torah. Circumcision is a sign; people designated by it belong to a devout people. The first apostles and Christians, who descended from the Jews, performed the rite of circumcision. For Christians, this holiday is also very important, not paying any attention to various heretical judgments that distort the earthly appearance of God, this day is a direct confirmation that Jesus belonged to the male sex, and the Jewish rites that were Jewish were held with Jesus. That is why the festival of Circumcision is the greatest Orthodox event, which carries a much significant historical event.

January 14th in the folk calendar

Vasiliev day

This day is celebrated in honor of Basil the Great. In the fourth century, he was Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia, he was praised as a theologian, Vasily wrote many sermons and created the ideas of the iconostasis. Basil the Great was popularly considered the patron saint of pigs. All shepherds greatly respect this saint and are terribly afraid of how to annoy him in any way. There is a tradition for the New Year to cook a pig and call it Keseretsky, this is due to the fact that Vasily was called Caesarean.
This evening, according to tradition, people cook pig legs. Peasants walk around this evening to gather neighbors pork legs and pies, sentencing sentences corresponding to this day.

On Vasiliev’s day, porridge is cooked until morning. By tradition, the oldest woman in the house, at two in the morning, had to go down to the barn and bring cereals, and the oldest man in the house was to bring water from a river or a well. At this time, they melt the stove, put water and cereals on the table while the stove is being heated, and no one touches them with their hands, because this is considered a bad sign. When it comes time to rub the porridge, the whole family sits down at the table, and the eldest of the women, interfering with the porridge, says ceremonial words. After that, all those present get up from the table, and the woman who has interfered with the porridge sends it to the stove. The whole family sits down at the table again and waits for the porridge to come.

On this day there was another belief, they did the sowing of grains. To do this, the children scattered grains of spring bread and made ceremonial speeches. Again, the eldest woman in the house had to collect all the scattered grains and store them until sowing. It was believed that on the evening of Vasily, the day increases by a chicken step. On this day, people paid attention to the weather: if the wind blew, there will be a rich harvest of nuts; hard frost - a rich harvest.

Historical events of January 14

January 14, 1814 first public library opened in St. Petersburg

In 1814, the first public library was opened in St. Petersburg under the patronage of the Russian Imperial Court. Hundreds of people took part in the grand opening of the library, including well-known literary critics and public figures. The idea of ​​creating a nationwide library has long been discussed in Russian society, but for all sorts of reasons it could not be realized. The first monarch to really think about creating a public library was the Russian Empress Catherine the Great. It was she who first expressed the opinion that Russia needed a grandiose state library, which could be visited by all citizens suffering from knowledge. In her dreams, the Great Empress wanted the nationwide library to become a temple of Russian knowledge. The idea of ​​Great Catherine was carried out on January 14, 1814. With the opening of the library in the history of Russia, a new chapter has opened in the development of national science. In the early years, up to a thousand people visited the library every year. Moreover, there were no restrictions on class origin when visiting the library. In the library one could meet an official, a merchant, a military man and many others. Famous poets and writers also visited the first reading room. Today, the library is highly revered by all sectors of Russian society. Now it is called the Russian National Library, and its collection is considered the largest in the world.

January 14, 1929 education of the Moscow region

The predecessor of the Moscow region is considered to be the Moscow province created in 1708. In 1917, a Bolshevik revolution took place, and the so-called Soviet power was established in the province. In the late 1930s, the Soviet leadership decided to administratively streamline the city of Moscow and the Moscow region. So on January 14, the Moscow region was formed. Initially, this entity was called the Central Industrial Region. Initially, the region was divided into ten districts, which were divided into industrial and agricultural areas. Six months later, the Central Industrial Region was renamed to Moscow. Despite the fact that the city of Moscow administratively does not belong to the Moscow region, all the same, the Moscow Region territories were named after the capital of the country. Based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Moscow region is defined as a subject of the Russian Federation. Moscow Region authorities are traditionally located in Moscow. In 2006, eighty cities officially existed in the Moscow Region. The population of the region reaches 7 million people. The largest cities in the region are Khimki, Podolsk and Balashikha. The ecology of the Moscow region over the past decade has deteriorated significantly. On the one hand, this is due to the processes of high urbanization of the city of Moscow and the territories adjacent to it, and on the other, with the industrial and construction boom, covering both the capital itself and the Moscow region. The region has important strategic airports and military airfields. In transport communications, the Moscow Region is the most advanced in the country.

