What chocolate candies dream of - on vacation! Opinions of different dream books: what chocolate candies dream of


Every night, a person plunges into the world of dreams. But he does not always remember what appeared to him in a dream.

It is so interesting to see the various plots that appear in dreams. And how cognitively then to interpret them.

What chocolate candies dream of - it's time to interpret.

What chocolate candies dream of - basic interpretations

Sweets always dream of positive changes in human life. It is worth interpreting the dream completely in order to understand in which particular sphere its positive changes will manifest themselves. Often such dreams indicate that a person in reality needs a sweet life.

If a child has such a dream - he lacks the care and affection of his parents. He now needs her more than ever. What to do if the child dreamed about how he lost his chocolate candy - it is worth comforting him and cautioning, in reality he might lose his faithful friend because of his pride.

If the child sees the candy melt and remains in his hands - in reality he will have a lot of emotions and impressions - the main thing is to heed the advice of elders in time and not do stupid things.

If friends dream about how they eat chocolates - in reality they are waiting for a long joint trip. This trip will be unexpected and very entertaining. She will bring a sea of ​​positive emotions and new acquaintances.

See people treat each other with chocolates - envy in reality another's understanding and happiness. In order to avoid this, you should give yourself small gifts and allow yourself to enjoy every day, because there is only one life.

What are chocolates for? To a wonderful and fun life. Buying sweets in the store and at the same time bargaining for a long time - you do not make decisions in life regarding relatively important moments for you. It is worth paying more attention to issues of personal life, issues of self-development and development of creative potential.

If a pregnant woman dreams that she is eating chocolate - the birth will be successful. If she dreams about how she is trying to unfold the candy, but something is wrong - it means that she really makes a lot of mistakes in real life, which will subsequently cost her big nerves. These errors will affect the course of events of her further life.

Why dream of chocolates according to Miller’s dream book

In Miller’s dream book, it is indicated that chocolates seen in a dream promise positive emotions and positive changes in life. Perhaps a person will soon have a vacation or legal rest after hard working days.

Miller points out that it is very important to interpret all the details of a dream; additional clues are usually hidden in them that can explain the reason for the appearance of such dreams. It is also very important to remember the emotions that filled the dream.

If you dream that you were presented with a box of chocolates - success in the financial sector awaits you, you will double your material well-being. At this time, it is worth investing money in various projects. It will be good to invest money in a deposit, in the creation of a new large project.

Gift box with chocolates - symbolizes dreams that are not destined to come true and be realized in life. If such a dream appeared to an unmarried girl, she is deeply mistaken in her chosen one. She attributes to him those virtues that he never possessed. The chosen one deceives the girl, and she faithfully believes him.

In order for the interpretation of the dream to be complete - it is also necessary to interpret their qualities as external characteristics as well as taste. If you dream more beautifully of chocolate forms, and even of an extraordinary form, such a dream promises creative development, acquiring new acquaintances that will give an impetus to your life.

If you eat sweets, and they are really tasty and very fresh - wait for new opportunities, ideas and prospects. All you need is just to realize your ambitions. But there is nothing wrong with that.

• If the candy is bitter, it means there will be an unpleasant conversation with a loved one;

• See how chocolate crumbles from candy - you can be betrayed, make decisions yourself;

• See how the filling flows out of the candy - secret, it becomes obvious, it is worth it to play it safe.

Buying Chocolates promises the imminent arrival of relatives from afar. He will be joyful, but at first he will bring a lot of worries and trouble. The joy of an unexpected meeting will block all possible inconveniences and initial anxieties

If you make chocolate yourself - Your material well-being will improve dramatically. Of course, you have to work hard, but your work will be justified. In this situation, do not wait for external support.

Miller also interprets chocolates, which appeared in a dream, as an opportunity to provide financially for his family and loved ones. If a businessman sees a dream of flowing hot chocolate, he will simply bathe in contracts and orders. His partners will not fail, they will not substitute - they will offer newer favorable conditions for cooperation.

To dream about how you eat stale, spoiled chocolates - to be sick and in trouble. Perhaps parting with a loved one. In any case, no matter how negative the interpretation of sleep may seem, it is worth interpreting all its symbols and taking into account the mood during the dream.

Why dream of chocolates according to Freud's dream book

According to Freud's dream book, chocolates dream of a sweet, intimate adventure. If an unmarried girl dreams about how she enjoys the sophisticated and refined taste of chocolates - in reality she will enjoy her partner in plenty.

If a married woman dreams about how she bites off a piece of chocolate candy, someone will look at her family happiness. In order not to lose a family, you should be considerate of your husband and avoid weaknesses in behavior. It is necessary to restrain emotions and not lose your temper.

Why dream of chocolates in other dream books

In the esoteric dream book presented a different interpretation of what chocolate candies dream of. It states that chocolates promise only health problems and the negative effects of previous decisions. These decisions were made incorrectly, and therefore entailed a series of troubles.

If you dream that you eat chocolate but don’t get the proper pleasure from the meal, you should be afraid of a serious illness, which will have to spend a considerable amount of money. If a future mother dreams about how she treats other people's children with sweets - someone is very envious of her pregnancy. She should take care of herself.

To a young unmarried girl to see her eating sweets - to the loss of inner balance. Most likely, her loneliness is caused by negative influence from outside. Man feed beloved chocolates with his hands - to the quarrels and quarrels.

In the dream book of the White Mage it is said that chocolates indicate that a person subconsciously wants to get an easy life, he wants to live beautifully and expensively. But in order to realize the plan, it is worth doing something, and not just waiting for life to start giving presents.

Also, such a dream may indicate that a person has become hostage to negative events, unpleasant conversations, and he simply does not know what to do next. Perhaps he has accumulated debts and is not able to distribute them. If you dream that you treat someone to sweets, it means that you are trying in every way to hide your flaws, to rig the facts. This venture can be very dangerous, do not get involved in it.

You should not meekly follow the promptings of dreams, but you also need to believe that they can change your life. Sometimes a person hesitates, what interpretation to choose. In such cases, it is worth remembering all the emotions that accompanied the dream. Perhaps, in fact, they were very positive, and even if it was dreamed that the sweets are tasteless - in reality small troubles will quickly end and huge prospects will open after them.

A period of problems and worries is sometimes worth the trouble. Your fate will depend on how well and calmly you survive this period. The main thing is not to get confused when accepting gifts and the lessons of fate. Sometimes they are very important. It is also important to look for positive in everything and not to be discouraged if dreams have not given an inspirational forecast. In any case, happiness is just around the corner.


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