Canned melon for the winter in banks: tasty and practical. How to prepare canned melon for the winter without sterilization


The autumn harvest of melons can be preserved for the winter, not only in the form of jam, jam or dried slices. The conservation method allows you to make a winter harvest, which, in taste and texture, will look like a fresh, just cut sweet melon.

Fragrant melon pulp is good in itself. However, it easily absorbs other odors, and therefore allows you to experiment. In a jar of canned melon, you can put spices (cloves, vanilla, cinnamon), fresh ginger, pineapple, honey. Preparation for conservation takes a few minutes, so you can roll up a few jars for the winter quickly and easily.

Canned melon for the winter in banks - general principles of preparation

To prepare the melon for preservation, it must be thoroughly washed with a stiff brush, cut into large slices, cleaned out the core with seeds and cut off the skin. Cut large melon slices into neat small cubes (with an edge of three to four centimeters), with which it is easy to fill a glass jar. It remains to boil the syrup, and the canned melon is ready for the winter in jars.

If the jars filled with syrup melon will be sterilized before the snack, then it is not necessary to calcine or steam from before filling. Simply wash thoroughly with soda. If canned melon is being prepared for the winter without sterilization, that is, immediately on a turn-key basis, then the cans must first be steamed over boiling water or calcined in an oven.

How to sterilize filled cans? At the bottom of a wide pan you need to put an old towel and place the container on it. Pour the jars covered with lids with warm water under the neck so that the water does not reach three centimeters on the shoulders. After boiling water, sterilize half-liter cans for 10 minutes, "seven hundred" and a liter - 20 minutes.

You need to cool canned food from melon in the same way as other winter preparations: turn it down with lids and wrap it with a warm old blanket, fur coat or plaid.

Canned melon for the winter "Sugar"

Sugar melon canned for the winter in jars is very tasty. It retains its natural aroma and acquires a richer flavor. All winter you can eat natural, almost fresh melon and indulge your homemade excellent pastries.


• large ripe melon;

• two liters of pure water;

• four glasses of granulated sugar;

• a teaspoon of citric acid.

Cooking method:

Put prepared melon pieces into sterilized jars.

Boil the syrup. To do this, pour water into the pan, pour sugar and put on fire.

While stirring the syrup, wait until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.

When the syrup begins to boil, add citric acid.

Boil the syrup with acid for three minutes.

Pour melon slices with boiling sugar syrup.

Sterilize canned melon for the winter in jars covered with lids for ten minutes.

Cork the blank, cool and store in a cool room.

Canned Melon with Ginger

Fresh ginger root gives the melon a special fresh note, delicate and at the same time bright taste. For lovers of spicy dishes, this option of canned melons for the winter in banks will be a real discovery. The amount of ingredients is indicated per liter of finished product.


• medium sized melon;

• a piece of ginger root (3-4 cm);

• one hundred grams of white sugar;

• a pinch of citric acid;

• water.

Cooking method:

Cut the melon into small slices.

Peel the ginger root with a knife and cut into thin plates.

Put ginger circles on the bottom of the sterilized jars.

Fill a glass container with slices of melon.

Pour in the norm of granulated sugar.

Add citric acid to each jar.

Boil water and pour melon pieces into boiling water (leave 1.5-2 cm of air from the surface of the water to the lid).

Prepare a pan for sterilization.

Sterilize the melon, then cork and cool.

Store in a pantry or a winter refrigerator.

Canned Melon with Pineapple

A simple recipe for a fragrant and delicious melon blank. When combined with pineapple, the melon acquires a spicy sourness, which is enhanced by spicy cloves and vinegar. Such canned melon is good in meat salads and in sweet dishes.


• two small melons;

• 150 ml of table vinegar;

• one and a half liters of drinking water;

• six clove buds;

• a pound of white sugar.

Cooking method:

Prepare cans for conservation.

Chop the melon.

In each sterilized glass jar, toss two buds of cloves.

Put and firmly squeeze melon slices.

Add sugar to the water, dissolve on fire with constant stirring.

Before boiling the syrup, pour vinegar into it, mix.

Pour the contents of the cans with hot vinegar syrup.

Sterilize the melon as described above for about fifteen minutes.