January 14, 1992 The foundation in Moscow of the "Masonic movement"

A pseudo religious organization, shrouded in a haze of mysticism. It is the largest sectarian organization in the world. However, to study and understand the goals of this community is not so simple, because the Masonic organization leads a reclusive lifestyle. Based on historical data, the Masonic movement arose at the beginning of the 18th century in London. The basic principles of their activities, the Masons declared the creation in the world of brotherly love between peoples, equality of races and interstate mutual assistance. The organizational box of the movement is the so-called “box” or workshop. The union of "lodges" is called the "Great Lodge". At the head of such a "Grand Lodge" is a great master or master, but among the freemasons he is called the grandmaster. Freemasonry first came to Russia at the beginning of the 18th century. Prominent statesmen and cultural figures were in the Masonic sect: emperors Paul I and Alexander I, military leaders. A. Suvorov and M. Kutuzov, writers and poets A. Pushkin and A. Griboedov, as well as many other famous people. In Russia, Freemasonry was prohibited by Emperor Alexander I, who was in the Masonic lodge, but later decided that Freemasonry was harmful to the state. In Soviet times, the Masonic movement was categorically prohibited. After the collapse of the USSR, Freemasonry in Russia again began to revive, and on January 14, 1992, the Harmony box was created in Moscow. The new democratic authorities of the Russian Federation did not impede the development of various spiritual and religious movements and societies. In 1995, the permanent "Great Lodge" was founded in Russia, as well as the Supreme Council of Masons of Russia. At the moment, there are more than 30 million Freemasons in the world.

January 14, 1972 Margrethe II ascended the Danish throne

Margrethe, the first royal person who violated Danish law of succession, which implied the transfer of royal power only on the male line. However, only Margaret’s father, King Frederick IX, gave birth to daughters, so the question of succession to the throne became especially acute when it became clear that the elderly king could no longer have children. In March 1953, a special rescript of the Danish Parliament was allowed to transfer royal power through the female line. As a result, Princess Margrethe became the hereditary royal and subsequently ascended the Danish throne. In 1967, Princess Margrethe married a French nobleman, Count Henri Monpez, who received the title of Danish Prince on the occasion of his marriage to the Crown Princess. The couple had two sons. On January 14, 1972, King Frederick died; on the same day, Crown Princess Margrethe was declared Queen of Denmark. Queen Margrethe II is a well-educated woman, she graduated from several universities, professionally versed in art, poetry and literary creation. In addition, the Queen is fluent in a number of European languages.The Queen's state duties include the appointment of the Danish Prime Minister, on the proposal of the parliamentary coalition, as well as the approval of cabinet ministers on the proposal of the Prime Minister. The Queen of Denmark is also the supreme commander of the Danish army.

Born on January 14

Anna Samokhina (1963-2010), an outstanding Soviet and Russian actress

Anna Vladlenovna was born in January 1963 in the Kemerovo region. Soon the family left the mining region and moved to live in Cherepovets. From childhood, the girl was accustomed to music, at 7 years old she could already play the piano. Seeing Ani's talent for musical art, her parents sent the girl to a music school. After graduation, Anya enters the Yaroslavl Theater School, after graduation, which was distributed in the Rostov Youth Theater, where Anna worked as an actress for six years. However, the popular fame and love brought the actress is not a theater, but a movie. In 1987, Anna Samokhina first appeared in films. She gets the main role in the film "Prisoner of If Castle", the role in the film opened the way for the actress to great cinema. Soon she was invited to the picture "Thieves in Law", where she plays one of the main roles. The film literally shocked the Soviet audience, after which the actress hailed the offerings of filming. Further creativity of the actress lifted her to the Olympus of Glory, from which she never left until the end of her life. Anna Vladlenovna starred in the outstanding films "Don Cesar de Bazan" and "Royal Hunt" (1990). The rapid film career allowed Samokhina to move to live and work in Leningrad. The peak of her acting fame came at the beginning of the 90s of the last century. Samokhina also brilliantly played in films - “Gangsters in the Ocean”, “Tartuffe”, “Make Me Hurt”, “Russian Transit”, “Train to Brooklyn”. In the historical context, the actress spent a little time on the screen, literally flashed to the cinema, but this brilliance will be remembered by the audience forever, because the talent of this outstanding actress can not be measured by time.

