Female opinion: more than 60% of women today are confident that dreams come true


Dreams have always been presented to people as a separate, mysterious world. In a dream, a person can see such that in reality, it seemed, it could not even come to his head. Nevertheless, psychologists are convinced that a dream is nothing more than a person’s conversation with his subconscious.

The author of any dream is his brain, which simply processes the accumulated information while a person is sleeping. Nevertheless, dreams at all times aroused great interest among people. Over the centuries, thousands of dream books and interpreters of dreams have been compiled, with the help of which people tried to understand what future holds this or that dream. The information portal “Women's Opinion” decided to ask women whether they believe in dreams and whether they trust dream books today.

36.1% of the participants answered clearly and categorically: “No, I do not believe it. This is a woman’s nonsense! ” At the same time, the vast majority (63.9%) of women replied that they believed that dreams do come true. For the most part, they supported their answers with stories from life, confirming the veracity of dreams. Some of them were very curious. For example, one respondent said that she saw in a dream her current spouse before meeting him, and he dreamed about her exactly as she later turned out, including details of her appearance and behavior. Another saw in a dream her future job, although at that moment she was not even going to leave the former. And she even dreamed of a desktop, which now stands in her new office.

It is interesting that many of the respondents said that they believe in prophetic dreams, but they do not trust dream books, since the interpretation of dreams in them rarely comes true.

These results show how strong people are in adhering to traditions, and how alive is the conviction of our ancestors in the prophetic nature of dreams. Be that as it may, I would like to advise both those who believe in dreams and their opponents: of course, listening to the prompts of the subconscious is useful. However, this should be treated wisely, without focusing on the so-called "bad dreams" and remembering that our reality is still more surprising and unpredictable than any dream.

The survey involved 3490 women aged 20-38 years from 243 cities of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine.


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