Haircuts lunar calendar for November 2013


In November, we meet with the first winter joys and fun. But at this time, not only the invigorating frost and the first snowfalls come to our lives, but also the usual feelings of sadness and fatigue, the common cold, and depression that are usual for late autumn. The character of lovely women is changeable, like a breeze. Many, in order not to succumb to the mood, decide to bring a bright, original detail into their image - for example, make an unusual haircut or dye their hair in a completely new color. But even if you just decided to tint overgrown roots or trim the bangs, take a look at the haircut calendar and read the advice of astrologers.

For a good haircut, many days of November will be good. But still, immediately discard the most “critical” ones for yourself, and pay more attention to favorable days. In this case, the positive energy charge received from visiting the hairdresser will remain for some time - until the next trip to the hairdresser. The most favorable intervals for haircuts are determined by the new moon and full moon, that is, the period of the growing moon. In November, it is from November 3 (new moon) to November 17 (full moon). These days, the month is conditionally divided into several periods. You can accelerate hair growth during the growing moon, the hair grows slower during the waning moon.

Haircuts lunar calendar for November 2013 - hair waving

It is difficult to imagine a woman who does not fit lush large curls. The face becomes softer and more feminine, the image is very harmonious. Natural curls are not very common, but curling hair comes to the rescue - simple or chemical. Astrologers say that in the days under the constellation Leo, the hair curl itself, so on November 23 and 24, you can simply wind your hair on curlers. Luxurious curls are provided for several days. A longer wave can be made chemically. It can be ordinary chemistry, or recently trendy bio-curling or carving. Perm on the growing moon (from November 4) will last longer, the strands will be more wavy, but the risk of hair damage increases. On a waning moon (from November 18), hair will remain healthier. In any case, after curling, it is better to use a special shampoo for damaged hair and masks. Good days on the lunar calendar this month will be November 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27.

Haircuts lunar calendar for November 2013 - hair coloring

On a growing moon, hair easily absorbs dye, holds a saturated color and remains shiny. The signs of the Virgin, Leo, Taurus, Gemini are especially favorable. In November, it is not only the days of the growing moon, but also the waning - November 15, 16, 18, 19, 23,24,25,26,27,27. Paint will be washed off faster after November 17th. For many years, highlighting has been at the top of popularity - dyeing only strands of hair. Recently, new highlighting methods have come into fashion. Bold and courageous girls can stand out from the crowd with unusual combinations of hair. For example, highlighting "Crazy colors" (madness of light), in which red or purple strands are fashionable. Today, this is considered not a blind pursuit of fashion, but an expression of a woman’s vibrant personality. Stylish hairstyles made on November 26 and 27 will especially attract the eyes of the stronger sex.

Haircuts lunar calendar for November 2013 - favorable days for haircuts

Many women at the beginning of the month celebrate the most successful days for visiting a hairdresser. The constellations of Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo, Leo, Gemini, Libra act on the moon very favorably, with the exception of the days of the new moon and full moon. In November it is November 7,8,15,16, November 23-27. Hair will grow well before the full moon (November 17). Interesting data on hair growth was obtained from China - a young Chinese woman, Xie Tuping, was able to grow hair 562.7 cm long. She spent 31 years on this (from 1973 to 2004). This fact is reflected in the Guinness Book of Records. To this day, she remains the owner of the longest hair in the world. It is interesting that at the age of 16 to 24 years, hair grows most quickly, then their growth slows down.

Haircuts lunar calendar for November 2013 - adverse haircut days

Beware of a sharp change in image when the moon is influenced by the constellations Aries and Scorpio. In November it is November 2,3, 13,14 and 30. These days, cutting hair takes a lot of energy, chronic diseases can worsen. The days of the full moon and new moon on 3 and 17 and November are strictly excluded by astrologers. The 9 lunar day should also be excluded - this is November 11th. These days it will be very good to massage the head to improve the condition of the hair. The easiest way is to brush your hair with a brush. Useful and easy sipping hair (separate strands to pull up, but avoiding discomfort). Professional cosmetologists advise to perform a massage with fingertips from the neck to the crown, gradually moving up. Particular attention should be paid to the temporal parts and lines along the hair growth. Massage of the scalp is best done just before washing, as massage stimulates the release of sebum.

Haircuts lunar calendar for November 2013 - conclusion

The beginning of a new life is best planned not from Monday, but from the new moon. During the growing moon, a solid foundation is laid for his future life. However, do not actively intervene in the processes on the growing moon. Do not abuse drugs, it is better to limit yourself to folk remedies. With the growing moon in the body, all processes are accelerated, a huge number of calories are burned, but the body quickly restores what it has lost. The waning moon, on the contrary, slows down all processes. At this time, immunity weakens, activity in love and work decreases, and brain activity slows down. It is recommended before the new moon to complete all the processes that have begun, to repay debts, and to receive them from their debtors. Less painful is the removal of teeth; healing processes are actively undergoing. It is recommended that you start weight loss programs. In cosmetology, skin cleaning, plastic surgery and removal of neoplasms can be performed. Actively removed toxins from the body. For hair, this is the time of active restoration and strengthening of the roots and hair follicles.

Watch the moon and your well-being, be healthy and beautiful even on the cold days of November!


Watch the video: Lunar Hair Cutting (June 2024).