Unique plant barberry: useful properties and composition. The use of various parts of barberry and their useful properties


The barberry plant has about 500 varieties, the most common of which are the common barberry and Amur.

They are used in traditional medicine and are very similar in origin and useful properties to species.

For treatment at home, not only the fruits of the plant are used, but also its leaves, bark, roots, branches and flowers.

The chemical composition of barberry: useful properties of the components

Very often, barberry is a component of pharmaceuticals and drugs. And the plant has earned such recognition due to its amazing composition. The composition of barberry ordinary includes:

  • alkaloids, among which a significant role is assigned to berberine. This component provides barberry with a choleretic effect. In addition to berberine, the roots of barberry contain leontin, iatroricin, palmatine, columbamine, oxyacanthin, berberrubin;

  • organic acids found in barberry fruits. Among them stand out wine, lemon, apple and others;

  • ascorbic acid, pectin and sugar are also found in berries;

  • carotene or provitamin A;

  • tannins;

  • tocopherol;

  • Vitamin E and essential oils contain foliage during the gestation period.

Miracle barberry and beneficial properties for the body

In folk treatment, barberry preparations are used:

• with diseases of the liver, kidneys, in particular, kidney stones;

• for the treatment of diseases and the elimination of gallbladder inflammation, gallstone disease;

• with hepatocholecystitis and ordinary cholecystitis;

• for diseases of the stomach, pathologies, cramps and dysentery;

• in the treatment of colds, fevers and inflammations, as a diaphoretic and antipyretic;

• for the treatment of eye diseases;

• with malaria, tuberculosis, pleurisy and scurvy;

• to relieve inflammation in the oral cavity and treat various diseases;

• with gout, lumbago and rheumatism;

• with the appearance of tumors in the liver, stomach and throat;

• to eliminate bleeding during childbirth, as well as those associated with inflammatory, hypotonic and anatomical processes in the uterus, with subinvolution;

• to prevent the appearance of heart pain;

• with inflammatory processes and diseases of the spleen;

• with the appearance of hemorrhoids;

• to combat diabetes;

• to combat high blood pressure.

There are several positive qualities for the body of barberry-based preparations:

• they perfectly tone;

• increase appetite;

• act as a powerful antiseptic;

• are a mild laxative;

• prevent vomiting in pregnant women.

The ability to relieve bouts of vomiting and nausea is a hallmark of barberry, which has been noticed since ancient times. The plant finds application not only among pregnant women who are difficult to tolerate toxicosis in the first half of pregnancy, but also among other people who feel unpleasant symptoms due to motion sickness or other reasons.

Effectively, barberry fights coughing attacks and removes sputum from the bronchi. Thanks to the constituent component of berberine, which has an antitumor and anti-leukemic effect, barberry can be used to treat cancer. But only a few admirers of traditional medicine possess this knowledge because of the relatively recent discovery of these properties in plants.

Recipes for folk remedies from barberry: useful properties of each part of the bush

Barberry can be considered a universal plant, since any part of it can be involved in the creation of medicines or home treatment.

1. Berries. Eat should be ripe fruit. Unripe berries can cause severe intoxication and pose a serious danger to the body. Ripe fruits strengthen immunity, increase the body's defenses against viruses and bacteria. Ripe berries can be frozen to provide a supply of healthy fruits all year round.

2. Leaves. To extract maximum beneficial properties from barberry foliage, you can prepare alcohol tincture. In proportions of 1 to 5, raw materials and vodka are taken, respectively. Infuse the mixture should be about 15 days. When the tincture is ready, you can start taking it 30 drops three times a day. The entire course should be limited to a 20 day period. The break between courses can last from 5 to 10 days, in the absence of contraindications, the course can be repeated. This tincture is treated with gynecological diseases. Their list includes uterine bleeding of various nature, problems of the postpartum period.

From the leaves you can prepare a regular infusion, which will help with hepatic pathologies, diseases of the gallbladder and is suitable as an anti-inflammatory agent for the body. To do this, you need 2 tbsp. l dry foliage and a glass of boiling water. This composition is insisted for about an hour in a thermos, after which it can be used. The course will last 1 month, and you will need to take 1 tbsp. l up to 5 times a day.

3. Flowers. From the flowering of barberry, you can prepare a decoction that will help relieve inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes by washing, eliminate heart pain and hypertension. A tablespoon of barberry flowers should be poured with 1.5 cups of water, then put on low heat, bring to a boil and hold the mixture on it for 10 minutes. Then you need to let the broth brew for about 2 hours and strain the composition.

4. Bark, branches and roots. The underground part of the plant is used to extract from it such an element as berberine, whose role in medicine is huge. Based on it, preparations are made for such purposes:

• lowering blood pressure;

• providing choleretic action;

• normalization of heart rhythm, elimination of arrhythmia;

• stimulation of uterine contractions.

The roots, branches and bark of the plant are the most important constituent of barberry, used to combat most diseases that are within its power. For the treatment of gallstone disease, decoctions from the bark and roots are used. To eliminate hepatitis, kidney disease, cholecystitis and problems with the bladder, decoctions from the cortex are used. Decoctions from the roots are appropriate to take with rheumatism, tuberculosis, problems with the stomach and pleurisy. A decoction of the roots, branches and bark is taken for bone fractures, sprains, dislocations.

Barberry: useful properties and contraindications

Before using barberry, you should familiarize yourself with the possible consequences for the body from the plant and contraindications.

1. Frequent use of barberry preparations leads to the formation of constipation.

2. For people with diseases associated with increased acidity of the stomach or in a pre-infarction state, barberry is contraindicated.

3. For ovarian dysfunction, barberry should not be consumed.

4. Infusions of barberry leaves should not be used by pregnant women.

5. Children under 12 years old do not need to give barberry.

6. With cirrhosis, the plant should be abandoned.


Watch the video: Helmond Pillar Barberry (June 2024).