A unique vegetable - celery: what are its benefits and harms? Indications and contraindications for use


The benefits of celery have been known since ancient times.

It was believed that he not only heals from various diseases, but also endowed with mysterious abilities to bring happiness. All parts of the plant can be eaten, so it is actively used in cooking, added to meat dishes, snacks and salads, make it a tasty and healthy juice. And the content of vitamins and useful substances in celery is so great that it is often compared with ginseng in its healing properties.

Celery: calorie, beneficial properties

It is no coincidence that a plant is called a pantry of health. By consuming just 100 grams of vegetable per day, you saturate the body with essential vitamins, valuable trace elements (magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium) and plant fibers.

Celery contains:

1. Essential oils. Give the plant a unique piquant aroma and awaken a healthy appetite.

2. Beta-carotene, vitamin A. Essential for health, youth and beauty of the skin.

3. Vitamin C. Responsible for vascular impermeability.

4. Fiber. It stabilizes the level of cholesterol, activates the metabolic process, creates optimal living conditions for microflora and cleanses the body of toxins and toxins.

5. Amino acids, in particular asparagine. It binds toxic ammonia formed during the breakdown of proteins.

6. Vitamins of group B. Provide blood circulation, increase efficiency, improve the functioning of the kidneys, heart, nervous system.

7. Vitamin K. Strengthens bone tissue, improves blood coagulation.

The calorie content of celery is only 12 calories per 100 grams of product, which makes it an invaluable product for those people who dream of losing weight. Moreover, it contains: proteins - 0.9 g, fats - 0.1 g, carbohydrates - 2.1 g. The vegetable belongs to the category of rare products with a "negative" calorie content.

Celery: useful properties for various diseases

Scientists have proven that if you eat celery daily, you can prevent many diseases, cleanse the body and increase resistance to various diseases. Each part of the plant - the root, stems, leaves - is endowed with its beneficial properties. However, it is believed that the root gives the best effect for the treatment and prevention of ailments, improving well-being, it is no coincidence that it is used as an active component of many drugs to treat kidneys, liver, potency, strengthen women's health, increase libido.

So, celery root is recommended to be added to food with increased fatigue. The biologically active substances and essential oils contained in it increase working capacity, vitality, improve sleep and relieve tension, strengthen memory and prevent the onset of senile dementia.

Infusion from the root is indicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (especially gastritis with low acidity), suffering from rheumatism, neuralgia, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The root crop has a diuretic effect, therefore it is recommended for the prevention of kidney and bladder diseases. When greens, carrots, apples or turnips are added to celery, its beneficial effect is enhanced. The specific taste of aromatic spices allows you to practically not salt the dishes, and this facilitates the work of the kidneys and heart.

The composition of the root of the plant contains the male hormone androsterone, which helps to strengthen potency. It is he who prevents the appearance of prostatitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system. It is believed that an increased concentration of this substance makes the stronger sex attractive and courageous in the eyes of girls.

The beneficial properties of celery are used in the presence of the following medical indicators:

1. A predisposition to the appearance of malignant tumors. The polyacetylenes and phthalides contained in the vegetable neutralize the action of carcinogens.

2. Diabetes. Leaves normalize metabolism and blood sugar.

3. Cardiovascular disease. Celery normalizes cholesterol and blood pressure, improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

4. Skin diseases, as the plant helps to cleanse the circulatory system.

5. Excess weight. Celery regulates the water-salt balance, facilitates the process of food processing, breaks down fat.

Celery, the useful properties of which can be listed for a long time, also has excellent cosmetic properties, beneficially affecting the condition of hair, skin, nails.

And finally, it should be noted that the healing properties of the plant are able to restore tissues and internal organs, which strengthens overall health and gives a rejuvenating effect.

Celery: beneficial properties for children

If the child does not have allergies, the mother can give him celery from 12 months, adding a little to juice and smoothies. Especially such mixtures will be useful for vitamin deficiency after a long winter, when the baby has an increased need for vitamins. Until fresh vegetables appear, they can be replaced with celery.

What is useful celery for a child:

• increases immunity;

• regulates metabolism;

• improves blood coagulation;

• relieves inflammation;

• strengthens bones and teeth;

• soothing.

In addition, celery increases appetite and enhances the secretion of gastric juice. For this reason, it is recommended to give it to the baby in small quantities before the main meal.

Celery: contraindications

Despite the huge number of useful properties, the vegetable has contraindications that must be taken into account in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Contraindications to the use of celery are:

1. Kidney stones. Studies by doctors have shown that patients begin to move stones, which requires surgical intervention.

2. Epilepsy. The use of plants in large quantities is quite capable of provoking an attack of the disease.

3. Colitis and enterocolitis. The high content of essential oils causes irritation of the membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and bloating.

4. Uterine bleeding, heavy menstruation - blood loss may increase.

5. Allergy. All allergy sufferers are aware that celery is a strong allergen, therefore they exclude the plant from their menu.

6. Ulcer and gastritis with high acidity. A vegetable can cause a negative reaction, since celery juice has a stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

The presence of varicose veins is not a contraindication to the consumption of celery, however, persons suffering from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, should carefully include the plant in the diet.

The use of celery is prohibited for pregnant women, since a specific spice causes excessive gas formation, which negatively affects the child. In addition, in the sixth month, all preparations containing celery in their composition are contraindicated.

The use of plants for food is also contraindicated for nursing mothers. This can lead to a decrease in lactation or a change in the taste of milk - the baby simply simply abandons the mother's breast.

Thus, if there are no contraindications to celery, it can be safely used in food, thereby enriching the body with valuable elements.


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