Chocolate cake - the best recipes. How to make chocolate cake correctly and tasty.


Chocolate cake - general principles and methods of preparation

Cake is the king of any festive program! What holiday does without this confectionery miracle? He is loved by both children and adults, and even pets do not mind eating a bite or two (yes, that's true). A holiday, especially arranged for children, without a cake is boring, dry and dull.

In the national cuisine of each state, you can find hundreds of recipes for making cakes. And all of them are simply full of variety. Needless to say, there are more than a dozen baking recipes with chocolate. Muffins, cookies, chocolate cakes, gingerbread cookies and, of course, the highlight of our article are chocolate cakes.

There are many variations on how to make chocolate cakes. Moreover, there are so many recipes that even the most venomous sweet tooth of life is not enough to taste them all. As a rule, in the process of making chocolate cakes, natural dark chocolate (or cocoa) is used, which is added both to the dough and to the glaze cream.

Chocolate Cake - Food Preparation

Perhaps, chocolate or cocoa alone will not be enough for us to make a cake. It's no secret that the basis of any baking is premium flour (at least in most cases). But before starting work, it must be sieved. Other equally important components of almost any confectionery include eggs, butter, which should be whipped only in ceramic, porcelain and enameled dishes, as well as sugar. As for the other ingredients for the dough and cream, it all depends on the specific recipe.

Chocolate Cake - The Best Recipes

Recipe 1: Mocha Chocolate Cake

The result is a wonderful, aromatic, mouth-watering and simply beautiful coffee and chocolate cake, which will be requested in a plate. It is done quickly enough. Cooking dough also does not take you much time. The only condition is that it is necessary to make the dough and bake the cake in advance so that it “lies down” for several hours (about 12) before impregnation.


For the test:

- half a glass of cocoa
- 70 gr. hot milk
- three eggs
- a little more than a glass of flour
- starch three tbsp. spoons
- 18 gr. baking powder
- soft drain. oil 150 gr.
- a glass of sugar
- dark chocolate 100 gr.
- vanillin to taste
- a pinch of salt

For cream:

- butter 200 gr.
- a jar of boiled condensed milk
- cocoa three table. spoons

For impregnation of cakes:

- ground coffee 1 s. spoon with a slide
- 150 ml of boiling water
- granulated sugar 2 tbsp. spoons
- two to three tbsp. l coffee liquor

Cooking method:

1. Mix cocoa with hot milk, add a portion of sugar and a pinch of salt. Mix the butter with chocolate (melted), whip and mix with the cocoa-milk shake. Whisk. Beat eggs with sugar residues, mix with flour, starch, baking powder and vanilla. Whisk thoroughly until a thick homogeneous mass. The dough should not be too thick and not too thin (like pancakes).

2. Preheat the oven (200 degrees). We grease the form with oil, pour the dough and bake for 30 minutes at 200 gr. temperature, then reduce the heat to 170 degrees and still languish for about 15 minutes. After that, leave the cake in the form for 15 minutes, then lay it out and leave it for several hours alone.

3. After a few hours, cut off the crust from the sides and cut the crust into three equal parts across. Next, brew coffee, add sugar, liquor to it and soak cakes with a drink.

4. Beat butter, cocoa and condensed milk (together). We have prepared a cream. We begin to fold the cake, laying each cake on top of each other and generously lubricating each cake with cream. The remaining cream is spread over the entire surface of the cake. Top dessert can be decorated at your discretion. Before serving, remove it for 4-12 hours in the refrigerator. That's all!

Recipe 2: Sacher Chocolate Cake

With this recipe, the Austrian confectioner, Franz Sacher, has supplemented the “world” culinary book. The product is a traditional Viennese dessert and is considered one of the most popular in the world.


- 150 gr. dark chocolate for cakes
- 200 gr. dark chocolate for glaze
- 120 gr. drain. oils
- half a glass of granulated sugar
- a glass of flour
- six eggs
- a glass of powdered sugar
- a tablespoon of baking powder
- fruit puree (peach or apricot)
- lemon juice
- boiling water 8 teaspoons

Cooking method:

1. Cooking the dough: melt the chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath. Beat it with butter and sugar. Gently separate the yolks from the proteins. Add the yolks one at a time to the chocolate mixture and beat thoroughly. Beat the whites with powdered sugar, which together with the baking powder we add to the chocolate mixture. Mix. Then we fall asleep, stirring, flour.

2. Cooking cakes: preheat the oven (160-180 grams). Lubricate the form and spread the dough. Sent in the oven, bake for 50 minutes. Readiness can be checked by a match or a toothpick - it should be clean.

3. Make a cake: cut the finished cooled cake into two in half. One of the halves is well smeared with mashed potatoes (jam, jam) and cover the other. In order to prepare the icing, melt the chocolate and beat it with icing sugar, butter (2 tablespoons) and add a few drops of lemon juice and boiling water (8 teaspoons) to the mixture. Whip until smooth. The cream is ready. Next, warm the icing on the cake on all sides and send it to the cold for a couple of hours.

Recipe 3: Chocolate Cake with Nuts

It’s scary to even think how many kilocalories the body receives with every piece of cake, also with nuts. But sometimes you can arrange a holiday for yourself or just cheer up and enjoy a wonderful chocolate cake with walnuts. Well ... Let's get started?


- peeled nuts (walnuts) 300 gr.
- sugar 300 gr.
- egg whites from 8 eggs
- two table. l flour
- dark chocolate 200 gr. (for the test)
- 500 ml of heavy cream
- 100 gr. dark chocolate (for cream)
- mandarin slices for decoration

Cooking method:

1. Prepare the dough: a little fry the walnuts in a pan, cool and finely chop. Beat the whites with a pinch of salt, gradually pouring sugar and flour into the mass. We continue to whisk. When the mass turns into a beautiful lush foam, add nuts to it and beat a little until a thick consistency.

2. Bake cakes: put parchment on the bottom of the pan, sprinkle flour on the bottom and pour a thin layer of dough into it. We bake the cake, then the rest (each for 6-7 minutes in the oven preheated to 230-250 degrees). Thus, we should get 5-6 cakes.

3. Make cream and put the cake: three chocolate on a grater. In a separate bowl, whip the cream and add chocolate there. Mix. Korzhiki alternately stack on top of each other and generously grease each cream. On top of the cake, gently spread the tangerines and pour over the remaining cream. Cake in the cold for two to three hours, after which we take out and enjoy.

Chocolate cake - useful tips from experienced chefs

- If you use cream during the preparation of the cream, then pour chocolate and sugar into them when they are almost whipped;

- If according to the recipe the ingredients must be mixed carefully, then for this case, use a plastic spatula with a flexible handle;

- You can’t put cakes in a very hot oven, otherwise you risk getting a cracker with a moist middle at the exit. It is best to preheat the oven, but not to heat it too much;

- To make the cake easily come off the mold, first moisten the towel in ice water and put on it a cake pan for a couple of minutes;

- Any cake acquires the most pleasant taste properties if it is kept in the cold for at least 12 hours before serving.


stas 07/03/2016
thanks a lot very interesting recipes and very tasty it turns out thanks


Watch the video: How To Make A Chocolate Cake Decorating. Easy Chocolate Cakes Recipes So Yummy for You (June 2024).