Adam Czartoryski (1770-1861), Polish and Russian statesman

Born in Warsaw on January 14th. He received an excellent education and in 1795 left with his brother in Petersburg. In Russia, Adam is approaching Prince Alexander Pavlovich, the future Russian emperor. Upon the accession of Alexander to the throne, Adam enters the so-called inner circle of the emperor, where he is in his capacity as adviser to the emperor on reform matters. In 1803, Czartoryski was appointed as a mentor to the Vilna school district. By his activity, Adam Chartorysky brings the university to the era of his dawn. From 1804 to 1806, Chartorysky headed the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. During the period of the Polish uprising, in 1830, Czartoryski leads the administrative council and soon becomes the head of the interim Polish government. After the failure of the Polish rebellion, Czartoryski emigrates to Paris, where he will live until the end of his life. In France, Czartoryski was elected president of the literary and historical society. In exile, he supported the Polish resistance and the desire of Polish patriots for independence from imperial Russia. Both in Russia and in Poland, the attitude towards Czartoryski is very contradictory, for some he is a hero, for others a traitor and apostate.

Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), German physician, philosopher, humanist and musician

Albert Schweitzer was born in 1875 in Germany. The boy received primary education in Münster and Mühlhausen. Since 1893, Albert studied at the University of Strasbourg at the Faculty of Philosophy and Theology, at the same time studying musicology. From 1898 to 1899, Albert stayed in Paris, where he studied at the Sorbonne University and was preparing a dissertation on Kant. In her free time, she learns to play the organ and piano. In 1899, Schweizer successfully defended his dissertation and was awarded the title of Doctor of Philosophy, and a little later, the title of Doctor of Theology. In 1905, Schweitzer decides to devote the rest of his life to medical science and goes to study at the medical faculty of the University of Strasbourg. In 1913, Schweitzer, together with his wife, went to Africa. There, in the small village of Lambarene, Albert Schweitzer establishes his own hospital. In the First World War, Schweitzer and his wife were captured by the French, but released a year later. In 1924, he returned to Africa and began to rebuild the destroyed hospital. Three years later, a new hospital opened for all the afflicted. Until the last days of his life, Albert Schweitzer continued to receive and treat patients.

Yukio Mishima (1925-1970) prominent Japanese writer

The famous Japanese playwright was born in January 1925 in Tokyo, in a family of officials. A strict aristocratic grandmother was engaged in raising the boy. Mishima grew up a weak and sickly child, did not like to communicate with peers, but adored reading books alone. In 1941, Mishima wrote the first story, which he called "Flowering Forest." The story was riddled with mystical forebodings about the upcoming war. At this time, he comes up with a pseudonym - Yukio Mishima. In 1947, Mishima successfully graduated from Tokyo University and acquired the profession of a lawyer. After graduation, Misima enters the service of the Ministry of Forestry and Fisheries. In 1949, Yukio published his first outstanding novel, The Confession of the Mask. After the publication of the novel, the name Mishima becomes famous far beyond the borders of Japan. The novel describes the life of a simple teenager, however, not quite prosperous. The novel is filled with shocking facts from the life of adolescents of that time. The publication of this novel put Mishima among the most sought after and beloved writers in Japan. In 1954, Mishima visited Greece and, being impressed by this country, he wrote the novel "The Sound of the Sea." In 1956, Mishima's most outstanding novel, The Golden Temple, was published, which became a classic of Japanese literature. Mishima wrote a lot for theaters and films.

Birthday January 14

Alexander, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Gregory, Ivan, Mikhail, Trofim, Bogdan, Fedot


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