How to save apples for a long time: wrap in paper or sprinkle with sand and ash? Why you can not store apples next to potatoes


Everyone enjoys a big harvest of apples! The question arises: how to keep the grown wealth fresh until spring?
Experienced gardeners have mastered the tricks that help the crop remain fragrant and fresh.

Winter varieties

Each species has the ability to retain nutrients for a long time. The late apples, which are harvested in October, are perfectly stored. The most common are:
· Aurora - resistant to low temperature, the fruits have a round, large shape;
· Jonathan - a famous winter variety, nutritional qualities can persist until May;
Golden Delicious - medium in size, valued for aroma and juiciness;
· Renet Simirenko - bred by Russian selectors, have a green - white hue and a sweet and sour taste. In a favorable environment, stored until the summer.

Picking a crop

Before picking apples, it is necessary to prepare the tool, free the storage. It is important to know: unripe or overripe fruits will not be stored.

You can determine the ripeness:
· Press on the fruit, if the dent is gone - the apple is not ripe;
· If the peel burst when pressed, the fruit is ripe;
· The peel does not even out and is pressed - ideal maturity.

Tips for picking apples from trees

A warm day is selected for harvest, when the air is warmed up and the fruits are dry.

They are torn off carefully, taken with your fingers, lightly pressed on the stem and lifted to the top.

No need to unscrew, break or pull down. Do not wipe the apple, or throw it in the basket.


Having removed the crop, it must be allowed to stand for about 20 days in a cool place. Then see if there are signs of a defect and decompose the individual varieties into different containers.

We put in storage

It is better to free a separate cellar, the fruits emit ethylene. Excessive gas content leads to germination of root vegetables.
Before laying, the room is disinfected, the walls are whitened, the floors are treated with a special solution.

Favorable conditions are: temperature up to +4, humidity 90%.

Easy styling

Apples are folded up stalks, in several rows. And apples can be hung like this:

Paper wrapping

Each fruit is wrapped in a paper towel and placed in a clean, dry container.


The dried sand is mixed with ash, the fruits are stacked at a distance and covered with the resulting mixture.
After harvesting for storage, you can enjoy sweet juicy fruits all winter.


Watch the video: In the Kitchen with David. March 31, 2019 (June 2024).