Cork and send to cool under a blanket.

Keep cans cool, away from sunlight.

Canned melon for the winter in spicy syrup

From spices and port you can make amazing syrup for canned melons. Unusual taste and original presentation will turn the original workpiece into a gourmet delight.


• two small melons;

• three buds of cloves;

• a pound of sugar;

• half a liter of water;

• a glass of port wine (230 ml);

• cinnamon stick;

• a bag of vanillin or a pod of natural vanilla.

Cooking method:

Cut the peel from the melon, discard the seeds.

Take a special spoon for the formation of ice cream and remove the melon flesh so that you get beautiful balls.

Pour water into a large pot, toss vanilla and cinnamon, add cloves and granulated sugar.

Bring the syrup to a boil, not forgetting to stir.

As soon as the syrup boils, turn off the heat and throw the melon balls into the sweet liquid.

Pour in the port, close the lid and let the melon balls brew for fifteen minutes.

Remove the melon with a slotted spoon, put it in a separate bowl.

Return the syrup to the fire and boil in half over medium heat.

Put melon slices in boiled thick syrup and let it cool completely.

Arrange melon balls in sterilized jars.

Strain the syrup and pour into cans on top of the balls.

Pour a tablespoon of port into each jar, add a clove bud and half a pod of vanilla (which were cooked in syrup) if desired.

Sterilize filled cans for half an hour, covering with tin lids.

Cork banks, cool properly and send for storage.

Canned melon in honey with cinnamon

A rich bouquet of spices combined with honey and vinegar make this recipe special. If you want to treat yourself to something unusual and tasty in the winter, be sure to try to make such a canned melon for the winter in jars.


two kilograms of peeled melon;

140 grams of natural honey;

a pinch of salt;

fifty grams of granulated sugar;

two cinnamon sticks;

four pieces of cloves and star anise;

two hundred milliliters 9% vinegar;

a pinch of ground paprika;

three peas of allspice.

Cooking method:

Prepare melon by cutting into small cubes.

Put all spices (except paprika), spices and honey, salt and sugar in the stewpan.

Pour the norm of water and boil the aromatic syrup.

When the contents of the stewpan boil, throw a melon there and add paprika.

Stew melon pieces for ten minutes over low heat.

Pour vinegar, stir and turn off the heat.

Put the melon in banks, pour the marinade.

Put the filled cans in the oven and dry sterilize at a temperature of 150 degrees. Half an hour is enough.

Remove the cans and immediately seal.

Cool as if sterilized in hot water.

Store in the pantry.

Canned melon for the winter without sterilization

A faster way to harvest is canned melon for the winter without sterilization. The time savings are significant, but the taste and duration of storage with this method of preservation do not change.


• a pound of peeled melon;

• two liters of water;

• half a lemon;

• a glass of sugar.

Cooking method:

Cut the melon into small pieces with a side of 2 cm.

Boil the water.

Throw melon cubes into boiling water and cook over low heat for three minutes.

Squeeze juice from half a lemon and pour into boiling water.

Add the norm of sugar, mix and cook the contents of the pan for fifteen minutes.

Pour into sterilized jars.

Cork canned melon for the winter without sterilization, turn the cans over and cool.

Keep the workpiece in the cold.

Canned melon for the winter in banks - tricks and tips

  • Preserving melons is an excellent option for processing unsweetened fruit. If a melon is bought unsuccessfully, do not throw it away or eat it by force. It is better to preserve in sugar and enjoy in the winter.

  • A ripe fruit or variety with a loose fibrous structure is not suitable for preservation: it will simply fall apart. Especially deplorable will be the result if you try to make canned melon for the winter without sterilization. The output will be a mass that resembles jam, rather than individual slices.

  • To easily chop a melon, you can do so. Cut the melon as usual, into slices with a crust. Each slice is divided into small parts by transverse incisions. Then just cut the flesh with a sharp knife from the crochet. Get small cubes of small size.

  • When sterilizing filled cans in a pan with water, strong drilling should not be allowed. Sterilization water may enter the cans.

  • Syrup from canned melon is perfect for soaking cakes, making fruit drinks or jelly.


Watch the video: Square Watermelon Farming ONLY in JAPAN (July 2024).